israel vs Palestine history : briefly Explain

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israel vs Palestine history : briefly Explain
israel vs Palestine history : briefly Explain

1993 introduction

Hello, friends!  history 1993 was the year when Israel and Palestine were very close to drafting a peaceful solution.  But what happened after it that the situation worsened to the extent that today there is a war between them?  If we want to understand today’s crisis properly, we need to know the history first.  This is why, in today’s video, let’s get to know the detailed history between the two countries.

  How did the country Israel come to be?  And how did the conflict between Israel and Palestine begin?     Our story begins thousands of years ago.  You must’ve heard about how terribly Hitler had treated the Jews.  But do you know, that the atrocities against Jews began thousands of years ago?  It is said that Jesus Christ was born into a Jewish family.  And some Christians believe that some Jews wanted to crucify Jesus Christ.  This is a belief from an ideology that remained among the Christians for several years, decades, and even centuries.  And when the Crusades happened around a thousand years ago,  Christians killed the Jews in large numbers.

 At that time, there were many rumors being circulated against the Jews that they drank the blood of Christian children,  or that they used the blood for religious rituals.  Because of these rumors, there was rampant hatred against the Jews.  The hate that the Jews had to bear hardly any religion had to bear that in the last thousand years.  After the 1800s, this hatred towards the Jews was not only because of religious reasons but also because the Jews were being seen as a different ethnicity as well.  Because of all these reasons, till the late 1800s,  Jews living around the world began feeling that no country accepted them as their own.  If they wanted to live peacefully, they would need to create their own country.  To create a Jewish country.

Who was Theodor Herzl

  There was an Austro-Hungarian journalist named Theodor Herzl.  He started a new political movement in his 1896 pamphlet.  Zionism.  He said that the Jews should get their separate country.  At the time this wasn’t a new idea.  Since the 1870s, there have been several organizations calling themselves Lovers of Zion.  They were already propagating this idea.  Because of these reasons, in 1881, the first large scale migration of Jews was seen  in the Palestine area.  The Jews built many permanent settlements in the area and started living there.  Why did they choose the Palestine area?  Because this was a very holy area for them.  Jerusalem is the holiest place for the Jews. 

Gaza and the West Bank history

Do remember that at that time there was no Israel, Gaza or the West Bank.  The whole area was Palestine.  That fell under the Ottoman Empire.  Under the Ottoman Empire, the Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together peacefully, more or less.  There were no conflicts.  One reason behind it could be that most of the land was empty.  There were very few settlements on the land.  And the population was very small in the area.  Now we fast forward to the year 1915.

World War 1 history

  World War 1 began.  The British, French, and Arab revolutionaries were fighting the Ottoman Empire.  The British play a clever hand here.  They tell the Arab revolutionaries that in return for their support in defeating the Ottoman empire,  they will give them the Palestine area.  And the Arab revolutionaries were fighting to create a unified Arab country.  The Arab revolutionaries wanted one Arab country from Syria to Yemen.  The Britishers promised the same thing to the Jews.  That they will help them to create their own Jewish country near Palestine. 

Why do they do this?  So that they could appease the American Jews.  And could gain influence on American politics.  But in reality, the British made a secret deal with the French.  As soon as the Ottoman Empire fell after World War 1,  Britain and France divided the Middle East area between themselves.  The British took over the control of the Palestine region.  1918-1948 the entire Palestine area was under the control of the British Government.  At this time in Germany, Hitler got political power.  And the Jews are massacred in millions in a genocide.  Why did Hitler get political power?  I made an entire video on it and I’ll put a link to it in the description.  You can watch that as well.  The Jews fled from Hitler-controlled Europe to different countries to save themselves.

Jews go to Palestine

 Some get refuge in America.  But many of these Jews go to Palestine.  Britain allowed them to enter Palestine initially.  But later, they started stopping them from coming to Palestine.  Because of this, an Israeli Nationalist Movement started in Palestine.  At the same time, around the 1940s, the Palestine Nationalist Movement had also begun.  And the Palestinians were also demanding their own country.  In 1948 the British Government realized that enough was enough.

 And that they cannot remain there longer.  They left the Jews to form a Jewish country and the Palestinians to form their own country.  They accepted that they could not do that and ceded the responsibility to the United Nations.  The British then left Palestine.  United Nations came up with a partition plan.  About the area to be allotted for creating a Jewish country and a Palestinian country.

