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Implementation Rules of the National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Fund Free government money start business

Free government money start business

Implementation Rules of the National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Fund (Service Trade) in 2023

Article 1 (Purpose and Basis)

According to the “Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Finance and the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce on the Key Work of Special Funds for Foreign Economic and Trade Development in 2022” (Caibanjian [2022] No. 37), the “Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Foreign Economic and Trade Development” by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce “Notice” (Caijian [2022] No. 3), in order to strengthen and standardize the management of special funds for foreign economic and trade development (service trade) (hereinafter referred to as “special funds”) and promote the innovative development of service trade in this city, this document is specially formulated The fine print.

Article 2 (Source of Funds)

The term “special funds” as mentioned in these detailed rules refers to the special funds allocated by the central government for the development of foreign trade and economic cooperation, such as innovative development of service trade and improvement of the public service system in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation.

Article 3 (Management Department)

The special funds are jointly managed by the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Commerce Commission”) and the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Finance Bureau”). The Municipal Commerce Commission and the Municipal Finance Bureau respectively perform the following management responsibilities:

  • (1) Based on the development needs of relevant work in the city, the Municipal Commerce Commission proposes special fund support priorities, organizes project application and review together with the Municipal Finance Bureau, proposes financial support plans, and conducts supervision, inspection and performance evaluation of project implementation.
  • (2) The Municipal Finance Bureau cooperates with the Municipal Commerce Commission to review the key points and support plans of special funds, allocate funds, and carry out performance evaluation of special funds.

Article 4 (Support Direction)

Special funds will focus on supporting the innovative development of service trade. Give play to the demonstration and leading role of key regions to improve public service capabilities; encourage the import of technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive services that are urgently needed in the country; support enterprises to undertake international service outsourcing business; expand the export of technology and technical services.

(1) Improving public service capabilities

Support the recognized national-level characteristic service export bases to strengthen the construction of public service platforms and the overall utilization of resources. Support the base and the enterprises, institutions and institutions within the base that meet relevant conditions to provide service trade enterprises with common resource element support, information sharing and cloud services, inspection and testing, intellectual property rights, standardization construction, trade promotion, branding and publicity and promotion, and professional training and other public service platform construction.

Support the development of various public service projects that are conducive to the development of service trade enterprises (units).

  1. Support co-organizing or participating in key international exhibitions related to service trade hosted by domestic governments at or above the provincial and ministerial levels (including provincial and ministerial levels).

(2) Import of key services

According to the “Encouraged Import Services Catalog” (2019 Edition) issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the State Intellectual Property Office, service trade innovative development pilot areas are encouraged to import technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive products that are urgently needed in the country. type service.

(3) Undertake international service outsourcing business

Support service outsourcing enterprises to obtain internationally accepted qualification certifications, carry out research and development activities, and accelerate the development of international service outsourcing business.

(4) Technology export business

Support technology transfer such as patent right transfer, patent application right transfer, patent implementation license, proprietary technology transfer or licensing to overseas implementation through trade, investment or economic and technical cooperation, as well as technical services provided under technology transfer or licensing contracts .

Article 5 (General provisions for support objects)

(1) Registered in this city in accordance with the law and having independent legal person status;

(2) In accordance with relevant regulations, it has obtained the qualification to carry out relevant business or has undergone approval or filing, and has carried out relevant business;

(3) There have been no serious violations of laws and regulations in the past three years, and no financial funds repayable have been in arrears;

(4) Actively cooperate with relevant government departments of this city in accordance with regulations to complete various tasks in the construction of this city’s foreign economic and trade development public service system (including industry statistical monitoring, industry early warning, information consultation, etc.);

(5) Other conditions that should be met as required.

Article 6 (General Provisions on Fund Declaration and Review Procedures)

(1) The Municipal Commerce Commission shall arrange specific declaration work based on the relevant documents of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance and these detailed rules.

(2) All types of enterprises (units) that meet the conditions can submit applications and submit corresponding materials within the specified time in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

(3) The Municipal Commerce Commission shall organize project application and review together with the Municipal Finance Bureau. For those that are highly technical and really need to entrust third-party agencies to provide consulting and auxiliary services, they should be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements for government purchase of services. The review results will be announced on the website of the Municipal Commerce Commission. If there are no objections to the announcement, the Municipal Commerce Commission will submit an appropriation application to the Municipal Finance Bureau, and the Municipal Finance Bureau will allocate funds in accordance with the relevant regulations on treasury payment management.

