The story of mankind : History

The story of mankind “The Story of Mankind” is a masterpiece that describes the history of human civilization in a popular way. Once it was published in 1921, it won Van Loon a worldwide reputation.

The story of mankind

The story of mankind

The book was once selected as a history textbook in American middle schools , and has also won the Newbery Medal, the most famous children’s literature award in the United States.

“The Story of Mankind”

“The Story of Mankind” is a masterpiece that describes the history of human civilization in a popular way. Once it was published in 1921, it won Van Loon a worldwide reputation. The book was once selected as a history textbook in American middle schools , and has also won the Newbery Medal, the most famous children’s literature award in the United States. It has nearly a hundred editions around the world, with sales of more than 10 million copies in the United States alone. From the origin of mankind to incisive expositions of each historical period, wonderful reappearances of historical scenes, and concise comments on historical figures, Fang Long casts his affectionate and humanistic care on human history with a clear vision. As Fan Loon himself said: “I only have one principle in writing this book. Which country or individual has produced a new idea or completed an innovation? Without these, the entire history of mankind will be different. This is not an individual The question of hobbies is a question of judgment that is so calm as to be mathematical.”

Fanglong uses a straightforward narrative method, humorous language, playful and wise writing style, and original ideas, from human beings to the historical stage, prehistoric humans, hieroglyphics, the Nile River Basin, ancient Greek states, the Roman Empire, the Crusades, Buddha and Confucius, the Renaissance, all the way to the modern American Revolutionary War and even the scientific era, show us the vast history of mankind. There are fast-paced “big history” narratives, and there are also events and details that truly affect the process of human civilization. Whether you are a person who knows nothing about history or an expert who is immersed in numerous tomes, you can get inspiration and reading pleasure from this classic popular history of mankind.

“The Story of Mankind” is one of Van Loon’s most representative works. In this work, Fang Long uses vivid and smooth words to present the history of human civilization development for thousands of years in front of readers. Its story starts from ancient times, telling the origins of Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations, telling the glory of the Greek and Roman eras, following the clues of the rise of religion to the development and evolution of medieval society, and starting from the rise of cities.

, Renaissance, tells about world-wide changes and revolutions in various countries. While tracing the historical clues of some major countries, it also tells the stories of some important historical figures and comments on their merits and demerits. In this book, Fang Long unfolds a very grand historical picture, asking readers to stand on a high tower and overlook the endless river of history.

To Hansjie and William:

When I was twelve or thirteen, an uncle of mine (who taught me a love of books and painting) promised to take me on an adventure worth remembering. I will go with him to the top of the Old St. Lawrence Tower in Rotterdam. Just like that, one fine day, a sexton took a big key (as big as St. Peter ‘s key) and opened a mysterious door. He said: “When you come back and want to go out, just ring the doorbell.

” The rusty old iron chain made a heavy rattling sound, and he separated us from the noisy streets outside, and we were locked in A world full of strange new experiences. For the first time in my life, I faced an audible silence. After climbing the first staircase, I added a new discovery to my limited knowledge of natural phenomena – the darkness within reach. A match tells us where the way up is. We went to the upper level, and then another level, until I lost track of which level it was, and then another level. Suddenly

there was enough light around us. This floor is at the same level as the church roof and is used as a storage room. Beneath several inches of dust lay the relics of a holy faith that the city’s good inhabitants had abandoned years ago. These things, which once meant life and death to our ancestors, are now trash. The diligent mouse built his nest in the carved statue of the god. The eternally awake spider is busy between the outstretched arms of a kind saint. Going up one level, we know where the light just came from.

The large open windows were covered with thick iron bars, and this high and desolate room became a nest for hundreds of pigeons. The wind blows in through the iron bars, filling the air with strange, sweet music. This is the sound of the city below us, but the sound has been purified by the distance. The rumble of carts, the clatter of horses’ hooves, the churning of cranes and pulleys, the hiss of the patient steam engine (which in a thousand ways does man’s work) – these all merge into A soft, rustling whisper and the trembling cooing of doves are set against this beautiful background of sounds.

city ​​clock

The stairs end here and the ladder begins here. The first section of the ladder is very old and slippery, so you have to be careful with your feet. After climbing this ladder, there is a new and bigger wonder – the city clock. I saw the heart of time. I could hear the heavy pulse of the fast-moving seconds hand—one, two, three, all the way to sixty. Then suddenly something happened, as if all the wheels of the clock stopped moving, and a minute was cut off from eternity. The big clock started the next minute without stopping: one minute – two minutes – three minutes.

Until finally, there was a roar, which seemed to be a warning. Many wheels rubbed together, and then a thunderous sound was made above our heads, announcing to the world the arrival of noon. One floor further up is the bell tower. There are beautiful little bells , and terrible big bells, and in the middle is the largest bell. I shudder when I hear its sound in the middle of the night because it portends fire or flood. Lonely and solemn, it seems to be reflecting on the history of the past six hundred years. During these six hundred years, it has shared the joys and sorrows of the citizens of Rotterdam. Small clocks hung neatly around it, like the neat rows of blue jars in an old-fashioned pharmacy.

