Most profitable manufacturing business to start

Most profitable manufacturing business to start With the development of the economy and the advent of the Internet era, big data and the Internet have given mankind an unprecedented system support for making overall future decisions

most profitable manufacturing business to start

The most profitable industry in the next 5 years so you don’t have to worry about running out of money!

With the development of the economy and the advent of the Internet era, big data and the Internet have given mankind an unprecedented system support for making overall future decisions. Times are changing and society is developing. Many people feel that it is getting harder and harder to make money. Whether it’s work or starting a business! You need to choose your own interests , identify your strengths, and discover your strengths. How much do you know about the industries with the greatest potential in the next five years? It’s not too late to start preparing now!

Culture and entertainment

Along with the rise of the two-dimensional culture derived from games and animation, the explosion of self-media that produces digital, fragmented, and entertainment-oriented content will gather a large number of new generations of young users, triggering new business models and opportunities.

Virtual reality

At present, the global virtual reality industry is still in its early stages after nearly a century of development, and the supply chain and supporting facilities are still being explored. The development prospects of virtual reality are imaginable, and it has a wide range of development and application space, such as games, film and television, education, sports, interstellar exploration, medical treatment, etc. Currently, all major institutions are optimistic that virtual reality will achieve ultra-rapid development in the next five years, and the explosion is just around the corner.

Mobile Internet Industry

Those conducting commercial activities on the Internet include entrepreneurs, businessmen, and individual store owners. Since 2004 , “online merchants” have become synonymous with a new group of businessmen. This group has grown continuously through long-term development and has created countless business miracles.

Which industry in China will grow fastest in the future? According to a report released by Credit Suisse, it may be e-commerce. Statistics show that the development speed of e-commerce is 10 times that of China ‘s GDP , and the growth rate of online retail sales is growing at a rate of 100% every year. It can be seen that the momentum is strong and unstoppable.


Future industrial robots will have strong self-learning and professional capabilities, and will innovate and extend to more subdivided fields and structures; collaborative robots can work collaboratively with people; service robots have no upper limit, and have capabilities far beyond those of industrial robots and collaborative robots market size potential.

Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence market size will grow to US$ 11.1 billion in 2024 . Initial technology accumulation and data accumulation have already had significant scale effects in the past, so the wave of artificial intelligence reshaping all walks of life is about to hit, triggering a new round of IT equipment investment. In the next 3-5 years, the tide of intelligence will bring about a trillion-level market.

3D technology

After several years of investment in 3D printing, 3D printing technology has entered a new stage, but the application market still needs breakthroughs. Relevant experts predict that China’s 3D printer market will expand to 10 billion yuan in 2016 .

Automobile industry

In the first half of this year, the domestic automobile market continued to maintain steady growth, and the overall automobile sales revenue of automobile dealers also achieved growth. However, as market competition continues to intensify and automobile prices decrease, automobile sales gross profits decline.

The automobile sales business is still the main source of income for dealers, and contributes the highest to the overall revenue of dealers. However, as competition among peers in the market intensifies, price wars become more intense, and profits from automobile sales become less and less. Dealers have begun to rely on after-sales service and other services to make profits, and the automobile sales business of dealer companies has declined in their revenue and profit contribution rates.

Psychological counselor

Professionals who use psychology and related professional knowledge, follow psychological principles, and solve psychological problems through psychological counseling. In this field, the three fastest growing types of counselors are: mental health counselors, mental health and substance abuse social workers, and Marriage and family therapist. With the fierce competition in society and the accelerated pace of people’s work, mental health problems have become one of the factors affecting people’s physical and mental health and social stability. Currently, there are less than 3,000 people across the country who have obtained psychological counseling qualification certificates . With the improvement of living standards, people are paying more and more attention to mental health, and the career prospects of mental health practitioners are generally promising.

Internet medical care

The rapid development of information technology has led to huge reforms in various industries and also brought huge opportunities to the medical industry. With the integration of big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and other fields with the Internet, new technologies and new businesses are rapidly penetrating into all medical fields, starting an era of intelligence from prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and purchase of medicines.

