Unique small business ideas for girl students

Unique small business ideas for girl students Women are the founders of human civilization, the promoters of social progress, and an important force in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Unique small business ideas for girl students

Table of Contents

Women are the founders of human civilization, the promoters of social progress, and an important force in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Women are the founders of human civilization, the promoters of social progress, and an important force in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. Equality between men and women and the comprehensive development of women are important indicators of measuring the progress of social civilization. Promoting gender equality, protecting women’s rights and interests, and promoting the simultaneous development of women and the economy and society are important manifestations of adhering to the people-centered development idea and realizing the all-round development of people . They are an important part of Huozhou ‘s all-round promotion of high-quality development and are also a measure of An important standard for the modernization of Huozhou’s governance system and governance capabilities.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the municipal party committee and the municipal government comprehensively implemented the basic national policy of gender equality, persisted in improving the planning and implementation working mechanism of party committee leadership, government leadership,

departmental division of labor and participation, and the participation of the whole society, and integrated women’s development into the city’s national economy and The overall plan for social development has continuously strengthened the government’s main awareness and responsibility in managing women’s development affairs, and solidly promoted the implementation of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Women’s Development in Huozhou City ” . Women’s health conditions have been greatly improved ,

ability of social development has been significantly improved

their education levels have continued to increase , and they have participated in the economy. The ability of social development has been significantly improved , the channels for participation in decision-making and management have become more diversified, the level of social security has been steadily improved, and its important role in family life has been further demonstrated. Legitimate rights and interests have been effectively protected, the development environment has been increasingly optimized, and women have played an increasingly important role in politics, economy, and culture. Equal rights in all areas of social, social and family life are better realized .

At present , affected by many factors such as the level of economic and social development and long-term history and culture, the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development of women still exists, and efforts still need to be made to realize the increasingly widespread needs of women for a better life . For example: there are certain gaps in women’s development between urban and rural areas, regions and groups . The resource allocation for maternal and child health and the social environment for women ‘s employment need to be continuously optimized. The level of women’s participation in the management of economic, cultural and social affairs needs to be comprehensively improved . There is still a long way to go to promote gender equality and the high-quality and comprehensive development of women.

he “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a critical period for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country

The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a critical period for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. It is a critical period for Huozhou to promote high-quality development in an all-round way and realize its rise to the forefront. It is also a great opportunity for us to start a business. This also provides a good opportunity for us to start a business. Promoting gender equality and the overall development of women at higher levels offers significant opportunities . In order to further promote the simultaneous and coordinated development of women and the economy and society, in accordance with the “Shanxi Province Measures for the Implementation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests” and other relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the “China Women’s Development Outline (2021-2030)” and “Shanxi Province Women’s Development” This document is formulated in accordance with the requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Women in Linfen City, and the 14th Five -Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Huozhou City and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035. planning.

Guiding ideology , basic principles and overall goals

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era , we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, unswervingly implement the new development concept, adhere to the people-centered development idea, adhere to the path of socialist development for women with Chinese characteristics , and adhere to the The basic national policy of equality, conscientiously implement the “China Women’s Development Outline (2021-2030)”, ” Shanxi Province Women’s Development “14th Five-Year Plan” ” and ” Linfen City Women’s Development “14th Five-Year Plan”” , and promote gender equality to become a common goal in the whole society Codes of conduct and value standards to be followed by all, to ensure that women can equally exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law, equally participate in economic and social development, and equally enjoy the fruits of reform and development, and give full play to women’s “half the sky” role in promoting high-quality development in an all-round way, and at a higher level to promote the all-round development of women and the sustainable development of women’s causes.

(2) Basic principles

  1. Uphold the party’s overall leadership. We must adhere to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, adhere to the correct political direction for the development of women’s causes, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on the development of women’s causes, and effectively integrate the party’s leadership into the entire process and all aspects of the development of women’s causes.
  2. Adhere to the simultaneous and coordinated development of women’s causes and the economy and society. Incorporate the goals and tasks of promoting the comprehensive development of women into the overall local economic and social development plan, into special plans, into practical projects related to people’s livelihood, and deploy and implement them simultaneously, so that the results of economic and social development can benefit women more and more equitably.
  3. Adhere to the equal development of men and women. We must implement the basic national policy of gender equality, fully consider the actual differences between genders and the special interests of women when formulating policies, preparing plans, and deploying work, create a more equal, inclusive, and sustainable development environment, and narrow the development gap between men and women.
  4. Persist in promoting the all-round development of women. Make overall plans and take into account women’s development interests in politics, economy, culture, society and family, effectively solve the key and difficult problems that restrict women’s development, make overall plans to promote the balanced development of women between urban and rural areas, regions and groups, and coordinate the promotion of women’s development in various fields. Comprehensive development.
  5. Adhere to joint construction, joint governance and shared benefits. Give full play to the important role of women in coordinating and promoting the “Five-in-One” overall layout and coordinating the promotion of the “Four Comprehensives” strategic layout, promote women to actively participate in high-quality development, actively participate in the modernization process of Huozhou’s governance system and governance capabilities, and share the economy social development results.

( 3 ) Overall goal

By 2025, the institutional mechanisms for gender equality and women’s all-round development will be more complete, the development gaps between regions, urban and rural areas, and different groups of women will be significantly narrowed, and women will equally enjoy all-round life-cycle health services , educational rights , economic rights , political rights and Multi-level and sustainable social security, comprehensive quality and capabilities have been further improved , the concept of gender equality has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the development environment for women has been more optimized, women ‘s legitimate rights and interests have been effectively protected, and women’s sense of gain, happiness, and security have been significantly improved .

Development areas, main goals and strategic measures

(1) Women and health

main target:

  1. Women enjoy good health services throughout their life cycle. The average life expectancy of women has reached 78 years; the average healthy life expectancy of women has increased significantly.
  2. The maternal mortality rate has dropped to less than 12.5/100,000 , and the gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed.
  3. Women’s awareness of cervical cancer and breast cancer prevention and treatment has further improved. The ability to prevent and treat cervical cancer and breast cancer has gradually increased. The screening rate for cervical cancer and breast cancer among women of appropriate age has gradually increased.
  4. Comprehensively popularize knowledge on reproductive health and contraception to reduce unwanted pregnancies.
  5. Effectively control AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in women, reduce mother-to-child transmission of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, and reduce the mother-to-child transmission rate of AIDS to less than 2.5 %.
  6. Increase women’s mental health awareness . The increasing prevalence of anxiety disorders and depression in women has slowed down.
  7. Popularize health knowledge and improve women’s health literacy.
  8. Improve women’s nutritional status. Prevent and reduce maternal anemia.
  9. The number of women who regularly participate in physical exercise continues to increase, and the proportion of the sports population has reached more than 65 %. The proportion of women who passed the standard for physical fitness measurement reached 90.2 %.
  10. The construction of maternal and child health service institutions continues to be strengthened, service capabilities continue to improve , and women’s health levels continue to improve.

Strategic measures:

