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Healthcare Small Business Ideas Philippines On October 18, 2023, the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing.

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  Belt and Road International Cooperation

  1. On October 18, 2023, the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, President Fernandez of Argentina, President Boric of Chile, President Sassou Sassou of the Republic of Congo, President Joko of Indonesia, President Tokayev of Kazakhstan, President Ruto of Kenya, President Thongloun Si of Laos, President of Mongolia Hu Zilesukh, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Serbian President Vucic, Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe, Turkmenistan National Leader and Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars Ku

Berdimuhamedov, and Uzbekistan President Mirziyoyev , Vietnamese President Vo Van Tring, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manai, Egyptian Prime Minister Madbouly, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, Mozambique Prime Minister Maleane, Pakistani Prime Minister Kakkar, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Marape , Prime Minister of Thailand Seetha, Vice President of Nigeria Shettima, and Secretary-General of the United Nations Guterres attended the meeting. High-level representatives from leaders of France, the United Arab Emirates,

Greece and other countries attended the meeting. Representatives from more than 150 countries attended the meeting. President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony.

2. The theme of the summit forum is “High-quality joint construction

  2. The theme of the summit forum is “High-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and joint efforts to achieve common development and prosperity.” Three high-level forums were held during the forum, with the topics being: (1) Deepening interconnection and building an open world economy; (2) Jointly building a green Silk Road and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature; (3) Developing the digital economy and mining New driving force for economic growth. Six thematic forums were also held during the forum to discuss unimpeded trade, maritime cooperation, clean Silk Road, think tank exchanges, people-to-people connectivity, local cooperation, etc. Before the opening of the forum, a “Belt and Road” Entrepreneurs Conference was held.

3. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

  3. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Over the past 10 years, the “Belt and Road” cooperation network has extended from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. More than 150 countries, more than 30 international organizations and China have signed “Belt and Road” cooperation documents. China has held three Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forums, and has established cooperation with partners in more than 20 fields including railways, ports, finance, taxation, energy, green development, green investment, disaster reduction, anti-corruption, think tanks, media, and culture. A platform for multilateral dialogue and cooperation.

. Over the past 10 years, “Belt and Road”

  4. Over the past 10 years, the “Belt and Road” initiative has focused on interconnection and promoted the construction of economic corridors as the guide, with major channels and information highways as the skeleton, and relying on railways, ports, and pipeline networks, covering land, sea, and air. The interconnected network of , Internet and Internet has promoted the circulation of goods, funds, technology and personnel in various countries. China has cooperated with various parties to carry out more than 3,000 practical projects, attracting nearly US$1 trillion in investment.

5. All parties believe that the “One Belt, One Road” initiative inherits the Silk Road spirit

  5. All parties believe that the “One Belt, One Road” initiative inherits the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win, and adheres to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, openness, greenness and integrity, high standards and sustainable development that benefits people’s livelihood. The principle of cooperation promotes policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds among countries. It provides impetus for world economic growth, builds a platform for international economic cooperation, and opens up space for global common development. It has become a widely welcomed International public goods are a major practice in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

6. All parties look forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation

  6. All parties look forward to continuing to strengthen cooperation, pushing the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” into a new stage of high-quality development, making greater contributions to promoting international cooperation, promoting global economic growth, accelerating the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and jointly opening up A bright future of peace, development, cooperation and win-win.

  Main results of the summit forum

Build a three-dimensional interconnection network along the Belt and Road Initiative.

  (1) Build a three-dimensional interconnection network along the Belt and Road Initiative. China will accelerate the high-quality development of China-Europe trains, participate in the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, successfully host the China-Europe International Cooperation Forum, and work with all parties to build a new logistics channel for the Eurasian continent supported by direct railway and highway transportation. Actively promote the integrated development of “Silk Road and Maritime Transport” ports, shipping and trade, and accelerate the construction of the New Land-Sea Corridor and the Air Silk Road.

Support the building of an open world economy.

  (2) Support the building of an open world economy. China will create a “Silk Road E-commerce” cooperation pilot zone and negotiate free trade agreements and investment protection agreements with more countries. Comprehensively remove restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. Actively follow international high-standard economic and trade rules, further promote high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital products, and deepen reforms in the fields of state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property, and government procurement. China will hold the “Global Digital Trade Expo” every year. In the next five years (2024-2028), China’s import and export volume of trade in goods and services is expected to exceed US$32 trillion and US$5 trillion in total.