Article 7 (Special Provisions on Fund Declaration and Review Procedures)

Please refer to the attachment for special regulations related to each support direction.

Article 8 (Supervision, Inspection and Performance Management)

(1) The Municipal Commerce Commission and the Municipal Finance Bureau jointly establish a special fund use management and project performance evaluation system, conduct regular or irregular follow-up inspections on the management and use of special funds, and focus on inspection and assessment of project completion, project organization and management level, project The effect of implementation, the financial management level of the unit, the quality of financial information, etc.

(2) The unit using the funds should properly keep the application materials, original bills and vouchers related to the special fund project for future reference in accordance with relevant financial regulations, and should actively cooperate with special inspections by relevant departments such as finance, commerce, and auditing, and proactively complete relevant work , provide corresponding documents and information in a timely manner. The use and management of special funds shall be subject to the supervision of supervisory departments in accordance with the law.

Article 9 (Handling of violations)

Special funds must be earmarked for specific purposes and are strictly prohibited from being withheld or misappropriated. Fraud, interception, misappropriation and other illegal activities will be dealt with in accordance with the “Regulations on Penalties and Punishments for Fiscal Illegal Acts” and other relevant national regulations, and the allocated special funds will be recovered in accordance with regulations.

According to the dishonesty of relevant units, bad records will be provided to the municipal public credit information service platform in accordance with relevant regulations, and corresponding restraint measures will be taken in different management links according to the degree of dishonesty.

Article 10 (Application Interpretation)

The Municipal Commerce Commission and the Municipal Finance Bureau are responsible for the interpretation of these detailed rules.

Article 11 (Effective Date)

These detailed rules will come into effect from the date of issuance and are valid for the 2023 National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Fund (Service Trade).

1. Support objects

  1. A public service platform built by a recognized national-level characteristic service export base and enterprises, institutions, and institutions within the base. Applicants must meet the following conditions:

(1) Enterprises, institutions and institutions registered in the base;

(2) Have the ability to provide public services for base construction and related service trade enterprises;

(3) Have a professional public service team and have social security payment records for relevant personnel;

  1. Enterprises (units) that co-organize or participate in key international exhibitions related to service trade sponsored by domestic governments at or above the provincial and ministerial levels (including provincial and ministerial levels).
  2. Support content and methods

(1) Construction of public service platform

  1. Equipment acquisition costs. Purchase costs for software and hardware equipment necessary to support platform construction, including computers, network equipment (including network security-related equipment), switches, servers, cabinets, UPS, batteries, air conditioners, network performance testers, storage equipment, and software necessary for platform operation Development and genuine software purchase costs, broadband communication equipment, power distribution equipment and other hardware facilities. For equipment purchase expenses that meet the regulations, support will be provided within 50% of the equipment purchase cost; for software development expenses and genuine software purchase expenses that meet the regulations, support will be provided within 50% of the amount, with the maximum total support not exceeding 400,000. Yuan.
  2. Operation and maintenance expenses. Support the costs of telecommunications, equipment rental, rent, operation and maintenance services, training, venues, materials and other expenses incurred by running the platform or carrying out public services. For operation and maintenance expenses that comply with regulations, support will be provided within 50% of the actual operation and maintenance expenses. In principle, the support period for operation and maintenance expenses of each platform shall not exceed three years.

In principle, each applicant unit is limited to applying for one platform, and the maximum total support amount for each unit does not exceed 1.5 million yuan.

3.In the form of government purchase of services, qualified enterprises, institutions, institutions, and social organizations are encouraged to carry out various public service projects that are conducive to the development of service trade enterprises (units). mainly include:

(1) Prepare guidelines for the expansion of key overseas markets for service trade;

(2) Prepare development reports on major areas of international trade in services;

(3) Compile a series of promotional brochures (foreign language version) for Shanghai’s overseas trade in services;

(4) Service trade statistics. According to the “Notice of the Office of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Commerce on Carrying out Statistical Monitoring of Key Enterprises in Service Trade”, the city’s service trade statistical monitoring working mechanism shall be established in the form of government purchase of services to improve the city’s service trade statistical monitoring, operation and Analytical work.