  1. Improve the system and mechanism to protect women’s health. Adhere to prevention first, thoroughly implement the “Healthy Huozhou Action” and the “Healthy Chinese Mother Action”, improve the women’s health protection working mechanism led by the government, departmental coordination, social participation, and industry supervision, and ensure that women receive high-quality, efficient, and reliable Affordable medical and health services. Increase investment in the health of women who have been lifted out of poverty. Strengthen the monitoring, early warning and response mechanism for public health emergencies, and improve the medical treatment, scientific and technological support, and material security systems. Support the development of women’s health through multiple channels, pay attention to the special needs of women , and meet the special needs of key groups including women, especially pregnant women and female medical workers.
  2. Strengthen the construction of maternal and child health service system. Improve the maternal and child health service network with maternal and child health care institutions as the core, grassroots medical and health institutions as the foundation, and county-level hospitals as the support, and improve the maternal and child health service supply capacity and level. Accelerate the improvement of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system . County-level medical institutions should establish treatment centers for critically ill pregnant women and strengthen the construction of maternal and child health service networks at the municipal , township and village levels. Strengthen the training and utilization of maternal and child health talents and urgently needed talents in obstetrics and midwifery.
  3. Establish and improve the health management model for women’s entire life cycle. We provide a full range of health management services based on the health needs of women in adolescence, childbearing age, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause and old age. Adhere to the integration of health care and clinical practice, focus on prevention, move the gateway forward, give full play to the advantages of multidisciplinary collaboration , and actively play the role of traditional Chinese medicine in maternal and child health care and disease prevention and treatment. Provide women with comprehensive health services such as publicity and education, consultation and guidance, screening and evaluation, comprehensive intervention and emergency treatment to improve women’s health and average healthy life expectancy.
  4. Ensure the safe delivery of pregnant women. Promote scientific pregnancy preparation and age-appropriate pregnancy, maintain appropriate birth intervals, and reasonably control cesarean sections. Promote pre-marital, pre-pregnancy and pregnancy health care services to be more equitable and accessible , and promote eugenics and eugenics. Improve the standardized management system for obstetric quality in medical institutions, provide basic medical and health care services throughout the birth process, and improve the rate of systematic management of pregnant women. Strengthen management services for migrant pregnant women. Provide necessary assistance to low-income pregnant women for hospital delivery and the treatment of critically ill pregnant women. Continue to promote classified management and services for key groups such as elderly pregnant women. Comprehensively implement pregnancy risk screening and assessment, high-risk project management, critical and severe treatment, maternal death case reporting and interview notification systems . Effectively operate a critical maternal treatment network to improve critical and severe maternal treatment capabilities.
  5. Improve the comprehensive prevention and treatment system and relief policies for cervical cancer and breast cancer. Improve women’s awareness and ability to prevent and treat cervical cancer and breast cancer, and increase the awareness rate of cervical cancer and breast cancer prevention and treatment knowledge. We will improve the regular screening system for common diseases among women and explore ways to promote human papillomavirus vaccination for women of appropriate age. Implement cervical cancer and breast cancer examination projects for rural women of appropriate age, urge employers to implement the “Regulations on Health Care for Female Employees”, and conduct regular cervical cancer and breast cancer screenings for female employees . Ensure funding for cervical cancer and breast cancer examinations , and increase population screening rates, especially cervical cancer screening rates for women aged 35-45. Strengthen the innovative application of cervical and breast cancer screening and diagnostic technologies. Strengthen the connection between screening and follow-up diagnosis and treatment services to promote early diagnosis and treatment. Continue to implement cervical cancer and breast cancer relief projects for low-income women.
  6. Improve women’s reproductive health. Popularize knowledge on prevention and control of reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases. Carry out reproductive health education for students to help students master reproductive health knowledge and improve their self-protection abilities. Enhance the awareness of sexual morality, sexual health, and sexual safety between men and women, and advocate shared contraceptive responsibilities. Promote the integration of reproductive health care services into women’s health management and ensure that women have the right to make informed choices about contraception and birth control. Improve the accessibility of safe, effective, and appropriate contraceptive and birth control services, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and promote healthy pregnancy and eugenics. Provide postpartum and post-abortion contraceptive and birth control services to reduce the rate of artificial abortion. Strengthen quality supervision of female hygiene products.
  7. Prevent and control the spread of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Strengthen the prevention and control of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, strengthen the publicity and education of relevant policies, and improve women’s prevention awareness and ability. Strengthen medical services for infected women, especially migrant and out-of-poverty women, and increase the follow-up rate. Provide comprehensive services such as health consultation, psychological and social support to infected pregnant women and their families through various forms and channels. Comprehensively implement comprehensive intervention measures to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B, increase early pregnancy detection rates and maternal HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B testing and treatment rates, and increase the proportion of treatment for positive pregnant women and their children .
  8. Promote women’s mental health. Strengthen the publicity and guidance of mental health-related knowledge, promote women to master basic psychological adjustment methods, and prevent psychological problems such as depression and anxiety, focusing on the mental health of women in adolescence, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, and elderly women. Strengthen the application of psychological consultation and treatment technology in women’s health care and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Effectively carry out prevention, early detection and intervention of postpartum depression in women, and promote medical institutions, mental health and social work service agencies to provide standardized diagnosis, treatment, consultation and social work services. Encourage communities to provide mental health services to support women in need. 
  9. Improve women’s health literacy. Carry out in-depth publicity and education on health science , guide women to establish scientific health concepts , learn health knowledge , master the knowledge and skills of physical and mental health, disease prevention, scientific medical treatment, and rational use of medications, and develop a healthy and civilized lifestyle. Improve women’s awareness and ability to participate in epidemic prevention and control and emergency avoidance. Carry out publicity and education for women on controlling the harm of tobacco, rejecting alcoholism, and staying away from drugs. Guide women to actively participate in patriotic health campaigns and develop a civilized and healthy lifestyle.
  10. Improve women’s nutritional level. Carry out in-depth publicity and education on nutrition and health science, provide nutritional and dietary guidance according to local conditions, increase women’s awareness of nutrition labels, promote women to learn and master nutrition knowledge, eat a balanced diet, and balance food and exercise to prevent and control malnutrition and obesity . Develop personalized nutrition and health information and products for women of different ages and provide targeted services. Regularly carry out nutritional monitoring and evaluation of women during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation to prevent and reduce maternal iron deficiency anemia. Prevention and control of underweight and anemia in elderly women.
  11. Strengthen the construction of maternal and child health service institutions . Continue to promote the realization that each township (town) has a standardized township health center, each street has at least one community health service agency, and each administrative village has at least one village clinic that provides basic medical and health services. Improve the compliance rate of maternal and child health service institutions .
  12. Promote women to actively participate in national fitness. Improve the national fitness public service system, strengthen national fitness publicity and scientific fitness guidance, promote national fitness culture, increase women’s awareness of physical exercise, and cultivate exercise habits. Guide women to make effective use of national fitness venues and facilities, actively participate in national fitness events, and join various fitness organizations. Encourage government agencies, enterprises and institutions to carry out workplace drills.

1 3. Strengthen scientific and technological support for women’s health services. Implement an innovation plan to develop medicine through science and technology, promote the innovative application of new technologies such as “Internet + medical health”, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and computer simulation technology in the field of women’s health, and promote women’s health information services, smart medical services, and remote services and mHealth. Strengthen the collaboration between women’s specialties and general hospitals, promote up-down linkage of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and improve service capabilities and management levels.    

(2) Women and education

main target:

  1. Strengthen ideological and political education and values ​​guidance, and guide women to be builders of great causes, advocates of civilized trends, and strivers who dare to pursue their dreams.
  2. Education work comprehensively and thoroughly implements the basic national policy of gender equality. The principle of gender equality is fully reflected in education planning, curriculum standards and teaching processes at all levels and types.
  3. Gender equality education in primary and secondary schools has been comprehensively promoted, and the awareness of gender equality among teachers and students has been significantly enhanced.
  4. Girls have equal access to compulsory education, and the net enrollment rate in primary school and junior high school remains above 99.95 % .
  5. Women have equal access to high school education, and the gross enrollment rate in high school reaches over 91 % . Appropriately increase the proportion of women in high school receiving vocational education.
  6. Promote women to establish a lifelong learning awareness, and the participation rate in vocational skills training for employed women will reach 75 % during the planning period.
  7. Vigorously cultivate female scientific and technological talents, and the number of female scientific and technological talents continues to increase .
  8. The scientific literacy attainment rate of urban and rural women continues to increase, and the gap in scientific literacy between men and women has significantly narrowed.
  9. Basically eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged women. The average number of years of education for working-age women reaches 10.2 years .

Strategic measures:

  1. Carry out extensive ideological and political education for women. We should carry out in-depth study and education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era , strengthen education on the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, strengthen education on patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, and encourage women to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and consciously Practice the core socialist values. Give full play to the role of ideological and political education in various patriotism education bases and national defense education bases .
  2. The implementation of the basic national policy of gender equality shall be reflected in the entire process of education work . Enhance the initiative and initiative of educators to consciously implement the basic national policy of gender equality. Implement the basic national policy of gender equality into the formulation, revision, implementation and evaluation of education policies and plans, and into all types of education content, teaching processes and school management at all levels. Strengthen the gender equality training content of teacher training at all levels and types. Increase the proportion of women in decision-making and management positions in education authorities and schools at all levels.
  3. Promote the widespread implementation of gender equality education in schools of all levels and types. Implement the national guidance on gender equality education. Develop gender equality education syllabus according to local conditions and strengthen special teacher training. By setting up gender equality theme courses, integration courses and practical courses, we promote the integration of gender equality education into school teaching content, campus culture, club activities and social practice activities. Explore and build a gender equality education model that combines school education, family education, and social education.
  4. Protect girls’ equal rights to receive compulsory education. Deepen the reform of education and teaching, accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, balance the allocation of educational resources, and ensure that girls receive equal access to fair and high-quality compulsory education. We will improve and implement the mechanism for controlling dropouts and ensuring schooling, strengthen classified guidance, urge legal guardians to ensure that girls receive compulsory education in accordance with the law, and effectively solve the problem of girls dropping out of compulsory education. Protect the educational rights and opportunities of girls in need. Support girls with academic difficulties to complete compulsory education.
  5. Increase the proportion of women receiving general high school education. We will ensure that women, especially women from areas with a weak educational foundation and from families with financial difficulties, have equal rights and opportunities to receive high school education , and consolidate and improve the popularization of high school education . Encourage the diversified and distinctive development of ordinary high schools to meet the comprehensive and personalized development needs of women. Moderately expand the enrollment scale of secondary vocational education, coordinate the development of general high school education and vocational secondary education, encourage general high schools and secondary vocational schools to establish a training model with mutual selection of courses, mutual recognition of credits, and exchange of resources, and broaden the channels for women’s growth and development . Provide targeted guidance on subject selection and career planning to improve women’s ability to make independent choices and eliminate the impact of gender factors on women’s academic and career development.
  6. Promote women to receive high-quality vocational education. Improve the modern vocational education system that attaches equal importance to academic education and training, optimize professional settings, provide multiple learning methods, support women in obtaining vocational skill level certificates, and cultivate female talents with comprehensive technical skills and skilled craftsmen, and craftsmen of great powers. Encourage vocational colleges to provide vocational skills training for female college graduates , rural migrant workers , urban registered unemployed and other groups .
  7. Guarantee women’s equal rights and opportunities to receive higher education in accordance with the law. Provide financial support to female college students from low-income families through multiple channels and forms . Introduce incentives to increase the proportion of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and other disciplines. Explore the establishment of scholarships for outstanding female college students majoring in science, technology and engineering.
  8. Provide support for women’s lifelong learning. Establish and improve a more open and flexible lifelong learning system, expand the supply of educational resources, provide convenient community and online educational resources, improve registered learning, flexible learning and continuing education systems, smooth mutual recognition and conversion channels for different types of learning results, and provide various Provide targeted education and training for women to meet the diverse learning needs of women, especially those whose studies have been interrupted by childbirth and those who have careers.
  9. Vigorously strengthen the training of female scientific and technological talents. Improve policy incentive mechanisms and optimize the comprehensive environment for the growth of female talents. Guide women in high school education to develop scientific interests and research spirit, and support and encourage girls to apply for science and engineering colleges. Increase efforts to cultivate female innovative and applied talents, encourage female college students to participate in scientific research projects, and cultivate scientific spirit and innovative ability in practice. Guide women to engage in science and technology-related jobs and increase opportunities for female scientific and technological talents to participate in continuing education and professional training.
  10. Vigorously improve the scientific quality of women. Carry out special actions to improve the scientific quality of women, and use modern information technology to increase the education, dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge for women. Carry out activities for outstanding female scientific and technological talents to enter the campus and play a leading role as role models. Guide primary and secondary school girls to participate in various science popularization activities to cultivate scientific interest, innovative spirit and practical ability. Deeply implement the “Rural Women’s Quality Improvement Plan” to improve the scientific and cultural quality of female farmers.
  11. Do a good job in building a team of female scientific and technological workers. Keep abreast of the ideological status, income status, psychological status, work status, distribution status, mobility status, etc. of female scientific and technological workers, listen to and promptly reflect the demands and suggestions of female scientific and technological workers, and give full play to the role of female scientific and technological workers in promoting the economy and society. The role of science in development and decision-making.
  12. Continue to carry out illiteracy eradication work among female young adults and increase efforts to promote Mandarin. Improve the literacy work mechanism, establish an information database for literacy targets, strengthen dynamic monitoring, and carry out targeted literacy work for women. Eliminate the phenomenon of girls dropping out of school and prevent new illiteracy among female young adults. We will strengthen education in the national common language, Mandarin training and various vocational training to favor groups such as women in remote rural areas and women with disabilities. We will deepen continuing education after literacy and increase the average number of years of education for women.