Carry out practical cooperation

  (3) Carry out practical cooperation. China will coordinate the promotion of landmark projects and “small but beautiful” people’s livelihood projects. The China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will each set up a financing window of 350 billion yuan, and the Silk Road Fund will add 80 billion yuan of new funds to support the joint construction of “Belt and Road” projects in a market-oriented and commercial manner. The Entrepreneurs Conference held during this summit forum reached a project cooperation agreement of US$97.2 billion. China will also implement 1,000 small livelihood assistance projects, promote Sino-foreign vocational education cooperation through Luban Workshop and other projects, and work with all parties to strengthen the safety of projects and personnel involved in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.

promote green development. China will continue to deepen cooperation in green infrastructure

  (4) Promote green development. China will continue to deepen cooperation in green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation and other fields, increase support for the “Belt and Road” Green Development International Alliance, continue to hold the “Belt and Road” Green Innovation Conference, and build a photovoltaic industry dialogue and exchange mechanism and a green and low-carbon Expert network. Implement the “Belt and Road” green investment principles and conduct 100,000 training sessions for partner countries by 2030.

Promote scientific and technological innovation

  (5) Promote scientific and technological innovation. China will continue to implement the “Belt and Road” science and technology innovation action plan, hold the first “Belt and Road” science and technology exchange conference, expand the number of joint laboratories built with all parties to 100 in the next five years, and support young scientists from all over the world to come to China for short-term work. China will propose a global artificial intelligence governance initiative at this forum and is willing to strengthen exchanges and dialogue with other countries to jointly promote the healthy, orderly and safe development of global artificial intelligence.

Support people-to-people exchange

  (6) Support people-to-people exchanges. China will hold the “Liangzhu Forum” to deepen civilized dialogue with countries co-building the “Belt and Road”. On the basis of the Silk Road International Theater, Art Festival, Museum, Art Gallery, and Library Alliance, the Silk Road Tourism Cities Alliance was established. Continue to implement the “Silk Road” Chinese Government Scholarship Program.

Build a path of integrity.

  (7) Build a path of integrity. China will work with its partners to release the “Belt and Road Initiative’s Integrity Construction Achievements and Prospects”, launch the “Belt and Road Initiative’s Integrity Construction Advanced Principles”, establish a “Belt and Road Initiative” enterprise integrity and compliance evaluation system, and cooperate with international organizations to carry out the “Belt and Road Initiative” “Integrity Research and Training.

improve the “Belt and Road” international cooperation mechanism

  (8) Improve the “Belt and Road” international cooperation mechanism. China will strengthen the construction of multilateral cooperation platforms with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative in the fields of energy, taxation, finance, green development, disaster reduction, anti-corruption, think tanks, media, culture and other fields. Continue to hold the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum and establish a secretariat for the summit forum.

  8. During the summit forum, 458 results were produced, including:

(1) All parties launched a series of international cooperation initiatives and decided to hold a series of international conferences. The chair country compiled a list of multilateral cooperation outcome documents (Annex 1). (2) Governments, financial institutions, local governments, and enterprises of various countries have agreed on a series of practical cooperation projects, bilateral cooperation agreements, etc., and the chair country has summarized these and formed a list of practical cooperation projects (Annex 2).

  High-level forum discussions

  9. At the high-level forum, all parties participating had in-depth

  (1) Deepen connectivity and build an open world economy

  Infrastructure is the cornerstone of connectivity. Strengthening connectivity will help countries better integrate into global supply chains, industrial chains, and value chains. Countries need to build and maintain high-quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, and should ensure that the infrastructure is feasible, affordable, inclusive and accessible throughout the entire cycle, and provides widespread benefits. Multilateral development banks and financial institutions of various countries are welcome to provide more financial support for infrastructure projects through financial instruments such as public-private partnerships and mixed financing.

  Strengthening cooperation in transportation, energy resources, water conservancy, information and communication facilities and other fields will help to improve all-round and composite interconnection networks, develop mutually compatible and multimodal transportation, and continuously improve the level of international transportation facilitation and international transportation. Channel toughness. Encourage international cooperation in infrastructure rules, regulations, standards and other aspects, promote the formation of universally recognized rules, standards and best practices, and improve the level of “soft connectivity”. China and relevant participants jointly released the Beijing Initiative for Deepening Cooperation on Connectivity.

  (2) Jointly build a green Silk Road and promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature

  All parties reviewed the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and supported joint efforts to build a green silk city. road to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  Taking climate action and addressing climate change should follow the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. “Belt and Road” partners support strengthening cooperation in areas such as biodiversity protection and pollution control, circular economy, green infrastructure, green transportation, desertification and sandstorm prevention and control, and encourage the development of effective green financial instruments. The Belt and Road Green Development International Alliance joins hands with partners to launch a green development investment and financing partnership to provide sufficient, predictable and sustainable financing for the green development of developing countries. China and relevant participants jointly released the Beijing Initiative for Green Development along the Belt and Road Initiative.