(5) Support research topics on the service outsourcing industry. For units that undertake research projects on the service outsourcing industry, each project will be provided with a cost support of no more than 50,000 yuan, and the maximum total support for the undertaking unit shall not exceed 200,000 yuan.

(2) Key international exhibitions

For relevant enterprises (units) in this city that co-organize or participate in key international exhibitions related to service trade sponsored by domestic governments at or above the provincial and ministerial levels (including provincial and ministerial levels), the maximum actual expenses required for the relevant exhibitions such as booth fees and construction fees shall not exceed 50 RMB. %support. The maximum total support amount for each applicant unit shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

If the above various projects have received government financial support through other channels, they will not be supported again.

Application conditions and materials The applicant unit must register on the “Unified Platform of the Ministry of Commerce Business System (Enterprise

The applicant unit should meet the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5 of the “2023 National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Funds (Service Trade) Implementation Rules”, and also need to meet the following conditions:

(1) Construction of public service platform

  1. Application conditions

A. The platform applicant unit should be the actual investment unit of the platform;

B. The main purpose of platform construction is to serve industries and fields related to service trade, and objectively optimize the development environment of Shanghai’s service trade;

C. The platform should be a project that has been completed or is under construction in 2022;

D. The platform should have the necessary places and professional staff for operation;

E. The equipment was purchased through formal channels and complies with the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations;

F. Software development and system maintenance work are provided by professional companies registered and operating in accordance with the law;

G. The expenses for applying for subsidies should be incurred between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.

  1. Application materials

A. “Application Form for Funds to Improve Public Service Capacity in Shanghai” (Public Service Platform Construction) (Appendix 1) (including electronic data);

B. Application report (including platform construction and operation status), which mainly includes: the basic information and financial status of the applicant; the background, significance and main content of the establishment of the platform; the total investment (including platform investment list), specific implementation plan of the platform, and construction progress and funding availability; the main technical and economic indicators achieved by the platform or the results and forms provided after the platform is completed; service objects and the method of providing services (contract for providing services), documentation proving the number of service objects; achievement of performance goals self-evaluation, accompanied by a statement of authenticity of the application materials; the application report must be signed by the legal person and stamped with the official seal of the unit; if the applicant is a qualified enterprise, institution, or institution within the base, it must also provide relevant information of a public service nature for the unit Evidence.

C. Copies of contracts, invoices and payment vouchers related to expenses;

D. A copy of the applicant’s 2022 financial accounting report audited by an accounting firm;

E. A copy of the legal person business license of the applicant;

F. Other materials that need to be supplemented.

All the above materials must be stamped with the official seal of the unit.

(2) Key international exhibitions

  1. Application conditions:

The applicant unit should be an enterprise (unit) related to service trade in this city. The expenses for applying for subsidies should be incurred between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.

  1. Application materials:

A.”Application Form for Funds to Improve Public Service Capacity in Shanghai” (Key International Exhibitions) (Appendix 2) (including electronic data);

B.The application report mainly includes: exhibition status, co-organizing or participating in the exhibition, co-organizing or participating in the exhibition fees (booth fees, construction fees, etc.), results achieved by co-organizing or participating in the exhibition, and a statement of the authenticity of the application materials;

C. Copies of invoices and payment vouchers related to expenses;

D.A copy of the legal person’s business license;

E. Other materials that need to be supplemented.

All the above materials must be stamped with the official seal of the unit.

4. Material requirements and submission deadline

(1) Material requirements

  1. Written material requirements: Application materials must be made on A4 paper, with a catalog page and bound into a volume using left-side glue binding in the order of material requirements, and each form must be stamped with an official seal as required.
  2. Electronic data requirements: The platform application should include the “Shanghai City Funding Application Form for Improving Public Service Capacity” (Public Service Platform Construction) and application report, and the exhibition application should include the “Shanghai City Funding Application Form for Improving Public Service Capacity” (key international exhibitions) and application report. Submit email address: .

(2) Submission deadline

Application materials should be sent to the relevant district commerce department before May 31, 2023. No materials will be accepted after the due date.