1 3. Build a campus environment of equality, respect, safety and friendliness. Promote the establishment of mutual respect, equality and harmonious relationships between teachers, students, and classmates, encourage schools to set up life education and related courses on preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, and campus bullying, and improve students’ self-protection awareness and abilities. Primary and secondary schools should establish and improve working mechanisms to prevent sexual assault of minors, strengthen daily management, prevention and investigation, accept complaints, and investigate and deal with them. Strengthen the construction of teacher ethics, establish and improve the entry inquiry and employment restriction system for sexual assault crimes, and deal with unqualified teaching staff.

( 3) Women and the economy

main target:

  1. Ensure women’s equal access to economic resources, equal participation in economic construction, and equal rights and opportunities to enjoy the fruits of economic development.
  2. Promote equal employment and eliminate gender discrimination in employment. The proportion of women among employed persons remains at around 40 %.
  3. Optimize the employment structure of women. The proportion of women among employed persons in urban units reaches about 40%.
  4. Increase the proportion of women among senior professional technicians and skilled workers.
  5. Ensure that women receive fair remuneration for labor and fully implement equal pay for men and women for equal work.
  6. Protect the legitimate rights and interests and labor safety of female employees.
  7. Ensure that rural women have equal access to land contract management rights, homestead use rights and other real estate rights, as well as equal rights to income distribution from collective economic organizations, land expropriation or expropriation and resettlement compensation.
  8. Enhance the sustainable development capabilities of low-income rural women.
  9. Women should play their full role in implementing the rural revitalization strategy.

Strategic measures:

  1. Increase efforts to ensure women’s equal participation in economic development. Improve and implement policies to ensure that women have equal access to economic resources, participate in economic construction, and enjoy the fruits of economic development, and protect women’s rights and interests in employment and entrepreneurship, career development, labor remuneration, occupational health and safety, career exit, and land. Innovate systems and mechanisms to create favorable conditions for women to fully participate in promoting high-quality development in all aspects.
  2. Increase efforts to eliminate gender discrimination in employment. Comprehensively implement policies to eliminate gender discrimination in employment and create a gender-equal employment mechanism and market environment. Conduct joint interviews with employers suspected of gender discrimination in recruitment and employment and punish them in accordance with the law. Employers are urged to strengthen self-examination and self-correction of gender discrimination in employment. Give full play to the role of labor security legal supervision, provide corrective opinions to employers suspected of gender discrimination in employment, or provide handling suggestions to relevant administrative departments. Accept lawsuits involving gender discrimination in employment in accordance with the law. Give full play to the coordinating and supervisory role of industry associations and chambers of commerce to improve industry self-discipline awareness. Party and government agencies, state-owned enterprises and institutions play a leading role in demonstrating gender equality in terms of recruitment (employment), employee promotion, and assessment of professional and technical titles.
  3. Promote various forms of employment for women. We will increase the implementation of policies such as tax incentives and social security subsidies, develop human resources market services, improve public employment services, and increase women’s enjoyment of employment services and employment policies. Give full play to the role of modern service industries and new business formats in absorbing women’s employment, and support women’s independent employment through new forms such as new individuals and micro-economy. Improve women’s employability, ensure that they are willing to train as much as they can, and those who meet the conditions will enjoy vocational training subsidies in accordance with regulations. Increase assistance and help women with employment difficulties find employment through various measures such as public welfare positions. Strengthen career planning guidance services for female college students to improve their employability. Encourage female college students to find employment at the grassroots level, in small, medium and micro enterprises and in new economic fields. Provide employment assistance to unemployed female college students who have left school and are willing to find a job.
  4. Promote women’s employment and entrepreneurship. We will thoroughly implement the Women in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative and encourage women to actively participate in mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Support female scientific researchers to engage in scientific and technological entrepreneurship. Develop rural e-commerce, encourage migrant women to return to their hometowns to start businesses, and support willing women to start businesses in the countryside. Innovate financial and insurance products and service models, increase support for women with entrepreneurial guaranteed loans, expand coverage, lower loan thresholds, and expand financing channels for women to start businesses.
  5. Improve the quality of women’s employment. Promote women’s mastery and application of production factors such as knowledge, technology, management, and data, and improve women’s professional competitiveness. Continuously increase the proportion of women among employees in emerging industries and improve the level and quality of employment. Gradually eliminate occupational gender segregation and increase the proportion of women employed in urban units. Accelerate the construction of new urbanization and improve the organizational level of rural women’s transferred employment . Employers are urged to formulate and implement human resources systems for gender equality, smooth career development and job promotion channels for women, implement equal pay for men and women for equal work, and narrow the income gap between men and women.
  6. Strengthen the construction of female professional technical and technical talent teams. We will continue to deepen the construction of a “certified, skilled society for everyone” and increase the rate of female employees holding certificates. Inspire women to play their full role in technological innovation and strategic frontier fields. Increase the proportion of women among application and responsible persons and review experts for all types of scientific research and engineering construction projects at all levels, and enhance women’s participation and decision-making power. Strengthen the training and promotion of typical female scientific and technological talents and technical skills talents, and play a leading role as role models.
  7. Improve the labor safety situation of female employees. Extensively carry out publicity and education on labor safety and occupational disease prevention and control, increase the publicity and implementation of the “Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Female Employees”, and raise the awareness of labor protection and production safety of employers and female employees. Incorporate the labor protection of female employees into the scope of occupational health and production safety supervision and management, and strengthen labor security supervision and labor safety supervision of the labor protection of female employees in employers. Employers are urged to strengthen special protection for female employees during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and menopause, and implement lactation time and maternity leave systems . Protect female employees from the hazards of toxic and harmful substances and dangerous production processes at work. Strengthen labor safety protection for female employees working in non-unit organizations such as housekeeping services. Pay more attention to the mental health and occupational diseases of female employees.
  8. Protect the labor rights and interests of female employees. Employers are urged to standardize employment practices, sign labor contracts with female employees in accordance with the law, and promote the signing of special collective contracts for the protection of the rights and interests of female employees. Strengthen legal supervision of labor security. Guide employers to establish working mechanisms to prevent and suppress sexual harassment. Strengthen credit construction in the field of labor and employment, and increase the severity of breach of trust penalties for violations of the labor rights of female employees. Promote qualified labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions to set up arbitration tribunals for the rights of female employees to handle labor dispute cases of female employees in accordance with the law. Improve flexible employment labor standards and protect the rights and interests of women in flexible employment.
  9. Create favorable conditions for women’s career development after childbirth. Improve relevant policies. Employers are prohibited from reducing wages, dismissing women, or terminating labor ( employment ) contracts due to pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Provide support for women to return to work or re-employ after giving birth. Promote employers to establish lactation rooms for female employees, pregnant women’s rest rooms and other facilities based on the needs of female employees. Increase the supply of high-quality inclusive child care services and support qualified employers to provide child care services for their employees.
  10. Fully develop the human resources of older women. We will implement the policy of progressively delaying the statutory retirement age and actively develop female aging human resources. Establish a human resources service center for retired women to provide employment opportunity information, rights protection and other assistance to women who need re-employment.
  11. Ensure that rural women enjoy equal access to various economic rights and interests. Protect the rights and interests of rural women in the confirmation, registration and certification of rural land contract management rights and homestead use rights, and ensure that all rights and interests are registered. Establish and improve the rural collective asset management system, standardize the identification methods of members of rural collective economic organizations, improve rural land income distribution mechanisms such as land acquisition, resettlement compensation and distribution, and ensure that rural women can participate in all aspects of equity quantification, expropriation compensation, and equity transfer as members of collective economic organizations. Equally enjoy the right to know, participate in decision-making and benefit with family members. Protect the economic rights and interests of female farmers who have settled in cities. Smooth the rights protection channels for rural women whose economic rights have been violated.
  12. Enhance the sustainable development capabilities of low-income rural women. Implement various assistance policies and establish a mechanism to assist low-income rural residents. Improve the monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent people from returning to poverty. Support the development of special industrial projects such as hand-knitting and rural e-commerce that are suitable for the independent development of low-income urban and rural women. Through the cultivation of wealth leaders, poverty alleviation workshops, the construction of women’s poverty alleviation demonstration bases, as well as public welfare positions, work-for-relief and other methods, we help rural low-income women find jobs locally and nearby to increase their income and become rich.
  13. Support women’s active participation in rural revitalization. Support women’s participation in the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries and agricultural and rural modernization. We will deepen the implementation of the Women in Rural Revitalization Action, vigorously carry out the construction of demonstration bases for women in rural revitalization, give full play to the role of platforms such as rural innovation and entrepreneurship parks ( bases ) , and encourage and support women to establish and lead new agricultural business entities and social service organizations. Strengthen the cultivation of high-quality female farmers and guide them to become rural craftsmen, cultural experts, craftsmen, agricultural technology co-leaders and new agricultural management experts.

