New ideas for online business

usiness online does not only mean transferring offline business operations to online ideas for online business

new ideas for online business

Business online does not only mean transferring offline business operations to online systems.

The key is business online and business digitization. We need to pay attention to: data online, product research and development online, business operations online, channels online, customers online, and risk management. Control online six online.

This article comes from the WeChat public account “twt Enterprise IT Community”. The author: Peng Huasheng, Tencent TVP, has more than 10 years of operation and maintenance work in the financial field. During this period, he was responsible for participating in the construction of operation and maintenance organizations, processes, and tools, including major business systems and data center engineering.

Project implementation, construction of standardized workflows, planning and research and development of platform tool systems, digital transformation research and implementation, etc. Have a comprehensive understanding of operation and maintenance in the financial field. For more information, please see the personal public account “Road to Operation and Maintenance”.

Different companies have different understandings of business digital transformation.

Taking the traditional manufacturing industry as an example, it mainly uses the idea of ​​data twins to bring product production, research and development, sales and other data online to improve automation levels, increase production efficiency, reduce costs, and explore new business opportunities. For Internet companies, they have the inherent advantages of digital native companies.

The digitization of business is more about using the Internet and other technologies to grasp the traffic entrance and quickly implement scenario applications. After more than 20 years of development, most of the businesses of financial enterprises are supported by online business systems. Business digitalization mainly includes three aspects: online business, data business, and business intelligence.

Business online is based on the digital thinking of connection, data, and empowerment.

It reshapes mature business scenarios, accumulates corporate digital capabilities, integrates business and technology, expands business boundaries, and increases the ability to support innovative businesses. Business online does not only mean transferring offline business operations to online systems. The key is business online and business digitization. We need to pay attention to: data online, product research and development online, business operations online, channels online, customers online, and risk management. Control online six online.

Note: This talk is detailed from the previous aspects of digital business, digital management, and digital technology, focusing on reshaping business processes and making business online.

Data online: all businesses are online to achieve all-round data online capabilities

Data assets will become the core competitiveness of enterprises. Although enterprises have stored a large amount of data, only controllable, measurable, and monetizable data can be called data assets. Therefore, the key to data online is to capitalize data. Using digital collaborative networks, enterprises will collect data more effectively and achieve a full range of online data capabilities.

  • The comprehensive online data involves five categories: employee behavior data, customer behavior data, competitive environment, business operation data, and operation management data. Employee behavior data can reflect more realistic front-line conditions
  • . As the people closest to customers and partners, employees know customer preferences and dissatisfaction, as well as actual implementation issues of strategies. Employee behavior data mainly includes employee team collaboration, work execution, completion quality,
  • Feedback and other data can be obtained with the help of mobile application sensors, business applications, collaborative work tools (such as task management, email, etc.),
  • internal corporate instant messaging, social tools, etc.; customer behavior data is the prerequisite for customer experience optimization and must be To provide customers with personalized services, it is necessary to understand customer behavior, including customers’ personalized preferences, customer feedback on corporate digital products, etc.
  • In the past, the research and analysis method used by headquarters product designers had problems that were long-lasting and inaccurate.

You can use Mobile application sensors, business applications, customer service platforms, online feedback applications, social tools, etc.; business environment data will provide insights for management decisions, including detecting changes in the market (including customer base, competitors, partners, regulation) , customer sentiment, partner activities, competitor initiatives, industry trends, regulatory policies, macroeconomics, etc., business environment data can be obtained from business systems, third-party data sources, etc.;

operating data is a digital transformation performance indicator, and digital transformation is not for technology Innovation is to “increase revenue, increase energy and efficiency, and control risks” to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise. It needs to provide operational managers with real-time awareness of the enterprise’s income, team contribution, personal contribution, traditional business creation benefits, digital products

or The efficiency of service creation, liquidity, risk control level, budget execution, and risk prevention capabilities. These operating data will be used as indicators to judge the performance of digital transformation and guide the direction of digital transformation; operational management data will provide the basis for continuous business optimization. Operation management data includes business operation process data, business system continuity data, etc. Based on these data,

the execution status of key business value links will be comprehensively viewed, so as to better open up the end-to-end process and achieve real-time monitoring and decision-making.

Product R&D online: Improve business product R&D management and establish an agile product R&D mechanism

The complexity and uncertainty of external policies and market environments continue to increase, and an agile business product R&D management mechanism needs to be established. An agile product development mechanism requires the establishment of agile workflows to achieve closer team collaboration, become more iterative, and make wise decisions faster

We can explore a product innovation model that strengthens the integration of multiple professional backgrounds, build a product R&D team that integrates business management, front-line business, product managers, and technology R&D, and analyze the business environment through market research, big data technology, etc., before safety and compliance. In advance, use design thinking to quickly deliver product prototypes, test the minimum viable product (MVP) on segmented customer groups, iterate quickly, and continuously revise the product. At the same time,

it is necessary to establish an enterprise business product catalog, abstract atomized, integrable, and reusable business resources at the business and technical levels, and strengthen the integration of enterprise resources.

Business operations online: end-to-end business process reengineering to improve business operation efficiency.

Supporting the effective operation of an enterprise’s business model is a series of end-to-end processes, rather than individual functional processes. In the past, the lack of end-to-end process consensus led to high communication costs for business actions. A large amount of work required leadership coordination, upward decision-making, and resource allocation misalignment.