  (3) Develop digital economy and tap new drivers of economic growth

  Narrowing the “digital divide” will help make the results of the digital economy benefit everyone. An open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory digital development environment should be created, and a Digital Silk Road should be built where digital resources are co-constructed and shared, the vitality of the digital economy explodes, digital governance is precise and efficient, digital security is strong, and digital cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win.

  “Belt and Road” partners support the construction and improvement of regional communications, Internet, satellite navigation and other information infrastructure. Support the promotion of deep integration of digital technology with the real economy, promote digital transformation practice exchanges in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture, retail, education, medical care, health care, tourism and professional services, and deepen the application of blockchain, artificial intelligence and other technologies in finance, shipping, Innovative applications in commerce, culture and other fields strive to achieve a more inclusive, empowering, sustainable, resilient and innovation-driven digital transformation. Support the strengthening of exchanges and cooperation in the fields of international cyberspace governance and cyber law.

  China proposed the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative during the summit forum, calling on all countries to strengthen information exchange and technical cooperation in artificial intelligence governance, jointly prevent risks, form an artificial intelligence framework and standards with broad consensus, and continuously improve artificial intelligence. The security, reliability, controllability and fairness of intelligent technology. China and relevant participants jointly released the “Belt and Road” Digital Economy International Cooperation Beijing Initiative.

  Special forum discussions

  10. At the special forum, the participating parties expressed the following views.

  (1) Promote smooth trade

  All parties support a multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core, rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, just and transparent, and oppose unilateralism and protectionist measures. Support the advancement of necessary reforms of the WTO and realize the advancement of multilateral trade rules with the times.

  The “Belt and Road” partners agreed to further enhance the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, support cooperation in customs clearance facilitation and law enforcement, especially promote the international mutual recognition of “certified economic operators”, the “single window” of international trade, and the international Cooperation in the digitization of trade documents, promotion of digitization of shipping trade,

innovation in cross-border e-commerce supervision, and cooperation in the field of agricultural and food product inspection and quarantine. Support the optimization of the business environment, protect the rights and interests of investors in accordance with the law, improve multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation mechanisms,

jointly maintain the stability of industrial and supply chains, deepen two-way investment, strengthen cooperation in key industries, and support the WTO in reaching the Investment Facilitation Agreement.

Encourage three-party or multi-party market cooperation. Recognizing the impact of taxation on cross-border investment, we agreed to expand the tax treaty network and strengthen tax cooperation, especially under the framework of the “Belt and Road” tax collection and administration cooperation mechanism. China will support the construction of international cooperation zones for trade in services where conditions permit, and the high-quality

construction of pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port. China and relevant participants jointly released the “International Economic and Trade Cooperation Framework Initiative on Digital Economy and Green Development.”

  (2) Strengthening maritime cooperation

  The ocean has increasingly become the “blue engine” of the world’s economic development. We should support the development and transformation and upgrading of the ocean industry based on clean production, green technology, and circular economy, and develop a sustainable, resilient and inclusive blue economy. Encourage innovation in blue economy financial platforms, products, standards and service systems, give full play to the role of blue bonds, insurance, funds and other tools, and improve the investment and financing environment for blue industries.

  “Belt and Road” partners support the promotion of sustainable utilization of marine resources and strengthen cooperation in marine biodiversity protection, marine ecosystem protection and restoration, and response to climate change in the marine field. Deepen cooperation in marine science and technology, share knowledge and results on sustainable marine development, and promote the docking of marine technology standard systems and technology transfer. Provide marine public services, promote the construction of key submarine infrastructure, establish a cooperation mechanism for marine disaster prevention and reduction, and jointly build a marine disaster early warning system in key sea areas. China and relevant participants jointly released the “One Belt, One Road” Blue Cooperation Initiative.

  (3) Building a Silk Road of Integrity

  Integrity is an important guarantee for the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and there should be zero tolerance for corruption. Calls for comprehensive and efficient international cooperation in the fields of fugitive recovery, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering in accordance with the laws and regulations of various countries and their obligations under international conventions such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption and relevant bilateral treaties, and to refuse to serve as corrupt criminals and its assets provide a safe haven.

