12 most successful small business ideas

most successful small business ideas With the evolution of the times, business competition has become increasingly fierce, and companies must either evolve or be eliminated.

most successful small business ideas

most successful small business ideas

With the evolution of the times, business competition has become increasingly fierce, and companies must either evolve or be eliminated.
Based on 24 years of theoretical cultivation and practical guidance, Quark has helped dozens of partner companies become industry leaders.
Here, for the first time, we disclose to the outside world the “12 business philosophies” that have led to the successful evolution of our partner companies. Please read them carefully.

Business management is like long-distance running

Many companies are accustomed to pursuing short-term profits and constantly changing sales strategies in order to increase sales. This kind of tactical thinking can indeed stimulate sales, but the company cannot really grow.
“If you don’t have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries.” If a company wants to go further, entrepreneurs must cultivate strategic thinking and think about: In the next five years, what kind of state will the company survive in and

how to seek more favorable conditions? Expansion capacity.

In the strategic management and control model, strategic decision-makers have an in-depth understanding of more than ten business laws based on multi-dimensional perspectives such as brand, organization, and resources.

Practice business rules according to the actual situation of the enterprise, formulate strategic goals, and generate strategic paths and measurement indicators for the next five years of development.

Use a plan to deal with all changes

  • In the long-distance running in the business world, the market environment and industry rules are changing all the time, and there are countless unknown factors.

  • Successful companies will make detailed plans step by step to deal with the risks caused by external changes.
    In the annual business plan, leaders break down the company’s strategy into annual goals. The directors of each department refine department budgets into project budgets through project establishment, so that everything in each department serves the common goal.

This forms a marketing value chain in which the front-end department serves customers and the mid- and back-end departments serve the front-end department. At the same time, the annual salary of senior executives is matched, and the core executives and the company form a community of interests through the matching of rights, responsibilities and benefits.

Require the team to work according to the work standards of modern managers

Enterprises that are not eliminated by the times must adapt to the changes of the times, and their resource utilization must keep pace with the times.

In the project management model, project managers complete projects through strong matrix cross-department collaboration. Different people support different tasks, and employees’ view of their roles will slowly change from “department employees” to “project team members.”

This strong matrix project management model can maximize the use of the organization’s human resources and increase per capita profits. It can also allow mid-level and junior-level talents to better express themselves by completing projects, and senior management will see more talents who are responsible for their own abilities.

Concept 4:Good results come from the process

In China, the turnover of employees in enterprises is very frequent. When some employees who have accumulated a lot of experience leave, the damage to the company is huge.

If a company uses “processes” to pass on the successful experience of each project, it will be able to operate smoothly even if the company faces personnel changes.

Comprehensive process reengineering forces the heads of each department to sort out key tasks and related processes, allowing new employees to quickly adapt and complete their work according to the corresponding processes, thereby reducing losses caused by personnel turnover . After an enterprise forms its own process library through one or two years of accumulation, its operating efficiency will be greatly improved.

Idea 5: Sales scale is not the only indicator to measure the quality of sales

For enterprises, there are many ways to sprint quickly, stimulate sales and become a “sprint champion”, but a successful enterprise should be a “long-distance champion”.

Successful companies can maintain good marketing performance for a long time, use the right way to sell, and truly transform from relying on price reductions, discounts, promotions, etc. to a sustainable sales model.

When introducing a healthy sales model, companies will use professional theoretical models to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of their own sales models and cultivate awareness of healthy sales . Not only can enterprises “eat well” now, but also “eat better” in the future.

By strengthening the functions of the sales headquarters, companies can combine healthy sales rules and reasonable sales indicators to better achieve sustained sales growth.

Concept 6: Having unavailable people is a major obstacle to corporate advancement.

Successful entrepreneurs are never mere commanders. Successful companies are composed of professional teams with elite soldiers.

Academic theory accounts for the majority of the Chinese university system, while professional literacy learning is relatively lacking. As a result, the basic literacy levels (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and execution) of employees in the workplace are uneven, which poses a great obstacle to the overall collaboration of the enterprise and makes it difficult to improve work efficiency.

By building a professional team, companies can unify the underlying logic of team thinking and solve problems more deeply and comprehensively. Then, the working habits and working thinking of the entire enterprise can be highly unified, improve team collaboration efficiency, and make work reliable and guaranteed .