1947 the United Nations Partition Plan

 In 1947 the United Nations Partition Plan was released.  In the plan, the United Nations keeps 57% of the area for the Jewish country  And 43% of the area for the Arab-Palestinian country.  Jerusalem is a very historically important area for three religions, the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  So the United Nations decided that Jerusalem would be under international control.  The Jews accepted this plan and named their new country Israel.  Here, Israel was born in 1948. 

But unfortunately, the other neighboring Arab countries weren’t pleased with this plan at all.  They believed that the plan was basically the Britisher’s way of continuing their colonialism.  So they started a war against Israel.  Saying that they will not allow the Jews to take any part of the land.  This war is named the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948.  And this is a very historic war in and of itself.  More than 5 countries were fighting against a tiny new country. 

Jews living in Israel

The Jews living in Israel knew that five years ago they had seen how the rest of the world treated them.  How Hitler had treated them.  And then all the Arab countries were starting a war against them.  If they didn’t fight to survive then, they wouldn’t be able to survive ever.  So to save themselves, they fought with all they had.  And very surprisingly, Israel won the war.  Defeating all these countries.  After the war ended in 1949,  the areas that were supposed to be Palestine according to the UN Partition Plan,  Israel occupied several of these areas.

Gaza Strip details

 The Gaza Strip area went to Egypt.  And the West Bank area went to Jordan.  This meant that the Palestinians did not have a country any longer.  More than 700,000 Palestinians had to leave their homes and become refugees in Arab countries.  This is named the 1948 Palestinian Exodus.  After this, in 1967, the Second Arab-Israeli War took place.  This war lasted for six days.  And Israel wins this easily too.  Not only does Israel occupy the Gaza Strip and the West Bank area  but also this large Egyptian Peninsula was occupied by Israel after this war.  Palestinians want their own country.  For this reason, in 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded.

weapons history

  Initially, their aim is through armed struggle.  To use weapons to get their own country.  In the beginning, they also wanted that Israel should cease to exist.  Because of this, the USA and Israel declared it to be a terrorist organization.  But one thing that needs to be remembered is if you see them from the perspective of one person they’ll seem like a terrorist organization and from the perspective of another, they’re revolutionaries who want freedom for their country.  In 1973, the Third Arab-Israeli War began but it isn’t very important for our story because, after that, nothing changed much.  But in 1974, PLO was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly. 

Egypt and Israel in 1979

To be the representative of the Palestinian people.  In 1979, the peace talks between Egypt and Israel were successful  And Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel as a country that existed there.  After the Peace Talks, the entire Egyptian peninsula area captured by Israel is returned to Egypt by Israel.  The Egyptian and Israeli Prime Ministers both are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this successful peace treaty. 

But unfortunately, after two years, the Egyptian Prime Minister was assassinated.  By the right-wing extremists in Egypt.  The fanatics questioned the Prime Minister’s treaty with Israel.  They wanted to kill him because he reached a compromise.  And so he was assassinated.  From 1967 to the 1980s,  It had been more than 10 years since Israel had occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  During this period, many Israelis started establishing their colonies in the West Bank.  They start building settlements and living there permanently.  Israeli government supported them directly or indirectly.  And the prices of the homes were low there.

 Some people go there for cheap housing while others for their religious nationalism.  Some fanatic Israelis claim that the entire West Bank area is theirs.  And so they’ll reside there.  And so Israeli settlements started cropping up in the West Bank area.  The international community deems these settlements to be illegal because these settlements go against the United Nations Partition Plan.  And the Palestinians see them as colonization.  Basically, their country is being colonized by the Israelis.  In 1992, Israel got an amazing Prime Minister. 

who was Yitzhak Rabin ?

His name was Yitzhak Rabin.  He said that PLO is not a terrorist organization.  They just want their country and the Israelis should let them have it.  Israel officially recognized PLO.  In return, PLO officially recognized Israel as a country.  And here the 1993 Oslo Accords take place.  For the first time, both of them come together and talk.  About how the country can be correctly and peacefully divided.  About how the Palestinian country can be created.  As a result, in 1994, the Palestinian Government was established for the first time.  It is named the Palestinian National Authority.  But at this point in time,  Israelis had already established permanent settlements in many West Bank areas.  Which were supported by the Israeli Government.