Every two weeks, rural people come to the market, buy or sell, and listen to the news of the world. At this time, these clocks play a beautiful piece of music for them. There is a big black bell in the corner, lonely and far away from everyone, silent and stern – this is the bell that announces death. Further up there was darkness again, more ladders, steeper and more dangerous than the ones we had just climbed, and then suddenly the fresh air of the vast sky.

highest loft

We have reached the highest attic, with the sky above our heads and the city below our feet: a small toy-like city filled with busy ant-like people coming and going, everyone thinking about their own things. Outside the stone walls, there is the vast green of the open fields. This was the first time I saw the vast world. From then on, whenever there was a Gong meeting, I would climb to the top of the tower to entertain myself. It wasn’t easy to climb up, but it was totally worth the effort I put into climbing those stairs. And, I also know what my reward will be

. I would see the earth and the sky, and I would hear the stories of my good friend the watchman, who lived in a little shed in a sheltered corner of the attic. He looks after the big clocks and is their father. He also swore an oath of fire. But he also had a lot of free time, when he smoked his pipe and thought about his things leisurely. He had attended some school almost fifty years ago and read very little, but he had absorbed the wisdom of the vast world that surrounded him from all sides during his years living on top of the tower.

He knew a lot about history, and history was alive to him. He would point to a bend in the river and say: “There, there, my boy, do you see those trees? That’s where the Duke of Orange dug the embankment, flooded the ground, and saved Leiden [Netherlands] Western cities.—Translator].” Or he would tell me about the Old Meuse [a Western European river that flows into the sea in the Netherlands. ——Translator] story, until this broad river is no longer a convenient port, but has become a wonderful “road”, carrying the ships of Leuyter and Tromp [both Dutch, 7th century naval admiral. ——Translator], embarking on their famous final journey. Later, they sacrificed their lives to make the sea belong to everyone. We also saw the little villages surrounding their protective church, which many years ago had been the home of their saintly protector.

In the distance we can see Delft [a Dutch city. ——Translator]’s Leaning Tower. William the Silent [referring to William I (1533-1584), who led the Dutch rebellion against the Spanish king and was assassinated by Spanish assassins. ——Translator] was assassinated not far from its dome. It was there that Grotius [1583-1645, Dutch jurist and poet. —Translator] Learned to make his first Latin sentence. Towards the distance, there is the long and low Gothic Church, which is Erasmus [1469? —1536, Dutch humanist. ——Translator] The earliest home. History has proved that the power of his wisdom is better than the armies of several emperors. The whole world knows the name of this man who was born in an almshouse.

History is the majestic tower of experience

Finally, there is the silver coastline of the boundless sea. Just below us, in stark contrast to the sea of ​​people, are the mottled roofs, chimneys, houses, gardens, hospitals, schools, railways that we call our home, but this tower gives us a new perspective View our home. The chaotic and noisy streets, markets, factories, and workshops have become clear expressions of human ability and will. The best thing is the vast and glorious past that surrounds us from all sides. When we return to our daily lives, this past will give us new courage to face future problems. History is a majestic tower of experience, built by time in the boundless wilderness of past eras. It is not easy to reach the top of this ancient building and see the whole thing. There is no elevator in the tower, but the young man’s feet are strong and he can climb up. Now, I give you the key to the door. When you come back, you’ll understand why I’m so passionate about this.

——Hendrik Wilhelm Van Loon

Most people know the name of Mr. Fang Long and want to see his representative works. However, when they see those thick works, they can’t help but feel a little embarrassed. If you are facing this situation, you are lucky because you came across this book. This book is readable, not biased, has common features, and can reflect Fang Long’s writing characteristics .


1 Build a stage for human activities
2 our ancestors
3 prehistoric humans
4 hieroglyphics
5Nile River Basin
6 Egyptian stories
7Mesopotamia _
8 Sumerians
9 Moses
10 Phoenicians
11 Indo-Europeans
12Aegean Sea
13 Greece
14 Cities in Ancient Greece
15 Self-Government in Ancient Greece
16 Life in Ancient Greece
17 Ancient Greek Drama
18 Fighting against Persia
19 Athens versus Sparta
20 Alexander the Great
21 Summary
22 Rome and Carthage
23 The Rise of Rome
24Roman Empire
25 Joshua of Nazareth
26 The Fall of Rome
27 The Rise of the Church
28 Muhammad
29Charlemagne _
30 Nordic
31 Feudal system
32 knight system
33 The Pope and the Emperor quarreled
34 Crusades
35 Medieval Cities
36 Medieval self-government
37 The Medieval World
38 Medieval Trade
39 Renaissance
40 The Age of Expression
41 great discoveries
42 Buddha and Confucius
43 Reformation
44 Religious Wars
45 British Revolution
46 Balance of Power
47 The Rise of Russia
48 The dispute between Russia and Sweden
49 The Rise of Prussia
50 Mercantilism
51 American Revolution
52 French Revolution
53 Napoleon
54Holy Alliance
55 powerful reaction
56 National Independence
57 The Era of the Engine
58 Social Revolution
59 Slave Emancipation
60 The Age of Science
61 art
62 Colonial expansion and war
63 A new world
64 Forever
65 seven years later
66 America has come of age
67 “Axis” Partners
68 Isolationism and appeasement
69 Atlantic Charter
70 Global War
71 United Nations
72 Turbulent Peace
73 The old order gives way
74 Earth as a spaceship
75 The world is a global village
76 Entering the high-tech era
77 new millennium
The vivid pictures show the evolution of humankind in the chronological period from 500,000 BC to 2000 AD.

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