(4) Women’s participation in decision-making and management

main target:

  1. Women’s role in the construction of socialist democratic politics and social governance has gradually increased, and their level of participation in the management of national and social affairs has further improved.   2. The Communist Party of China maintains a reasonable proportion of female members. The proportion of women among delegates to party congresses at all levels is generally not less than the proportion of women among the total number of party members.   3. The proportion of women among deputies to people’s congresses at all levels and standing committee members has gradually increased; the proportion of women among members of CPPCC committees and standing committee members at all levels has gradually increased.   4. The proportion of women in the leadership teams of government and constituent departments has gradually increased, and the proportion of female cadres holding full-time positions among full-time cadres at the same level has gradually increased.   5. The proportion of women among the leadership team members of various public institutions at all levels has gradually increased.   6. The proportion of women among state-owned enterprise board of directors, supervisory board members and management has gradually increased. The proportion of women in the employee congresses of enterprises and institutions should be consistent with the proportion of female employees.   7. The proportion of women among village party organization members and village party organization secretaries has gradually increased. The proportion of women among village committee about 32 %, and the proportion of women among village committee directors has gradually increased .   8. The proportion of women among community party organization members and party organization secretaries has gradually increased. The proportion of women among community committee members remains at around 56 %, and the proportion of women among community committee directors reaches over 32 %.
  2. The proportion of women among leaders of social organizations has gradually increased, and the role of female social organizations in grassroots governance has been effectively brought into play.

Strategic measures:

  1. Strengthen institutional guarantees for women’s participation in decision-making and management. Improve rules and regulations that promote women’s participation in decision-making and management, and optimize the institutional environment for women’s equal participation in state and social public affairs. Establish and improve the selection and working mechanisms for female deputies to the National People’s Congress and female members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and adhere to the principle of equality between men and women during the process of allocating the number of National People’s Congress deputies, recommending candidates, and elections, as well as the process of nominating and recommending, and negotiating and determining the list of recommended members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, to ensure that women enjoy equal rights. rights and opportunities. Formulate positive policies and measures, increase the enforcement of laws and policies, and improve women’s participation in decision-making and management.
  2. Increase efforts to develop female members of the Communist Party of China. Carry out in-depth ideological and political work for women, expand the Party’s female mass base, cultivate feelings for the Party, deepen understanding of the Party, guide support for the Party’s ideas, and stimulate women’s political will to join the Party. Raise awareness of the importance of developing female party members, and focus on discovering and cultivating party activists among outstanding women from all walks of life, especially young women. In the process of preparing candidates for party representatives, we should pay full attention to outstanding women with strong political skills, excellent work style, courage to take on responsibilities, and outstanding achievements, and continuously increase the proportion of female party members among representatives to the party congress.
  3. Pay attention to and strengthen the training and selection of female cadres. Incorporate the training and selection of female cadres into the overall plan for building leadership teams and cadre teams . Fully consider the growth patterns and characteristics of female cadres, optimize the growth path of female cadres, and actively create conditions and opportunities for female cadres to participate in education and training, exchange appointments, and temporary training. Improve the cadre personnel system and civil servant management system, strictly implement the principles of “openness, equality, competition, and merit selection” to ensure that women enjoy equal rights in all aspects of cadre recruitment, selection, employment (appointment), promotion, and retirement. Implement the goals and tasks for the selection and deployment of female cadres, and achieve the goal of matching women cadres according to their needs while ensuring quality . We will increase efforts to cultivate outstanding young female cadres , expand the scope of selecting and appointing female cadres, and focus on cultivating and selecting female cadres from the grassroots and production lines.
  4. Increase the proportion of female representatives to the National People’s Congress and female members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Implement the rules and procedures for the election of deputies to the National People’s Congress, and ensure that women enjoy equal rights and opportunities in the areas of constituency delineation, deputies allocation, candidate recommendation, and elections. Attention should be paid to recommending female candidates for National People’s Congress representatives from the grassroots and production front lines. There should be an appropriate number of female representatives among the candidates, and the proportion of female representatives should be gradually increased. When nominating, recommending, and negotiating to determine the recommended list of CPPCC members, a certain proportion of women are guaranteed to be nominated. Give full play to the active role of female representatives of the National People’s Congress and female members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in the development of socialist democratic politics and the cause of gender equality.
  5. Promote women’s participation in decision-making and management of public institutions. Conduct in-depth research on the growth patterns of female talents in public institutions, and establish a guarantee mechanism to increase the proportion of women in the leadership teams of public institutions. Strengthen the construction of a team of professional and technical personnel, create conditions for the growth of female professional and technical personnel, and train and select outstanding female professional and technical personnel to enter decision-making management. In the process of deepening the reform of public institutions, ensure that women enjoy equal rights and opportunities in job promotion, professional title evaluation, etc. Promote the proportion of female representatives in the employee congresses of public institutions to match the proportion of female employees.
  6. Promote women’s participation in corporate decision-making and management. In the process of deepening the reform of the enterprise’s personnel system, methods such as organizational recommendation, open recruitment, and democratic recommendation are used to promote outstanding women to enter the enterprise’s board of directors, board of supervisors, and management. In the action plans related to the cultivation of entrepreneurs and the cultivation of innovative management talents, we pay attention to the development needs of female entrepreneurs and female management talents and provide support for their innovation and entrepreneurship. Improve the democratic management system of enterprises, take active measures to ensure that the proportion of female representatives in the employee congress is consistent with the proportion of female employees in the enterprise, and support female employees in participating in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision of enterprises through the employee congress and other forms.
  7. Promote women’s extensive participation in urban and rural grassroots governance. Establish a reserve talent pool for female cadres at the grassroots level, focusing on cultivating and selecting village (community) cadres from groups such as female experts in getting rich, female business workers, female rural teachers and doctors, female social workers, female university student village officials, and female retired cadres and workers. In the process of promoting the cross-appointment of the village party organization secretary as the director of the village committee and the member of the village “two committees” through legal procedures, explore innovations according to local conditions, take active and effective measures, and strive to increase the proportion of women among village committee members and village committee directors. . Improve the discussion and consultation system for villagers and residents, enrich the forms of discussion and consultation, and guide and support women to actively participate in various types of discussion and consultation activities.
  8. Strengthen the cultivation, guidance and services of women’s social organizations. Improve policies and institutional mechanisms to promote the development of social organizations, and increase efforts to cultivate women’s social organizations. Strengthen support for women’s social organizations, provide guidance services in registration, organization operation, talent team building, etc., and help women’s social organizations undertake government-purchased service projects. Increase the training of female professional and managerial talents in social organizations , focus on identifying and cultivating female leaders of social organizations, and guide and support female social organizations to participate in social governance.
  9. Improve women’s awareness and ability to participate in decision-making management. Strengthen the education and training of female cadres. The proportion of female cadres in the training of cadres at all levels and types should not be lower than the proportion of female cadres among cadres at the same level. Provide female leadership training courses in party schools to improve the political awareness and governance capabilities of female cadres. Increase the training of female deputies to the National People’s Congress and female members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference to enhance their awareness of gender equality and their ability to participate in and discuss politics. Strengthen the training of female professional technicians and managers to improve their political quality and business capabilities. Promote training resources to be tilted towards the grassroots level, increase the training intensity of grassroots women backbones, and improve their awareness and ability to participate in urban and rural grassroots governance. Encourage women to actively participate in autonomous organizations such as village (resident) councils and councils, promote the full coverage and effective operation of women’s councils in urban and rural communities, and give full play to the active role of women in urban and rural grassroots governance.

(5) Women and social security

main target:

  1. Women enjoy equal rights and interests in social security, and the level of security continues to improve.
  2. Improve the maternity security system. Increase the maternity insurance participation rate.
  3. Improve the medical security system. The participation rate of women’s basic medical insurance is stable at over 95 %, and the benefits are fair and appropriate.
  4. Improve the pension insurance system. The participation rate in women’s basic pension insurance has reached over 95%, and the level of benefits has steadily increased.
  5. Improve the unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance systems. Increase the number of women participating in unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance, and ensure relevant benefits.
  6. Improve the hierarchical and classified rescue system. Women in need receive basic guarantees such as basic living assistance, special social assistance, and emergency social assistance.
  7. Women’s welfare benefits will continue to improve, focusing on strengthening social welfare for elderly women and disabled women.
  8. Improve multi-level elderly care services and establish a long-term care security system. Ensure that elderly women enjoy equal access to basic elderly care services, and the level of care services for disabled women continues to improve.
  9. Strengthen care services for women, focusing on providing assistance to women in need and in need.