  China and its partners have released the “Achievements and Prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative for Integrity Construction” and the “High-Level Principles for the Belt and Road Initiative for Integrity Construction”. China believes that the “Belt and Road” integrity construction has achieved remarkable results, and proposes to jointly discuss the integrity partnership and jointly build an integrity camp. business environment and the principle of cooperation to share the results of clean development. Support the promotion of a culture of integrity, strengthen corporate awareness of self-discipline, legal awareness and responsibility, and establish a “Belt and Road” corporate integrity and compliance evaluation system. Strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation in the field of anti-corruption, and increase training for personnel involved in the Belt and Road Initiative’s integrity construction. Encourage the conclusion of extradition treaties, criminal judicial assistance treaties and anti-corruption cooperation agreements. The Clean Silk Road Special Forum issued a chairman’s summary.

  (4) Strengthen exchanges between think tanks

  The academic community has noticed the white paper “Co-building the Belt and Road Initiative: Major Practices in Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” released by China, the “Belt and Road Development Studies” report released by the national high-end think tank Xinhua News Agency during this summit forum, and the world The “Belt and Road” research report released by the Bank, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations ESCAP, and the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum Advisory Committee. The above-mentioned report pointed out that the “One Belt and One Road” will promote the reduction of global trade costs, assist global poverty reduction, and contribute to the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Think tanks in various countries have provided important intellectual support for high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. They should strengthen cooperation, promote the sharing of information, resources, and research results, and form more objective and impartial research results and operational policy recommendations.

  All parties support think tanks, experts, and scholars to leverage their respective professional strengths and jointly explore the practical path and future direction of the Belt and Road Initiative through joint research. Encourage think tanks in various countries to carry out “Belt and Road” themed activities, strengthen academic exchanges through forums, seminars, study visits, etc., expand cooperation networks, share the latest research results, and continuously enrich the content and depth of “Belt and Road” research. Support think tanks, media, and social organizations to further strengthen public communication about the Belt and Road Initiative, effectively deal with false news and misunderstandings about the Belt and Road Initiative, and enhance people’s understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Special Forum on Think Tank Exchanges released the Initiative on Strengthening International Think Tank Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

  (5) Enhance people-to-people ties

  People-to-people connectivity is an important foundation for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. We should uphold the civilizational outlook of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and tolerance. We should use civilizational exchanges to transcend civilizational barriers, civilizational mutual learning to transcend civilizational conflicts, and civilizational tolerance to transcend civilizational superiority. We should continue to Enhance mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual appreciation among people of all countries and different cultures and civilizations, and jointly build a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations.

  “One Belt and One Road” partners encourage political parties, parliaments, civil organizations, media, think tanks, business circles and other people from all walks of life to play a greater role in building people-to-people connectivity, and look forward to promoting cooperation in art, culture, education, science and technology, tourism, health, sports, etc. further exchanges and cooperation in the field.

  China has released the “Silk Road Heart to Heart” Joint Initiative, which will implement the “Belt and Road” youth elite plan, establish the “Belt and Road” people-to-people bond public welfare fund, and implement the “Silk Road Heart to Heart” action.

  (6) Carry out local cooperation

  People-to-people friendship has its roots in the place and its source in the people. Local governments, especially sister cities, are an important force in promoting people-to-people ties among partners. All parties are encouraged to adhere to the people-centered development concept, strengthen exchanges between relevant local governments and sister cities, deepen practical cooperation, and work together to transform friendly relations into fruitful results that benefit their respective peoples.

  The “Belt and Road” partners support the construction of local cooperation platforms, actively promote local governments with strong economic complementarity and high industrial connectivity to establish more friendly partnerships, give full play to their respective industrial structure and resource endowment advantages, and strive to promote poverty reduction, development, and urban development. Mutually beneficial cooperation in priority areas such as governance, digital economy, green innovative development, and capacity building will promote common development. Continue to deepen local people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and continuously expand and consolidate the interest basis and social public opinion basis for friendly relations. The special forum on local cooperation issued a presidential statement.

  Entrepreneurs conference situation

  11. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” adheres to the principles of government guidance, business entities, and market operation. The “Belt and Road” Entrepreneurs Conference held during the summit forum issued the “Belt and Road” Entrepreneurs Conference Beijing Declaration. The business communities of various countries reiterated that they will adhere to open cooperation, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields such as connectivity, green development, and digital economy, adhere to compliance operations, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and contribute more to the high-quality construction of the “Belt and Road”.

  The next step of the job

  12. The “Belt and Road” partners will jointly implement the outcomes of this summit forum, continue to promote high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, strengthen the connection between their respective development plans and the “Belt and Road” initiative, and further promote the “hard connectivity” of infrastructure , “soft connectivity” of rules and standards, and “heart-to-heart connectivity” of people of all countries, contributing to promoting world economic recovery and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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