Attachment 2

2023 Shanghai Key Services Import Fund Declaration Guide

  1. Application conditions

The applicant enterprise should meet the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5 of the “2023 National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Fund (Service Trade) Implementation Rules”. The enterprise also needs to meet the following conditions:

(1) Imported services should be included in the “Catalogue of Encouraged Imported Services” (Announcement No. 14 of 2019 of the Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and State Intellectual Property Office).

(2) The contract for imported services should be executed from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and a foreign exchange payment certificate for imported services should be obtained from the bank, and the amount of foreign exchange payment should not be less than US$500,000.

(3) “Import interest discount matters” shall not be declared repeatedly.

(4) If the imported services are technical services, they should be entered in the “Technical Trade Management Information Application” system of the Ministry of Commerce’s business system unified platform ( as of January 2022 The actual amount of technology import contracts from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

(5) If the imported services are other than technical services, they should be registered in the “Service Trade Key Monitoring Enterprise Direct Reporting Management Application” system on the unified platform of the Ministry of Commerce’s business system ( Enter the actual amount of the service import contract from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

  1. Support methods

For service import business where the applicant enterprise obtains a foreign exchange payment voucher between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, the amount of foreign exchange payment for service import shall be used as the principal for calculating the interest subsidy, and shall not exceed the 2022 2022 stipulations announced by the People’s Bank of China. The most recent one-year RMB loan market quoted interest rate (LPR) before December 31, 2020 will be provided with interest discount support. The interest discount amount for each unit shall not exceed RMB 5 million.

  1. Application materials
  2. Application documents signed by the legal representative of the unit, including: basic information of the enterprise, purpose of import, expected benefits, etc. If the enterprise changes its name, the relevant information should be explained and supporting materials should be attached;
  3. “Instructions for Declaration of Interest Subsidy Matters for Import of Services in 2023” (Attachment 1), “Declaration Form for Interest Subsidy Matters for Import of Services in 2023” (Attachment 2), “Application Summary Form for Interest Subsidy Matters for Import of Services in 2023” (Attachment 3) ;
  4. Copy of the enterprise’s business license and import service contract;
  5. A copy of the exchange payment voucher issued by the bank;
  6. A copy of the company’s 2022 financial accounting report audited by an accounting firm (if this material is not available yet, provide other statement materials explaining the company’s financial accounting situation first, and explain it to the staff at the submission point and agree to resubmit it);
  7. If the services imported by the enterprise are technical consulting and technical services as specified in the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Technology Import and Export”, they should also submit the “Technology Import Contract Registration Certificate” corresponding to the imported services, and submit it in the Register the actual import amount in the system;
    1. Other materials that need to be supplemented.

All the above materials must be stamped with the company’s official seal.

Material requirements and submission deadline

(1) Material requirements

  1. Written material requirements: The application materials must be on A4 paper, with a catalog page and bound into a volume using left-side perfect binding in the order of material requirements, and each form must be stamped with an official seal as required.
  2. Electronic data requirements: The “Declaration Instructions for Interest Subsidy Matters on Import of Services in 2023” and the “Application Form for Interest Subsidy Matters on Import of Services in 2023” should be included. The submission medium is a CD or USB flash drive.
  3. Submit 1 set of written materials and electronic data media.

(2) Submission deadline

Application materials should be sent to the commercial authorities of the district where the registration place is located and the Lingang New Area before May 31, 2023 (see Appendix 4 for the material receiving address and contact information). The application materials will be initially reviewed by the commercial authorities of each district. Materials will not be accepted after the deadline .

Support content and application conditions

(1) Support content

Support service outsourcing business occurring from January 1 to December 31, 2022, mainly including:

  1. International qualification certification;
  2. Carry out research and development activities;
  3. Interest discount for service outsourcing business.

Among the above supports, the total financial support for each eligible applicant shall not exceed RMB 5 million.