Strategic measures:

  1. Improve the social security system that benefits women. In the process of formulating and promulgating relevant policies and improving the social security system covering the entire population , we should pay attention to and protect the special interests and needs of women. Continue to promote the expansion of social insurance coverage, support flexible employment women to participate in corresponding social insurance, realize all the coverage they should have, and narrow the gender gap in social security. Establish a social insurance universal participation registration information database, and strengthen social security gender-disaggregated statistics, information dynamic monitoring and management.
  2. Improve the maternity security system covering urban and rural women. Improve maternity insurance policies and measures to consolidate and increase maternity insurance coverage . Properly resolve the issue of maternity security for women during employment and unemployment. Improve the effectiveness of the merger of maternity insurance and basic medical insurance for employees. Strengthen the protection of maternity medical expenses for urban and rural residents .
  3. Continuously improve the level of medical security for women. Consolidate the participation rate of female employees in basic medical insurance, promote urban and rural female residents to continue to participate in urban and rural residents’ basic medical insurance, and meet women’s basic medical security needs. We will coordinate and give full play to the three-system guarantee role of basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance, and medical assistance, and promote the complementary connection of multi-level medical insurance. Provide medical assistance to low-income women who meet the conditions for medical assistance . Promote the establishment of medical mutual assistance for female employees and promote the development of commercial insurance for major diseases such as cervical cancer and breast cancer. Improve the medical insurance and assistance system for serious and serious diseases. Encourage the development of supplementary medical insurance and commercial health insurance.
  4. Promote women’s access to sustainable, multi-level pension insurance. In the process of implementing the national coordination of basic pension insurance for enterprise employees, implementing the basic pension insurance benefit determination and normal adjustment mechanism for basic pensions for urban and rural residents, and implementing the supplementary pension insurance system for urban and rural residents, we will consolidate and increase the participation rate of women’s basic pension insurance, and increase support for women. pension security. Employers are urged to pay full basic pension insurance premiums and enterprise (occupational) annuities for female employees in accordance with the law. Enrich commercial pension insurance products and improve the level of women’s pension insurance .
  5. Protect women’s rights to enjoy unemployment insurance in accordance with the law. Employers are urged to apply for unemployment insurance for female employees in accordance with the law and increase the insurance participation rate of female employees, especially female migrant workers. Ensure that eligible female unemployed persons enjoy unemployment insurance benefits in accordance with the law. Strengthen the function of unemployment insurance in promoting employment, preventing unemployment, and ensuring livelihood, and support female workers in stabilizing their employment. We should formulate unemployment protection policies for special to provide unemployment protection for workers, including female workers.
  6. Expand the coverage of women’s work-related injury insurance. Strengthen the functions of work-related injury insurance in preventing work-related injuries, protecting life, and promoting recovery, promote the pilot program of occupational injury protection for people in new forms of employment , and include women employed in new forms of employment into the scope of insurance. Employers, especially units in high-risk industries, are urged to apply for work-related injury insurance for female employees in accordance with the law to ensure the implementation of work-related injury insurance benefits.
  7. Strengthen social assistance to provide basic protection for women in difficulty. Promote the implementation of laws, strengthen policy coherence, and improve the basic living assistance system and special assistance systems such as medical assistance, education assistance, housing assistance, employment assistance, and assistance for disaster victims. Accelerate the construction of a comprehensive assistance pattern with government leadership, social participation, sound systems, policy coherence, and strong bottom-line support. Establish and improve a hierarchical and classified assistance system based on basic living assistance, supported by special social assistance, supplemented by emergency social assistance, and supplemented by the participation of social forces, and increase assistance to groups such as women from subsistence allowances, special poverty, and low-income families. Efforts have been made to promote the establishment of a unified assistance information platform, strengthen gender-disaggregated statistics on social assistance, and accurately identify assistance recipients.
  8. Continuously meet the social welfare needs of women. Establish and improve the basic welfare system, expand the scope of welfare, and improve the level of social welfare for women. Increase support for elderly empty-nest families and families who have lost their only child, gradually increase subsidies and subsidies for the elderly, disabled elderly women, and disabled women, reasonably determine subsidy standards, and expand the supply of public services that meet the special needs of women.
  9. Ensure that women enjoy basic elderly care services. Deeply implement the community elderly care happiness project and accelerate the construction of multi-level, multi-functional and professional community elderly care service facilities. Comprehensively liberalize the elderly care service market, improve the service capabilities of elderly care institutions, and promote the improvement of rural elderly care services. Focus on “medicine, care, services and entertainment”, promote the coordinated development of the elderly care and the elderly care industry, build an elderly care service system that coordinates home and community institutions and combines medical care and health care, and improves the daily care, emergency rescue, spiritual comfort, etc. of elderly women. Service Level.
  10. Explore the establishment of a multi-level long-term care security system covering urban and rural women. Steadily advance the pilot program of long-term care insurance, include eligible disabled women in the coverage, and properly address their long-term care security needs. Promote the establishment of a long-term care security system that connects long-term care insurance and related social insurance, social welfare and social assistance. Increase the proportion of nursing beds in nursing homes, improve the quality of nursing services, and explore and implement comprehensive long-term care service guarantees. Provide family caregivers with support such as care training, psychological counseling, and insurance benefit payment.
  11. Improve the level of care services for women. Improve the care and service system for rural left-behind women, establish and improve the information ledger of rural left-behind women based on townships (subdistricts), and strengthen classified management and services . Actively build platforms and provide services for left-behind women to start their own businesses. Actively support left-behind women in rural areas to participate in rural revitalization and family civilization construction, and play an active role in rural governance, neighborly mutual assistance, and care services for left-behind elderly and children. We will continue to expand care services for women, support the participation of social forces, and focus on providing rights protection, life assistance, spiritual comfort and other care services for women with difficulties in life, disabilities, and serious illnesses.

(6) Women and family construction

main target :

  1. Promote women and family members to establish a new era family outlook, and promote the formation of a new trend of family civilization that is patriotic, loving family, loving each other, doing good, and co-building and sharing. Create a good family environment for women’s development.
  2. Establish and improve a family policy system that promotes gender equality and the all-round development of women, and enhance family development capabilities.
  3. Vigorously develop public services that support the comprehensive development of families and women. Improve the level of socialization, modernization and professionalization of housework and family care.
  4. Give full play to the important role of family education and family tradition in grassroots social governance.
  5. Give full play to women’s unique role in family construction, and support and guide women to be advocates and builders of happy and healthy families.
  6. Promote marriage and family counseling and conflict mediation services. Promote the establishment of family relationships of equality, harmony, mutual respect, support and tolerance.
  7. Support and encourage men and women to equally participate in family decision-making, share family resources, and respect and support women’s development.
  8. Support and encourage men and women to share family responsibilities such as childcare, elderly care, and care, and reduce the gap in housework time between men and women.
  9. Encourage employers to fulfill their social responsibilities and support male and female employees to better balance work and family.

Strategic measures:

  1. Practice socialist core values ​​in family construction and create a good family environment for women’s development. Strengthen educational guidance, publicity, cultural influence, and practical training to encourage women and family members to internalize the core socialist values ​​into spiritual pursuits and externalize them into conscious actions, so as to integrate family dreams into the Chinese dream. We will implement the national policy of gender equality as an important part of practicing the core socialist values ​​​​and the family view of the new era. We will promote family gender equality and support the development of women as the value principles and important goals of family construction and grassroots social governance, and curb the impact of traditional gender role concepts on Gender equality and adverse impacts on women’s development.
  2. Formulate and introduce family policies that promote equality between men and women and the all-round development of women. Incorporate the gender perspective into the entire process of formulation, implementation and evaluation of family development policies, and promote the construction of a modern family model with gender equality through the benefit and value orientation of family policies. Develop and improve mutually supporting tax and welfare policies such as reproductive support, child rearing and education, elderly care, promotion of work-family balance, and special family assistance and care, and form a family policy system that supports the improvement of basic family functions, promotes gender equality and the all-round development of women. Gradually implement the parental leave system to guide and encourage both men and women to share family responsibilities. Implement family-based individual tax deduction preferential policies and implement tax reductions and exemptions for child care expenses for children under 3 years old. Establish a family development policy evaluation mechanism with a gender equality perspective.
  3. Vigorously develop family public services. Build a “three-in-one” family service system that is led by the government, fully mobilizes social resources and market forces, is based on public services, and is supplemented by social services and market services. Promote the integration of marriage and family counseling services, family education guidance services, etc. into the public service system, increase the government’s financial investment in supporting families, and improve the equalization of basic public services for families. Through government purchase of services and other forms, social forces are guided to provide family services to meet the basic needs of families. Vigorously develop inclusive childcare services, develop and improve long-term care services for the elderly with disabilities and dementia, explore relying on existing institutions in towns (streets) to undertake comprehensive family service responsibilities, and establish comprehensive family service centers in qualified urban and rural communities to provide families with Provide convenient services nearby. Encourage all types of social resources to innovate and adapt to the family service model in the Internet era, and provide more social alternatives that enhance family functions. Promote the improvement of quality, expansion and efficiency of the domestic service industry, and guide domestic service enterprises to provide families with more humane, accessible, high-quality and low-price household services while meeting the needs of different families.
  4. Promote family education and family tradition to play an important role in grassroots social governance. Build a family construction work pattern that is led by the party committee, led by the government, cooperated by departments, families are responsible, and the society is involved. Building civilized families, implementing scientific education, and inheriting good family traditions will be included in the grassroots social governance system and the evaluation and assessment of grassroots social governance. Encourage family members to fulfill family and social responsibilities and enhance the positive interaction between government governance, social adjustment, and residents’ autonomy. Deeply implement the “Every Family Happiness and Health Project”, carry out activities to create family civilization, support family education, improve family services, and deepen family research, and carry out mass activities such as civilized families, five good families, the most beautiful families, green families, and safe families. Activities to create sexual spiritual civilization.
  5. Encourage and support women to play a unique role in family building. Guide women to lead family members to jointly sublimate the feelings of patriotism and love for the family, cultivate family virtues of upward kindness, and practice the family pursuit of joint construction and sharing. Support women in motivating family members to establish the concept of lifelong learning, enhance the cultural connotation and spiritual realm of the family, and build a family relationship of equality, harmony, mutual respect, support and tolerance. Support women in leading family members to improve their health literacy, practice a green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable lifestyle, be thrifty, eliminate waste, create a clean and tidy living environment, and consciously classify and dispose of garbage.
  6. Promote the healthy development of marriage and family relationships. Promote laws and regulations such as the Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law to families, promote the implementation of the concept of gender equality in the construction of marriage and family relationships, advocate equal participation of husband and wife in family affairs decision-making, jointly assume family responsibilities, and oppose all forms of of domestic violence. Carry out education on love, marriage and family concepts, promote changing customs, guide changes in male preference, resist early marriage, early childbearing, high-priced betrothal gifts and other phenomena, and cultivate a healthy and civilized marriage culture. Strengthen the standardized management of radio and television marriage programs, social marriage activities and marriage services. Through the discussion of typical events, the dissemination of film and television dramas, and the selection of various types of models, we can build a family relationship of equality, harmony, mutual respect, support and tolerance, and cultivate a family culture of equality between men and women.
  7. Strengthen marriage and family counseling services to prevent and resolve marriage and family conflicts and disputes. Actively promote all-round marriage and family counseling and guidance services such as pre-marital guidance, marriage and family relationship counseling services, and prevention and resolution of marriage and family disputes. Carry out training for junior high school and senior marriage and family counselors in accordance with national vocational training guidelines and courses. Promote “one-stop” services such as marriage registration, pre-marital medical examination, and marriage and family relationship counseling. Promote qualified towns (subdistricts) to carry out marriage and family counseling and guidance , and provide professional services such as group training and case counseling to community families through government purchase of services. Improve the working mechanism for the prevention and resolution of marriage and family disputes, give full play to the role of functional departments, strengthen connection and linkage, improve the dispute investigation and mediation system, and prevent vicious cases caused by the intensification of family conflicts. Promote the reform of the family trial system, strengthen the construction of docking platforms for litigation and mediation, and build a new model of comprehensive coordination and resolution of family disputes.
  8. Promote men and women to share family responsibilities. We encourage couples to divide labor and cooperate in housework, and share family responsibilities such as caring for children and the elderly, educating and tutoring children, and doing housework, so as to narrow the gap between genders in housework time. Actively promote multiple family division of labor models such as father-child care, advocate the formation of evaluation standards for good husbands, good fathers, good wives, and good mothers that are consistent with the style of the new era, promote public understanding of the positive role of father’s participation in the development of families and women, and actively practice gender equality in the family . Promote the socialization of housework such as care, cleaning, and cooking, provide more healthy and convenient finished products and semi-finished products, and help family members better assume family care responsibilities.
  9. Improve the quality of family life of elderly women. Advocate the family virtues of caring for the elderly, being filial to the elderly, and respecting the elderly, and support families in fulfilling their primary responsibility for supporting the elderly. Encourage children to live with the elderly or live nearby, and provide respite services for family members who take care of the elderly for a long time. Employers are urged to protect the family leave rights of support obligors and promote the establishment of a child care leave system. Establish and improve community care service mechanisms for the elderly. Develop the “silver economy” and strive to meet the living needs of elderly women. Elderly women’s freedom of marriage and family property rights are protected in accordance with the law.
  10. Promote employers to establish family-friendly human resources systems. We will promote gender equality and support employees to balance work and family as important aspects of corporate social responsibility. Support and encourage all types of employers to adopt flexible working hours and working methods such as working from home and telecommuting that are conducive to employees’ family responsibilities, increase infant and child care service facilities, establish and implement parental leave and other supportive measures to help employees better balance work and family.