Concept 7: No more “making wedding clothes for others”

Many companies have discovered:

  • Its scale is not small, but its gross profit margin is particularly low.
  • There is no difference between our own products and competing products, but our market share is far lower than that of our competitors.
  • When a company develops good products, they are copied by more well-known brands after they are launched on the market, thus losing the market share that should belong to them.
  • After realizing the importance of a professional brand management model, managers will separate marketing and sales departments.

Establish a professional marketing department to help the brand form a distinct personality from the perspective of customers understanding the brand , and provide a basis for many marketing decisions such as subsequent new product launches, product line management, channel development, and terminal management.

Enterprises focus on the high-frequency contact points between brands and customers, generate brand management regulations and processes, and establish a long-term management model with brand as the core.

Concept 8: The driving force of employees comes from clear rights and responsibilities, but also from visible benefits and growth.

  • The tragedy in the workplace is that “not in one’s position, but seeking political power” or “in one’s position, not seeking political power”. Leaders do the work of experts, managers do the work of leaders, leaders do the work of executors, and management Those who have nothing to do wait.
  • When employees are unclear about their rights and responsibilities, they will work from a wrong perspective, misjudge their work results, and develop unreasonable expectations.
  • Adopting the salary and career development model, the company’s salary system for high, middle and basic levels is more clear.
  • Through compound compensation methods such as base salary, performance, and options, reasonable expectations of employees at each level are set to match the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of each level. Based on the principle of combining long-term and short-term, and more capable people, we will improve the team’s enthusiasm for work.

At the same time, a clear promotion ladder should be established, coupled with relevant learning, to help employees break the promotion “ceiling” and reduce the brain drain rate.

Concept 9: One-time success may be accidental, but continued success must be supported.

  • There are countless companies that “get rich overnight” by relying on explosive products, but only a few companies can continuously generate explosive products.
  • The success rate of new product launches in China is about 8%. Many people mistakenly believe that launching a new product means spending a lot of money.
  • In fact, there is a standardized model for launching new products to ensure success rate.

Organizations need to establish a way to continuously advance new products. Be constantly active in front of users and consumers.

Using the new product launch model, companies can efficiently establish a scientific new product launch management process, set reasonable launch goals and investment caps, strictly control the quality of key nodes, and improve the success rate of new product launches.

Concept 10: Don’t fight uncertain battles

At the beginning of a company’s establishment, entrepreneurs have a relatively high error tolerance rate in decision-making, and capturing market trends can rely on entrepreneurs’ keen business sense. But when a company gradually grows and the market changes rapidly, “one mistake will lead to a loss of everything”.

Every step a successful company takes is based on scientific data, and decisions should not be made “on the head.”

Introducing a scientific marketing decision-making model, the company establishes a professional market research department and builds a marketing information system, and cultivates a group of management teams who master professional analysis tools. They use objective data to replace “sense of smell” to discover market opportunities, evaluate market risks, and effectively reduce The probability of a company making a mistake.

Concept 11: To deal with the outside world, we must first make peace with the inside.

When the number of corporate brands increases, it is easy for sub-brands to compete for resources with each other.

Before a successful company launches multiple brands into the market together, it is necessary to clarify their respective fronts to avoid mutual consumption with their “own family” in the mall.

By effectively using the multi-brand management model, companies can define the positioning of each brand and formulate strategic goals and stage goals for each brand.

Establish a multi-brand matrix, clearly explain the relationship between each brand and its products, clarify product development principles, allocate resources in a planned manner, and complete the product planning of each brand in the next 2 to 3 years .

Concept 12: Blood transfusion is not as good as hematopoiesis

  • On the way forward for an enterprise, “talent” is a “sharp weapon” for overcoming obstacles. Many companies are accustomed to “parachute senior executives” to solve the current dilemma of lack of talent, but in most cases: senior executives are not accustomed to the climate after being parachuted in for a year and leave hastily.
  • Successful companies often have their own management echelon reserves to build their own hematopoietic capabilities and provide a steady stream of talents for corporate evolution.
  • Build a management echelon so that management teams at all levels can match corresponding management learning and practice before promotion, and cultivate a formal management team that meets the needs of enterprise development.

Deeply explore and stimulate the potential of each manager, train the management team to establish and maintain organizational rules based on the overall interests, and achieve an increase in the company’s per capita profits.

“There is a long way to go”

Successful entrepreneurs all have the same business philosophy.

These concepts are the direction indicators for enterprises to achieve success.

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