5 global health issues and concerns

today we are going to discuss about the main and most major 5 global health issues and concerns and help you how to get rid from these issues. so ready

Do you know what is Global health issues?

Yes its right Global health problems impact people globally. These challenges are large and much more complicated, and need collaboration from governments or international organizations and stakeholders to solve. Global health concerns are include infectious illnesses non-communicable diseases which is  maternity and child health, nutrition, access to healthcare mental health environmental health mainly effects your sexual part  reproductive health, drug misuse, and health inequality.

5 global health issues and concerns

1. Infectious viral  Diseases: HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and COVID-19 continue to threaten world health. These illnesses may spread globally quickly.

2.  Most Non-communicable diseases (NCDs):  basically some of Cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses kill most people worldwide. Mainly  Unhealthy diets, inactivity, and cigarette use increase their prevalence.

3.  Peak level Maternal and Child Health: Many countries have unacceptable maternal and child mortality rates. Lack of excellent healthcare, nutrition, and maternity and child health services adds to this problem.

4. Mental health disturbance : issues afflict millions globally. Stigma, lack of finances, and restricted access to mental health treatments impede individuals from getting help.

5. Healthcare issues: Many areas and disadvantaged people much have to still struggle to receive vital healthcare services. Its  Poverty, infrastructure, and healthcare system inequities might limit medical and preventative treatments.

Main 10 Disease which play major role in 5 global health issues and concerns

Do you know what is Global health issues?

Yes its right Global health problems impact people globally. These challenges are large and much more complicated, and need collaboration from governments or international organizations and stakeholders to solve. Global health concerns are include infectious illnesses non-communicable diseases which is  maternity and child health, nutrition, access to healthcare mental health environmental health mainly effects your sexual part  reproductive health, drug misuse, and health inequality.

5 global health issues and concerns

1. Infectious viral  Diseases: HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and COVID-19 continue to threaten world health. These illnesses may spread globally quickly.

2.  Most Non-communicable diseases (NCDs):  basically some of Cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses kill most people worldwide. Mainly  Unhealthy diets, inactivity, and cigarette use increase their prevalence.

3.  Peak level Maternal and Child Health: Many countries have unacceptable maternal and child mortality rates. Lack of excellent healthcare, nutrition, and maternity and child health services adds to this problem.

4. Mental health disturbance : issues afflict millions globally. Stigma, lack of finances, and restricted access to mental health treatments impede individuals from getting help.

5. Healthcare issues: Many areas and disadvantaged people much have to still struggle to receive vital healthcare services. Its  Poverty, infrastructure, and healthcare system inequities might limit medical and preventative treatments

  2. Malaria
  3. Tuberculosis (TB)
  4. Influenza (Flu)
  5. Diabetes
  6. Cancer
  7. Ebola
  8. Cholera
  9. Zika virus
  10. Hepatitis
  11. Dengue fever
  12. Polio
  13. Measles
  14. Rabies
  15. Chikungunya
  16. Yellow fever
  17. Schistosomiasis
  18. Leprosy
  19. Chagas disease
  20. Guinea worm disease
  21. Sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis)
  22. River blindness (Onchocerciasis)
  23. Trachoma
  24. Leishmaniasis
  25. Chikungunya
  26. Buruli ulcer
  27. Hantavirus
  28. Avian influenza (Bird flu)
  29. Swine flu (H1N1)

these disease over all can cause the major problem in the 5 global health issues and concerns

now i am sharing information in the form of images

5 global health issues and concerns
5 global health issues and concerns ADS
Influenza (Flu)
Influenza (Flu)

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