Health manager

Its precise definition is: professionals engaged in the monitoring, analysis, and evaluation of individual or group health, as well as health consultation, guidance, and risk factor intervention. The country vigorously promotes the implementation of the “National Health Management Project”, which is a series of large-scale digital projects that must be completed by the country, collectives, and individuals. The specific work must be completed by health managers. At least 2 million professional health managers are needed , and currently there are only about 100,000 professional health managers in China , leaving a huge talent gap.

Looking back over the course of history, the development of the global economy has been driven by the interaction of productivity and production relations. From the invention of steam engines, generators, and computers to the widespread application of the Internet, new technological waves have been leading major adjustments in productivity and production relations, and new industries have continued to emerge to promote social progress. Ten years ago, the top 10 companies in the world by market capitalization were mainly concentrated in traditional industries such as energy and finance. Now, half of the country is occupied by high-tech and Internet companies.

Cloud computing

The migration of enterprises to the cloud is a general trend. It can be seen that: 1) the public cloud and private cloud market growth is still going hand in hand, and it is not a zero-sum game; 2) IaaS level: it is increasingly important to have a diversified business application ecosystem; 3) SaaS level: mainly focused on human resources, OA, CRM, marketing, B2B bulk commodity procurement and other fields; 4) PaaS level: There is no independent giant. In the future, it is more likely to be extended upward by IaaS giants or downward by SaaS giants.

The domestic cloud computing market is still in its infancy, and the market cake is becoming more and more attractive.

Big data

The total amount of financing in the big data industry from 2013 to 2015 was US$800 million, US$1.54 billion, and US$2 billion respectively; the number of financing events from 2013 to 2015 was 10, 42, and more than 50 respectively. “Big data +” has penetrated into almost all industries, such as “big data + retail”, “big data + medical care”, “big data + real estate” and so on.

Virtual reality

At present, the global virtual reality industry is still in its early stages after nearly a century of development, and the supply chain and various supporting facilities are still being explored. However, the development prospects of virtual reality are exciting and have a wide range of application spaces, such as games, film and television, education, sports, interstellar exploration, medical treatment, etc. Currently, all major consulting organizations are optimistic that virtual reality will achieve ultra-rapid growth in the next five years, and the explosion is just around the corner.

Artificial Intelligence

According to predictions, the artificial intelligence market will grow to US$11.1 billion in 2024. Initial technology accumulation and data accumulation have already had significant scale effects in the past, so the wave of artificial intelligence reshaping all walks of life is about to hit, triggering a new round of IT equipment investment.

In the next 3-5 years, the tide of intelligence will bring about a trillion-level market.

3D technology

After the investment boom in 3D printing in the past few years, 3D printing technology has entered a new stage, but the application market still needs to break through. Experts predict that China’s 3D printer market size will expand to 10 billion yuan in 2016.

  1. Unmanned technology

Unmanned technology is currently mainly used in fields such as drones and driverless cars. The American Teal Group predicts that the global drone market will increase from US$6.4 billion in 2015 to US$11.5 billion in 2024, with rapid development. Self-driving cars have not yet been unveiled, but McKinsey predicts that the field will have an output value of US$200 billion to US$1.9 trillion by 2025. By then, China’s self-driving car output value will be at least one trillion in scale, with unlimited potential.


The problem of China’s aging population is becoming increasingly prominent, labor costs are rising sharply, and the overall economic structure is facing transformation. The future rise of robots and their huge market size have been recognized by major institutions.

In the future, whether in the short or long term, there are huge investment opportunities in the robotics industry. From industrial robots, collaborative robots to service robots, there is a very considerable market size.

New energy

China is the largest new energy market. The development of new energy industry is an inevitable choice to change our country’s energy structure, reduce dependence on fossil energy, and reduce environmental pollution.

Strong financial subsidies promote the rapid maturity of the new energy industry and contain abundant investment opportunities.