Therefore, process reengineering requires supporting process governance to form an end-to-end full value chain in the enterprise. consensus. End-to-end business process reengineering must first focus on the business value chain, open up process islands and business breakpoints, establish a complete process from the beginning to the end of the business, and achieve collaborative networks and lean operations. Second, we must make full use of digital technology to empower end-to-end process reengineering

. Through process automation technology, original repetitive and operational work can be automated and executed by machines to release business productivity; through big data and artificial intelligence technology, we can open up the process at the bottom level. Isolated islands of different front-end applications, and provide businesses with the ability to provide accurate customer insights and assisted decision-

making, and provide management with comprehensive risk management and control capabilities; through socialization and Internet of Things technology, the connection between “people, equipment, things, and systems” can be opened up Instant connection; through mobile technology, the business can be online 24 hours a day and carry out business operations anytime and anywhere;

through digital collaboration space technology, the connection methods between participants in each link of business operations can be sorted out, and the accurate and real-time transmission of information can be promoted to facilitate information and Experience sharing.

Channel online: Strengthen channel coordination and promote the construction of all-round channels

The channels of operating institutions in the financial industry have evolved from offline order channels to the current offline and online multi-channels. The next step will be the development of all-round channels. Digitization has made the Internet of Everything a reality, turning more and more devices and user groups into new channel entrances

. Channels will no longer be limited to offline outlets and independently operated apps. All points of contact with customers may be generalized. Channels, such as mobile phones, tablets, smart home appliances, cars, etc. Although the company has built diversified channels, due to the independent expansion of each channel, there is a lack of effective communication and information data integration between channels, resulting in problems such as information inconsistency and duplication of construction.

The omnipotent channel is based on a unified digital logic integration and processing idea. It is a multi-level connection based on the original dispersed channels, giving the omnipotent channel model the functions of “communication” and “sameness”. “Connect” means opening up various channels under the premise of compliance, and the user’s identity, entrusted orders, income,

etc. on different business channels are connected through all channels; “integration” means that users can obtain consistent information when enjoying products and services through various channels. Financial services experience. In order to achieve synergy and unified channel operation management among various channels,

omnipotent channels also need to technically establish enterprise-level business, data, and technology middle platforms to provide reusable and shareable service support for businesses in different channels. In addition, in channel operations, we must start from the customer experience to satisfy customers that they can provide different customers with their favorite channels no matter when, where and in what scenario.

Online data capabilities will be the core capability of omnipotent channels, which will focus on the connection between enterprises and customers, obtain channel operation data, use data to improve interactions with customers, and accurately understand and meet customer needs during interactions.

Customers are online: Optimize customer experience and transform from satisfying functions to reshaping customer experience

Customer needs will become more diverse and personalized, and enterprises need to change from the original construction idea of “mainly meeting business functions” to “actively optimizing customer experience.” The key to proactively optimizing customer experience is to build various connections with users, adopt a way of thinking that is more relevant to users, and make an executable business strategy combination. The implementation can be based on user story analysis, customer perception, customer communication

, Product interaction and product design are carried out in five aspects. User story analysis, that is, decomposing the entire life cycle of the company’s existing products or services according to the contact points between customers and the company’s business, and optimizing the customer operation friendliness of each contact link; customer perception, that is, strengthening the perception of customer experience

Data acquisition includes client data buried in business applications, front-line employee feedback, analysis of related customer behavior, external public opinion, etc.

, using data processing technology to gain in-depth insights and explore users’ explicit and implicit needs; customer communication, that is, communicating with customers Establish a friendly customer communication closed loop, provide customers with convenient communication channels, provide more comprehensive data support for front-line

business, and strengthen the online real-time response to customer feedback; product interaction, that is, a new generation product interaction method that combines social networking, video, and the Internet of Things, Users can obtain business services through product interaction methods such as natural language and immersive intelligence, stimulating customer enthusiasm and in-depth participation; product design cultivates the design thinking of product managers and strengthens the in-depth integration of business and technology.

Risk control online: building an online digital risk control system

With the goal of being fully online, recordable, and measurable, it covers the business scope of each business line and branches 360 degrees without blind spots. By reorganizing the business process and leveraging the power of digital technology, it focuses on real-time, data-based, and penetrating

, continuity of the four technical goals, and establish a real-time online digital risk control system. The online digital risk control system can be constructed in all aspects before, during and after the event. For example, in advance, we rely on artificial intelligence, big data, cloud platform and other technologies to establish an enterprise big data intelligent risk control system to achieve real-time collection of regulatory

provisions, financial reports, transaction behavior and other information, and use accurate portraits of customer behavior to accurately match customers. identity, draw correlation maps and other methods to predict and comprehensively evaluate ex-ante risks in advance; during the event, by establishing an intelligent risk warning system,

combining business data and external big data, through modeling of internal and external data, and combining expert rules, Applied to various regulatory scenarios, real-time monitoring of business behavior, real-time monitoring and decision-making of risks during the event; after the event, through correlation analysis and mining of risk events,

comprehensive investigation of missed risks, strict inspection and audit of risk events, and formation of post-event risk analysis Closed loop processing.

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