(7) Women and the environment

main target:

  1. Improve women’s ideological and political awareness and encourage women to actively practice socialist core values.
  2. Raise the awareness of gender equality in the whole society, and promote the basic national policy education of gender equality into institutions, schools, enterprises, urban and rural communities, and families.
  3. Improve the gender equality assessment and supervision mechanism in the field of culture and media.
  4. Comprehensively improve women’s media literacy, eliminate the digital gender gap, and improve women’s ability to use information technology to participate in high-quality economic and social development.
  5. Raise women’s awareness of ecological civilization, encourage women to practice the concept of green development, and be promoters and practitioners of high-quality development.
  6. Reduce the harm of environmental pollution to women’s health. Ensure that the proportion of days with good air quality set by the state is achieved.
  7. The penetration rate of tap water in rural areas has stabilized at above 99.68 %. Improve the quality of urban centralized drinking water sources and reduce the harm of water pollution to women’s health.
  8. Increase the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas to reach about 85 % by 2025 . The standardized construction of the proportion of male and female toilet seats in urban public toilets is consistent with actual needs.
  9. Promote the construction of women-friendly facilities, fully consider the special needs of women in promoting new urbanization strategies, and reflect the awareness of gender equality.
  10. Women’s ability to respond to major emergencies such as natural disasters and accidents has been improved, their roles have been fully utilized, and their special needs have been met.

Strategic measures:

  1. Strengthen ideological and political guidance for women. Give full play to the role of the media, women’s homes, new era civilized practice centers (institutes, stations) and other carriers, carry out in-depth study and education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and adopt innovative theory guidance, service leadership, activity leadership, model guidance, Online guidance and other methods can guide women to strengthen their belief and confidence in listening to the Party and following the Party, firmly establish the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, and achieve “two safeguards”; guide women to consciously align their personal destiny with the Party Closely linked to the future and destiny of the country, we must be builders of great causes, advocates of civilized trends, and strivers who dare to pursue dreams; guide women to base themselves on communities and families, and promote the core socialist values ​​to take root.
  2. Carry out extensive and in-depth publicity and education on the basic national policy of gender equality. Vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on women and women’s work , publicize the Marxist view of women and the basic national policy of gender equality, vigorously publicize the role of women as “half the sky”, and publicize outstanding women models and outstanding cases of implementing the basic national policy of gender equality. Promote the basic national policy education of gender equality into institutions, schools, enterprises, urban and rural communities, and families. Education and training on the basic national policy of gender equality in party schools and socialist colleges have achieved full coverage.
  3. Build an advanced gender culture with gender equality as the core. Adhere to the core socialist values ​​as the guide, make full use of Huozhou’s excellent traditional culture and red cultural resources, innovate cultural service supply, and continuously launch excellent cultural works that comprehensively reflect the image of women, objectively evaluate the role of women, and actively advocate equality between men and women. Implement an all-media communication project, strengthen new mainstream media, build and make good use of urban integrated media centers, and strengthen the construction of advanced gender cultural positions with gender equality as the core. Promote the integrated construction of urban and rural public cultural service systems , carry out in-depth mass cultural projects to benefit the people, and benefit urban and rural women.
  4. Strengthen gender equality assessment and supervision in the field of culture and media. Carry out gender equality training for cultural media managers and practitioners to improve gender equality communication capabilities in the cultural media field. Set up gender equality monitoring indicators, supervise content related to gender equality in public cultural products and media, and organize gender experts to conduct evaluations. Strengthen the monitoring of women’s public opinion, especially online public opinion , supervise and deal with negative phenomena such as discrimination and derogation of women, insults to women’s human dignity, and objectification of women’s images , promptly speak out against wrong views and speeches , positively guide public opinion , and optimize the social public opinion environment that is conducive to the all-round development of women . . Regulate the communication behavior of Internet celebrities and public accounts. Improve the warning and recording system for violations, and optimize the online public opinion warning and offline evaluation and disposal mechanisms.
  5. Guide women to improve their media literacy. Use women’s homes, libraries, online classes, etc. to carry out media literacy education and training for women , improve women’s ability to select, judge and effectively use media information , enhance women’s awareness of network security, and enhance women’s role in information technology research and development and decision-making fields engagement and bridge the digital gender divide. Guide girls to use the Internet reasonably and safely, improve their self-protection capabilities, and prevent Internet addiction. Focus on helping elderly women, disabled women and women in remote rural areas master basic network knowledge and skills. Carry out the “Women’s Good Netizens” campaign to encourage women to promote the positive energy of the Internet.
  6. Promote women to jointly build and share the achievements of spiritual civilization creation and urban and rural living environment improvement. Enrich the supply of high-quality cultural products and public cultural services to meet women’s spiritual and cultural needs. Encourage women to actively participate in the construction of urban civilization . Guide women to be dedicated to their jobs and strive to become civilized employees in the establishment of civilized units. Promote women’s participation in the creation of civilized villages and towns, and actively participate in the improvement of rural living environment, the development of rural culture, the cultivation of civilized rural customs, and rural social governance. Promote the integrated construction of urban and rural public cultural service systems, innovatively implement cultural projects to benefit the people, and benefit urban and rural women.
  7. Give full play to the important role of women in the construction of “Beautiful Huozhou “. Implement the “Beautiful China, I am an Actor” Action Plan to Enhance Citizens’ Ecological Civilization Awareness (2021-2025), carry out ecological cultural publicity and education and environmental protection knowledge and skills training, widely disseminate ecological value concepts, and enhance women’s ecological civilization awareness and environmental protection Scientific literacy and environmental protection capabilities. Relying on women’s homes, children’s homes and other positions, we will extensively carry out practical activities such as the creation of green families, guide women to consciously fulfill their environmental protection responsibilities, put an end to luxury and waste, and practice simplicity, moderation, green consumption, green travel, garbage classification and other aspects. Green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy life concept and lifestyle.
  8. Reduce the harm of environmental pollution to women’s health. Monitor, analyze and evaluate the impact of environmental policies, infrastructure projects, production, living and learning environments on women’s health. Strengthen pollution emission reduction, strengthen collaborative prevention and control of surface water and groundwater pollution, improve the level of collaborative management of air pollution, and reduce the harm to women’s health caused by water pollution and air pollution. Develop and utilize clean energy , promote the use of household energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, implement actions to improve the urban and rural living environment, promote garbage classification, reduction and resource utilization , and improve the urban and rural living environment.
  9. Provide safe drinking water for urban and rural women. Strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and water quality monitoring to protect the lifeblood of drinking water safety. Guide women to actively participate in water source protection. Implement standardized construction and renovation of rural water supply projects or update and renovation of old water supply projects and pipe networks, promote the integration of urban and rural water supply where conditions permit, improve the ability to optimize the allocation of water resources, and provide convenience for women to obtain and use water.
  10. Strengthen the construction of sanitary toilets that meet the needs of women. Reasonably choose the standards and models for rural toilet renovation, promote the “toilet revolution” throughout the village, adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on construction, management and service, and increase the popularity of sanitary toilets in rural areas. Promote the renovation of urban public toilets, fully implement the design standards for urban public toilets, and promote the construction of third toilets in public places such as tourist attractions, shopping malls , passenger transport hubs, and service areas .
  11. Embody awareness of gender equality in accelerating new urbanization and integrate consideration of women’s special needs into the overall thinking of urban renewal actions. Increase the number of barrier-free passages in public places for pregnant women and people with infants and young children , continue to promote the construction of “mommy cabins” , increase maternal and infant feeding facilities in public places and employers , and increase the utilization rate of maternal and infant facilities.
  12. When responding to emergencies, pay attention to the special needs of women, especially pregnant and lactating women and women in need. The special needs of women should be taken into consideration in the construction of the emergency response system, the construction of prevention and emergency response mechanisms, and the formulation of relevant emergency plans and plans, and priority should be given to ensuring the supply of female hygiene products, maternity products, and important medical supplies. Provide training and guidance for women on preventing and responding to natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies, and improve women ‘s awareness of disaster prevention and reduction and their ability to rescue themselves and each other . In response to emergencies, we will strengthen rescue services and psychological counseling for women in need . Guide women to actively participate in disaster prevention and reduction work.
  13. Give full play to the active role of women’s federation organizations in creating an environment for gender equality and the all-round development of women. We will improve the working mechanism for leading services to connect women and play a role as a bridge. Cooperate with mainstream media and rely on the Women’s Federation’s all-media to vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on women and women’s work, promote the Marxist view of women and the basic national policy of gender equality, and promote the role of women as “half the sky”.