New materials

New materials are the cornerstone of the new economy. my country’s rapid development in cutting-edge manufacturing fields such as military industry, high-speed rail, nuclear power, aerospace and aviation is inseparable from breakthroughs in the field of basic materials.

With the continuous accumulation of scientific research strength in basic chemistry, basic materials, nanotechnology and other aspects, innovation points in the field of new materials will continue to emerge, and new materials will become a market worth trillions.

Medical services

The driving factors for the medical service industry in 2016 came from the continued decline in the pharmaceutical industry’s prosperity and changes in the drug price formation mechanism. Driven by hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and doctors practicing in multiple locations, public hospitals use private capital to revitalize existing assets and create incremental value. The medical service business provides commercial exports for new technologies, and new technologies provide high value-added projects for the medical service business.

Biotechnology and Life Sciences

With the development of basic disciplines such as genomics and molecular biology, biological agents and life science technologies are playing an increasingly important role in treatment: in terms of biological agents, more and more monoclonal antibody drugs are used to treat difficult and complex diseases such as tumors and diabetes. The disease has produced breakthrough therapeutic effects, and “blockbuster” new drugs have appeared frequently.

In 2014, 7 of the top ten drugs in global sales were biological agents, among which adalimumab ranked first in global sales, with annual sales of US$11 billion; in life sciences, globally, the gene sequencing market has grown from 2007 to 2017. grew from US$7.941 million to US$4.5 billion in 2013, with a compound growth rate of 33.5%. It is expected to maintain rapid growth in the next few years; emerging technologies such as cellular immunotherapy are also increasingly becoming important treatments.

Medical devices

The medical device market started late in China, but it has developed rapidly. From 2001 to 2014, the size of my country’s medical device market grew from 17.3 billion yuan to 255.6 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 15 times, with a compound growth rate of 23%.

However, from a comparison of the size of the medical device market and the size of the pharmaceutical market, the global medical device market is roughly 40% of the global pharmaceutical market, while the proportion in my country is less than 15%. With the development of the economy and the aging of the country, With the improvement, the medical device market has huge development potential. At the same time, the introduction of a number of policies such as the “Special Approval Procedure for Innovative Medical Devices (Trial)” has laid a solid foundation for the rapid growth of domestic innovative medical devices.

Internet medical care

The rapid development of information technology has triggered tremendous changes in various industries and also brought huge opportunities to the medical industry. With the cross-border integration of big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and other multi-field technologies with the Internet, new technologies and new business models are rapidly penetrating into various medical subdivisions, from prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and drug purchase, a comprehensive new era will be opened. The era of intelligence.

Healthy and elderly care

The health and elderly care industry is driven by both urgent demand and policy encouragement, and will usher in very certain development opportunities. In the future, the Chinese government and individuals will face great pressure on elderly care. As of 2014, the elderly population aged 65 and above reached 140 million, accounting for 10.1% of the total population. By 2020, the elderly population will increase to 260 million.

At the same time, elderly care, as part of “Healthy China”, has been elevated to a national strategic level. We will explore investment opportunities along the lines proposed by the country to build a multi-level elderly care service system based on home, supported by community, and supplemented by institutions.


In the past year, various Chinese giants have begun to target high-quality overseas sports assets and gradually moved closer to mature sports profit models – tickets, media broadcast rights, sponsorships and sports derivatives.

Therefore, sports industry targets with high-quality event resources and broad audiences will continue to be pursued by capital.


The size of the domestic private education market exceeds 600 billion yuan, and one-fifth of the market share of online education has attracted countless capital and entrepreneurs to compete. After the baptism of the past one or two years, education O2O is struggling. Not only has it failed to revolutionize traditional education, it is also at a loss when it comes to exploring profit models.

In addition to having stable offline resources and teachers, traditional offline education and training institutions have also made many reforms to adapt to the development of the times under the offensive of Internet +.

In addition, the new round of college entrance examination reform will also bring new business models and entrepreneurial opportunities.

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