(2) Application conditions

The applicant unit should meet the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5 of the “2023 National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Funds (Service Trade) Implementation Rules” and meet the following requirements:

  1. Enterprises should truthfully fill in and report the information stipulated in the “Service Outsourcing Statistical Reporting System” through the unified platform of the Ministry of Commerce’s business system “Service Outsourcing and Software Export Information Management Application” ( Report.
  2. Based on the 2022 service outsourcing execution amount approved by the service outsourcing information management application system, the enterprise’s international service outsourcing business execution amount from January 1 to December 31, 2022 shall not be less than US$500,000; among which, based on According to the “Shanghai Service Trade Promotion Guidance Catalog (2022 Edition)”, for enterprises engaged in industrial design, engineering technology, and service design services, this standard can be reduced to US$200,000.
  3. Support methods and materials

(1) Basic materials:

  1. Application form for special funds for foreign trade and economic development (service outsourcing) (print after submission online, with watermark);
  2. Application statement signed by the legal representative;
  3. Business license (copy with official seal);
  4. 2022 financial audit report audited by an accounting firm (copy);
  5. Detailed list of income from offshore service outsourcing business and supporting materials, including:

(1) Summary table of contracts and exchange receipt vouchers (Appendix 3);

(2) Outsourcing contract information form (printed copy of the “Service Outsourcing and Software Export Information Management Application” that has passed the review);

(3) The offshore service outsourcing contract and the corresponding exchange receipt voucher and foreign-related income declaration form (both are copies and need to be matched one-to-one). Enterprises that do not apply for service outsourcing business interest discounts only need to provide no less than 500,000 US dollars. certificate.

To undertake the offshore service outsourcing business of a multinational company, and the income from the service outsourcing business is paid by the domestic institution of the multinational company on its behalf, a copy of the relevant business vouchers (fund account notice, invoice stub certificate, certification materials of the business outsourcing party or the paying party must be provided wait).

(2) Special support methods and application materials

  1. International qualification certification

(1)Support methods:

Enterprises that undertake international service outsourcing business will be supported for the related expenses incurred in obtaining international qualification certification between January 1 and December 31, 2022, or the maintenance and upgrade of international qualification certification that has been obtained. Each enterprise can apply for up to 5 certification projects each year, and each project will be provided with financial support of no more than 500,000 yuan.

The scope of international qualification certification support is: Development Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Human Resources Maturity Model (PCMM), Information Security Management (ISO27001/BS7799),

IT Service Management (ISO20000), Service Provider Environmental Security (SAS70) /SSAE16), International Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animals (AAALAC), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Information Technology Infrastructure Library Certification (ITIL), Customer Service Center Certification (COPC), Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications Certification ( SWIFT), quality management system requirements (ISO9001), business continuity management standards (BS25999), payment card industry data security standards (PCI DSS), environmental management system certification (ISO14001),

energy management system standards (ISO50001), occupational health and safety Management system certification (OHSAS18001, ISO45001), Customer Center Capability Maturity Model Certification (CC-CMM), Laboratory Management Standard (ISO17025), Information Technology Service Standard (ITSS), Automotive Electronics Functional Safety Standard (ISO26262) and other related certifications.

(2)Application materials:

A. International Qualification Certification Support Application Form (1 certification, 1 record, print after submission online);

B. International qualification certificate (copy, the original must be brought to the district commercial department for verification);

C. Certification/assessment contract or upgrade service contract (copy);

D. Payment voucher and invoice (copy).

  1. Carry out research and development activities

(1)Support methods:

The following expenses incurred between January 1 and December 31, 2022: acquisition costs of genuine software such as development and testing tools and databases used by ITO companies for research and development purposes, and related software used by BPO companies for business process research and development The purchase costs of database analysis model systems, etc., and the information service fees such as database usage rights used by KPO enterprises for research and development will be supported by up to 50% respectively and the total amount shall not exceed 300,000 yuan.

(2)Application materials:

A. Application form for support in carrying out research and development activities (print after submitting online);

B. Purchase contract or service contract (copy);

C. Payment voucher and invoice (copy).

  1. Interest discount for service outsourcing business

(1)Support methods:

For international service outsourcing (offshore execution amount) business income generated between January 1 and December 31, 2022, the offshore service income that has been approved in the unified platform of the Ministry of Commerce’s business system “Service Outsourcing and Software Export Information Management Application” The amount of service outsourcing execution and the amount of foreign exchange received from the submitted foreign-related income declaration form (whichever is lower) are used as the principal for calculating the interest discount, which shall not exceed the latest one-year RMB loan market before December 31, 2022 announced by the People’s Bank of China. The quoted interest rate (LPR) provides discount support.