(8) Women and the Law

main target:

  1. Improve and implement laws and regulations that protect women’s rights and interests and promote equality between men and women.
  2. Promote the standardized construction and effective operation of gender equality assessment mechanisms for laws and regulations.
  3. Improve women’s awareness and ability to respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law and use it. Give full play to the role of women in the construction of Huozhou under the rule of law .
  4. Deeply implement anti-domestic violence laws and regulations to prevent and stop all forms of domestic violence against women. Promote the effective operation of the coordination and linkage mechanism for anti-domestic violence work.
  5. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as trafficking in women and sexual assault of women in accordance with the law.
  6. Raise awareness of the rule of law to prevent and stop sexual harassment, and effectively curb sexual harassment against women.
  7. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal acts committed against women using the Internet in accordance with the law.
  8. Protect women’s property ownership and inheritance rights in family relationships, and ensure women’s right to know and equal disposal rights to jointly owned property in marriage and family relationships .
  9. Provide public legal services to women in accordance with the law and ensure that women who have been violated receive legal aid and judicial assistance in accordance with the law.

Strategic measures:

  1. Promote and improve the policy system that protects women’s rights and interests and promotes equality between men and women. Strengthen the supervision and supervision of key issues in the protection of women’s rights and interests, and ensure that cases that infringe on women’s rights and interests are handled fairly and equitably. Promote public interest litigation in the field of protecting women’s rights and interests. Incorporate content related to the protection of women’s rights and interests into grassroots social governance, into the construction of the rule of law team, nationwide legal popularization plans and mass rule of law cultural activities, so as to enhance the awareness of the rule of law and the rule of law literacy of the equality of men and women in the whole society.
  2. Strengthen gender equality assessment of laws and regulations. We will improve the gender equality assessment mechanism for laws and regulations, and strengthen the institutionalization of research and judgment before formulation, implementation during decision-making, and post-implementation assessment . Carry out training related to gender equality assessment, strengthen professional team building, and implement the concept of gender equality in all aspects of the entire process of formulation and implementation of regulations, policies , etc. Establish supporting mechanisms such as gender statistics.
  3. Enhance women’s awareness of the rule of law and their ability to participate in the construction of Huozhou under the rule of law . We will carry out in-depth special legal popularization activities, provide legal consultation and other services to women, guide women to consciously learn the Constitution and legal knowledge, enhance the concept of the rule of law, and develop good legal literacy of doing things according to the law, finding the law when encountering problems, using the law to solve problems, and resolving conflicts by relying on the law. Encourage women to participate in legislative, judicial and legal popularization activities through multiple channels.
  4. Increase the implementation of the “Anti-Domestic Violence Law” and “Shanxi Province Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Measures”. Strengthen publicity and education, prevention and investigation, and establish a community grid-based key monitoring mechanism for domestic violence. Improve the implementation of domestic violence detection, reporting, and handling mechanisms, strengthen relevant subjects’ awareness of mandatory reporting, and fulfill their mandatory reporting obligations. We will intensify efforts to handle police cases and conduct statistics on domestic violence police cases and issuance of warning letters. The perpetrators of crimes that constitute crimes will be held criminally accountable in accordance with the law, and major and vicious cases will be dealt with strictly. Issue habeas corpus orders in a timely manner, increase the review and issuance rate, and increase enforcement efforts. Strengthen the management of emergency shelter sites and improve the level of shelter services. Strengthen psychological comfort and life assistance for women who are victims of domestic violence, and help them recover physically and mentally. Strengthen educational warnings, psychological counseling and behavioral modification for perpetrators. Conduct follow-up visits on domestic violence cases. Strengthen anti-domestic violence training and statistics.
  5. Resolutely crack down on the crime of trafficking in women. Improve and implement a long-term mechanism for anti-trafficking work that integrates prevention, combat, rescue, resettlement, and rehabilitation. We should adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention and combining prevention with treatment, and improve the anti-trafficking awareness of the whole society and the prevention awareness and ability of women. We will thoroughly implement the action plan against human trafficking, crack down on criminal gangs that traffic in women, and intensify efforts to combat the “buyer’s market.” Rescue trafficked women in a timely manner and help them integrate into society normally. Strictly crack down on transnational and cross-regional crimes of trafficking in women in accordance with the law.
  6. Increase the crackdown on criminal activities such as organizing, forcing, luring, harboring, and introducing prostitution. Strengthen network governance, use big data to improve illegal information filtering, reporting and other functions, and severely crack down on the use of the Internet to organize, force, seduce, accommodate and introduce women into prostitution. Intensify the crackdown on forcing and luring young girls and women with intellectual disabilities into prostitution in accordance with the law. Strengthen comprehensive management of social security, establish a regular rectification mechanism, and encourage the public to supervise and report pornography-related crimes.
  7. Effectively prevent and severely punish illegal and criminal acts of rape, molestation, and humiliation of women, especially girls and women with intellectual or mental disabilities. Strengthen sexual assault prevention education and improve women, especially girls,’ awareness and ability to prevent sexual assault. Establish and improve the care service mechanism for key groups and families, the discovery and reporting mechanism for sexual assault cases, the multi-department joint prevention mechanism, and the work supervision system. Improve the case filing and investigation system, and collect fixed evidence in a timely, comprehensive and one-time manner to prevent victimized women from suffering “secondary harm.” Establish an information inquiry system for sexual assault offenders and improve and implement the prohibition system. Strengthen privacy protection, psychological counseling and intervention for women victims.
  8. Prevent and stop sexual harassment against women. Disseminate knowledge on sexual harassment prevention and control through multiple forms and channels, and enhance women’s awareness and ability to prevent and stop sexual harassment. Establish and improve the working mechanism to prevent and suppress sexual harassment, strengthen joint prevention and control, and give full play to the role of typical cases as a demonstration and guide. Prevent and reduce sexual harassment in public places and places such as work and study. Establish relevant working mechanisms in agencies, enterprises, schools and other units to prevent and stop the use of authority, affiliation, etc. to commit sexual harassment. Smooth relief channels.
  9. Protect women from illegal and criminal activities on the Internet. No organization or individual may insult, slander, threaten or blackmail women through the Internet. Strengthen the ecological supervision and management of online information content, strengthen the supervision and investigation of online obscene and pornographic information, and crack down on online information service platforms, producers and users in accordance with the law to commit obscenity, insult, slander, sexual harassment, spreading rumors, invasion of privacy and other illegal crimes against women. Behavior. Strengthen the standardized management of online platforms and protect the security of women’s personal information. Punish in accordance with the law illegal and criminal acts that use the Internet to illegally collect, use, process, transmit, buy, sell, provide or disclose women’s personal information. Improve women’s awareness and ability to prevent telecommunications and network fraud, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities that use illegal online loans, false investments, consulting services and other means to defraud women of money .
  10. Protect women’s property rights and interests in marriage and family relationships. When hearing marriage, family and inheritance cases, the principle of equality should be adhered to, and practical differences between the sexes and the special interests of women should be fully taken into consideration. Guarantee that women have equal rights to possess, use, benefit from , dispose of, and know about common property . Protect women’s equal rights to inherit inheritance from each other as husband and wife, and inheritance from each other as parents and children in accordance with the law. When identifying and dividing joint property between husband and wife, and identifying and paying off joint debts between husband and wife, women’s legitimate rights and interests shall be effectively protected. When divorcing, women are guaranteed to obtain land, housing, shares and other rights and interests in accordance with the law, women who bear more family obligations are guaranteed to receive compensation, and women who are not at fault are guaranteed to receive damages in accordance with the law. In divorce proceedings, a joint property declaration system is implemented.