 And the Palestinians were living in a few areas in bits and pieces.  It was then decided to divide the West Bank area into three parts.  Area A, B, and C.  Area A would be where the Palestinian government would be in control.  In Area B both the governments will exercise control.  Area C will be the area where the Israeli Government will retain control.  Let alone the United Nation’s Partition Plan  In reality, in 1994, Palestine gets only some bits and pieces in the West Bank area and Gaza Strip  to form their country.  But the good news is that at that point in time, Israel and Palestine were very close to coming up with a peaceful solution.

 For this reason, in 1994, the President of the Palestinian Authority – Yasser Arafat,  and the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin were awarded Nobel Peace Prize.  But unfortunately, after this, the whole situation goes downhill.  When the extreme wight-wing Jewish people assassinate their Prime Minister.  In the same way that Godse assassinated Gandhi Ji.  Because Gandhi Ji talked about unity between Hindus and Muslims.

HAMAS group

 A Jewish extremist shot the Israeli Prime Minister thrice from a pistol at point-blank range in 1995.  These fanatic Jewish people questioned the compromise with Palestine.  About why they were given any land at all.  They wanted the entire Palestine to be Israelis.  And because of these fanatics, the situation kept on worsening.  Around 5-6 years before this incident,  some Islamic fanatics in Palestine came together to form the HAMAS group.  HAMAS group claims that the PLO is being too secular.  And compromising a lot with Israel.  But in reality, they want to erase Israel from the maps.  So the fanatics created a new organization to fight for the eradication of Israel. 

And here are the HAMAS group forms.  Obviously when the peace treaty is signed around 1994 between Palestine and Israel the Jewish fanatics started hating their Prime Minister and on the other hand, the HAMAS group started hating the PLO.  All because they reached a compromise with Israel.  Not only does the HAMAS group boycott the 1996 Palestinian election but they also carry out suicide bombings in Israel.  Because of this, on both sides, the dominance of the extreme right-wing groups started rising.  There is increasing polarization.  People on both sides, the Israelis and Palestinians start hating each other.  Some hatred was already there and after 1995 it kept on increasing.

 Around 2002, violent protests were seen on both sides.  More than 100 Israelis and Palestinians died on the other side of the border.  There are clashes on the ground and the people have become so skeptical of each other that  Israel starts building walls around its settlements.  Security guards are deployed around the permanent houses built by the Israelis in the West Bank and checkpoints are placed.  And it continues to become increasingly difficult for Palestinians to live there.

PLO party, Fatah,

 In 2006, the HAMAS militant group ran in the Palestinian election and won.  It defeats the PLO party, Fatah, but by a very small margin.   It won 74 out of 132 seats.  But after this, in 2007, a civil war took place between these two parties in Palestine.  Internally, the supporters of one party start fighting the supporters of the other.  In 2007, this war was known as the Battle of Gaza.  And Palestine is divided into two parts.  In the Gaza Strip, HAMAS established its control. 

And the West Bank area is controlled by Fatah and PLO.  Who are non-violent and rule the West Bank as a government should.  But today when Gaza Strip is under the rule of HAMAS,  they have basically occupied the area like a terrorist group.  And like I told you in the last video, the war and the rockets that we get to see  are sent from the Gaza Strip area to Israel.  Whereas in the West Bank where the PLO is in control, this sort of violence is not seen there.  So this is the situation today, friends.  There is no doubt that Israel has continued to colonize the West Bank area for several decades.  Causing the clashes to intensify.  The recent clash, about which I talked in the previous video,  was because Israel is occupying the areas in the West Bank.

  And the fanatics in Israel demand that the entire West Bank area be theirs.  That the entire Jerusalem be theirs.  And the fanatics in Palestine want to eradicate Israel completely.  The most important question is What can be the solution to this?  Look at the map of Palestine.  In the West Bank, the country is divided into so many parts  That today if this country were to be given an independent government how would it exist in so many bits and pieces?  Some people believe that a two-state solution can still be possible. 


The area is divided on the basis of 1967.  On the basis of Israel and Palestine.  Some people say that the division needs to be on the basis of the 1947 Partition Plan.  But if this is done then the most prominent question will be  What will happen to the colonies of permanent settlement that Israel had built in Palestine?  There are proper societies with homes and schools and hospitals and wide roads.  What will happen to these areas if they are reclaimed by Palestine?  There are hundreds of thousands of people living in the settlements in the West Bank.  Here I would like to ask what you think, friends.  What can be the solution to this crisis? This problem?  How should two countries be divided?    Don’t stop raising your voice against the fanatics! 

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