Enterprises can choose one of the service outsourcing business interest subsidy and technology export interest subsidy support policies on their own, and cannot apply repeatedly.

(2)Application materials:

Service outsourcing business interest discount support application form (print after submitting online);

(3) Other instructions

All written application materials for each of the above support methods:

  1. Must be stamped with the company’s official seal;
  2. There must be a table of contents page and page numbers and make them correspond;
  3. Print on A4 paper, perfect binding on the left side in order and bound into a volume;
  4. Application process

(1) The applicant enterprise logs in to the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission’s special financial fund management platform ( ), fills in and prints the special application form, and ensures that the paper materials of the application form are watermarked;

(2) The applicant enterprise shall submit paper materials to the commerce department of the district where the registration place is located before May 31, 2023 (Attachment 4);

(3) Preliminary review by the district commerce department and fill in the “Material Signing List” (Attachment 1);

(4) The district commerce department shall submit the “Declaration Summary Form” (Attachment 2), “Material Receipt List” (Attachment 1) and application materials to the Municipal Commerce Commission before June 7, 2023.

No materials will be accepted after the due date .

Annex 4

Application conditions

Applicant enterprises and units should meet the basic conditions stipulated in Article 5 of the “2023 National Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special Funds (Service Trade) Implementation Rules” and meet the following requirements:

(1) According to the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Technology Import and Export”, the technology export contract and the actual export value in 2022 (excluding equipment export value) have been registered in the unified platform of the Ministry of Commerce’s business system (Technology Trade Management Information System).

(2) The export technology that declares financial support should obtain a foreign exchange receipt certificate issued by the bank between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, and the total foreign exchange receipts of the company’s technology exports are less than 500,000 US dollars (including 500,000 U.S. dollars). USD) and above.

(3) It is not allowed to apply for “interest discount support for service outsourcing business” repeatedly.

Support methods

For technology export business where the applicant enterprise or unit obtains a foreign exchange receipt voucher between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, the amount of foreign exchange received from technology export shall be used as the principal for calculating the interest discount, and shall not exceed the amount announced by the People’s Bank of China. Interest discount support will be provided at the latest one-year RMB loan market quoted rate (LPR) before December 31, 2022. The support amount for each enterprise or unit shall not exceed RMB 5 million.

  1. Application materials
  2. Instructions for declaration of interest discounts for technology exports in 2023 (Attachment 1);

2.Declaration form for technology export interest discounts in 2023 (Attachment 2)

  1. Application form for technology export discounts in 2023 (Attachment 3);
  2. Summary form for technology export discount application in 2023 (Attachment 4);
  3. A copy of the company’s business license;
  4. Copies of technology export contract registration certificate, technology export contract data sheet, and change record sheet;
  5. A copy of the technology export contract (if the contract is in a foreign language, a Chinese translation must be provided at the same time);
  6. Copy of the exchange receipt issued by the bank;
  7. Copy of foreign-related income declaration form;
  8. A copy of the company’s 2022 financial accounting report audited by an accounting firm (if this material is not available yet, provide other statement materials explaining the company’s financial accounting situation first, and explain it to the staff at the submission point and agree to submit it);
  9. Units involved in the transfer of patent rights must provide a copy of the notification of passing the procedure for changing the bibliographic items;
  10. Other materials that need to be supplemented. All the above materials need to be stamped with official seal.
  11. Material requirements and submission deadline

(1) Material requirements

  1. The application materials must be made on A4 paper, which must have a catalog page and be bound into a volume using left-side perfect binding in the order of application materials.
  2. The legal representative must sign the interest subsidy declaration instructions and interest subsidy application form.
  3. In addition to submitting written materials, enterprises also need to submit electronic data. Electronic data should contain all written material content and be in word format. The submission medium is a CD or USB flash drive.
  4. Submit one set each of written materials and electronic data media.
  5. The “actual export amount” filled in the relevant forms should be consistent with the actual amount entered in the system (actual execution amount).

(2) Submission deadline

Application materials should be sent to the commercial authorities of the district where the registration place is located and the Lingang New Area before May 31, 2023 (see Appendix 5 for the material receiving address and contact information). The application materials will be initially reviewed by the commercial authorities of each district. Materials will not be accepted after the deadline .

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