1 1. Strengthen the construction of people’s mediation organizations for marriage and family disputes. Promote the professionalization of marriage

  1. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of rural women in village self-governance. If towns (subdistricts) find that self-government charters and village rules and regulations submitted for filing contain content that discriminates against women or harms women’s legitimate rights and interests, they should promptly correct them. Encourage and support rural women to participate extensively in the elections of grassroots self-governing organizations, participate in the formulation and revision of village rules and regulations, and the negotiation of important village ( community ) matters such as rural land contracting and subcontracting .
  2. Provide women with high-quality and efficient public legal services. Promote the integrated development of the three major platforms of public legal service entities, networks, and hotlines to provide women, especially low-income women, elderly women, disabled women, and single mothers with difficulties, with convenient, efficient, equal and inclusive public legal services. Implement relevant laws and regulations regarding women’s application for legal aid, and ensure that women have access to litigation representation and rights protection guidance services in criminal, civil, and administrative cases. Strengthen the construction of legal aid social organizations and professional lawyers and grassroots legal workers that safeguard women’s legitimate rights and interests, and strengthen the construction of legal service centers for persons with disabilities . Ensure that women in difficulty can obtain judicial assistance in specific cases.
  3. Give full play to the role of women’s federation organizations in representing and safeguarding women’s legitimate rights and interests. Support the Women’s Federation in organizing and improving working systems such as joint interviews, joint meetings, information notifications, research and supervision, and case release, and promote the implementation of laws and policies to protect women’s rights and interests. Strengthen the construction of the “12338” public welfare service hotline for women’s rights protection and unblock channels for women to express their demands in an orderly manner. Timely discover and report infringement issues, recommend and investigate incidents of discrimination against women in accordance with the law or assist in handling cases of infringement of women’s rights, cooperate with the crackdown on illegal and criminal acts that infringe on women’s legitimate rights and interests, and provide help to women who have been violated.

Organization and implementation

(1) Uphold the party’s overall leadership. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to and improve the systems and mechanisms that promote gender equality and the all-round development of women, and implement the party’s leadership throughout the entire process and all aspects of planning implementation.

(2) Fulfill planning implementation responsibilities. Improve and implement the planning and implementation working mechanism of party committee leadership, government responsibility, organization and coordination of the Women and Children’s Working Committee, multi-department cooperation, and participation of the whole society. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee is responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding, and supervising the work. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee office is responsible for specific work. Relevant departments, relevant institutions, and people’s organizations combine their responsibilities to undertake the implementation of planning goals and tasks.

(3) Strengthen the connection between planning and national economic and social development planning. Implement the basic national policy of gender equality in the overall economic and social development plan and special plans, incorporate the implementation of the plan and the main goals and tasks of women’s development into the overall economic and social development plan and related special plans, and promote the implementation of the women’s plan in conjunction with the overall deployment requirements of the economic and social development plan , to achieve the same planning, deployment, promotion and implementation of women’s development and economic and social development.

(4) Formulate department implementation plans. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people’s organizations responsible for planning target tasks shall combine their responsibilities and work according to the division of tasks to formulate implementation plans and submit them to the Office of the Women and Children’s Working Committee .

(5) Improve the working system and mechanism for implementing the plan. Improve the target management responsibility system, incorporate planning implementation into the government agenda and assessment content, decompose planning goals to responsible units and incorporate them into target management and assessment content. Improve the supervision and inspection system and conduct regular inspections on the implementation of the plan. Improve the reporting system, and the responsible units will report to the Women and Children’s Working Committee on the implementation of the plan and work arrangements for the next year every year. Improve the discussion and coordination system, and regularly hold women and children work meetings,

(6) Ensure funding for women’s development. The financial department must include the funds required for the implementation of the plan into the financial budget to ensure the simultaneous development of women’s causes and the economy and society. Increase investment in key areas of women’s development. Support the development of groups of women with special difficulties. Mobilize social forces, raise resources through multiple channels, and develop women’s causes.

(7) Working methods for innovative planning implementation. Implement the new development concept, adhere to the unity of problem orientation, goal orientation, and result orientation, build and improve a policy system to promote women’s development, improve the mechanism for protecting women’s legitimate rights and interests, and implement practical projects for people’s livelihood to promote women’s development. Through classified guidance and demonstration, we summarize and promote good practices and experiences. Solve key and difficult problems by implementing projects and doing practical things for women. Strengthen investigation and research on women’s development and rights protection to provide reference for formulating and improving relevant laws and policies.

(8) Strengthen capacity building for the implementation of plans. Incorporate General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on women and women’s work, the content of the basic national policy of gender equality and relevant laws, regulations and policies into the party school training curriculum, incorporate the knowledge required for the implementation of the plan into the training plan, organize multi-level and multi-form training, and enhance the government’s relevant The sense of responsibility and ability of departments, relevant agencies and personnel to implement the plan. Use modern information technology such as Internet big data to innovate working methods and improve work effectiveness. With political construction as the guide, we will strengthen the capacity building of the Women and Children’s Working Committee and its offices, promote the optimization and efficiency of institutional functions, provide necessary human, material and financial support for better performance of duties, and provide organizational guarantee for the implementation of the plan.

(9) Increase the publicity of the implementation plan. Vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on women and women’s work, publicize the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and arrangements for the development of women’s causes, publicize the achievements of the development of women’s causes under the strong leadership of the Party, publicize the basic national policy of gender equality and the protection of women’s legitimate rights and interests, Promote laws and policies for women’s development, publicize the content of women’s development plans and experience and results in plan implementation, and strive to create a social atmosphere conducive to promoting gender equality and women’s all-round development. Encourage and guide women to participate in planning implementation through publicity and improve women’s awareness and ability to achieve their own all-round development. Encourage social forces to participate in the implementation of women’s plans through policy propaganda and government purchase of services.

Monitoring and evaluation

(1) Strengthen the construction of monitoring and evaluation system. Implement annual monitoring, mid-term evaluation, and final evaluation on the implementation of the plan. Implement and gradually improve the women’s development and gender statistical monitoring plan. The statistics department takes the lead in organizing annual monitoring. Member units of the Women and Children’s Working Committee, relevant institutions and relevant departments submit annual monitoring data to the statistics department, and timely collect and analyze relevant data and information reflecting the development status of women. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee organizes mid-term and final evaluations, and member units, relevant institutions and relevant departments of the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee submit mid-term and final evaluation reports to the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee. Through evaluation, we can understand the progress of plan implementation and the status of women’s development, systematically analyze and evaluate the achievement of plan goals, evaluate the implementation effects of plan strategies and measures, summarize useful experiences, identify outstanding problems, predict development trends, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. The funds required for monitoring and evaluation work shall be included in the financial budget.

(2) Strengthen the organization and leadership of monitoring and evaluation work. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee has established a monitoring and evaluation leading group, which is composed of heads of the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee and relevant departments. It is responsible for organizing and leading monitoring and evaluation work, approving monitoring and evaluation plans, and reviewing monitoring and evaluation reports. The leading group consists of a monitoring group and an evaluation group.

The monitoring team is led by the statistics department and consists of personnel from relevant departments responsible for planning statistical monitoring. It is responsible for the organization, guidance and training of planning and monitoring work, formulating monitoring plans and monitoring indicator systems, collecting and analyzing data and information, and submitting them to the Women and Children’s Working Committee . Annual, mid-term and final monitoring reports, compilation and publication of annual women’s monitoring statistics, etc. Members of the monitoring team are responsible for coordinating the department’s planning and implementation of monitoring, analysis, data reporting, and improvement of gender- and age-specific indicators.

The evaluation team is led by the Office of the Working Committee on Women and Children and consists of personnel from relevant departments responsible for planning and implementation. It is responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the evaluation work, formulating the evaluation plan, organizing the evaluation work, and submitting mid-term and final evaluations to the Working Committee on Women and Children. Report. Members of the evaluation team are responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation of the self-evaluation work of the department, and participating in the evaluation work organized by the Women and Children’s Working Committee. Support relevant departments to work together to carry out special investigations and assessments on outstanding issues in women’s development and rights protection. The results can be used as a reference for mid-term and final assessments of planning.

(3) Strengthen the monitoring of women’s development and gender statistics. Standardize and improve the statistical monitoring indicator system for women’s development and gender, adjust and expand women’s development and gender-disaggregated statistical indicators as needed, incorporate them into the government and department’s regular statistics and statistical survey systems, strengthen departmental gender-disaggregated statistics, and promote the institutionalization of statistical monitoring of women’s development. Establish and improve the statistical monitoring database of women’s development, support the construction of statistical monitoring database of women’s development in towns (subdistricts) , and gradually realize the interconnection of data at the municipal , township and village levels. Encourage and support relevant departments to conduct special statistical surveys on missing data on women’s development.

(4) Improve the ability and level of monitoring and evaluation work. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation work training and departmental collaboration, standardize monitoring data collection channels and reporting methods, and improve data quality. Use technologies such as the Internet and big data to enrich women’s development and gender-disaggregated statistical information. Scientifically design evaluation plans and methods, and explore third-party evaluations. Improve the scientific, standardized and professional level of monitoring and evaluation work.

(5) Effectively utilize monitoring and evaluation results. Give full play to the role of monitoring and evaluation results in serving decision-making, and regularly report monitoring and evaluation status to the Municipal People’s Government and relevant departments to provide a basis for decision-making. Establish a mechanism for communication, feedback and release of monitoring and evaluation reports. Strengthen the research, judgment and application of monitoring and evaluation results, provide timely warnings for monitoring indicators that are expected to be difficult to meet standards or have large fluctuations, promptly provide countermeasures and suggestions for outstanding problems and shortcomings discovered in the evaluation, and timely summarize and promote good practices and experiences. Use the evaluation results to guide the next phase of planning implementation and achieve regular monitoring, dynamic early warning, precise intervention, and high-quality advancement of plan implementation. 

Huozhou City’s “14th Five-Year Plan” for Children’s Development

Children are the future of the motherland, the hope of the Chinese nation, and an important human resource that promotes the sustainable development of human society. Contemporary Chinese children are not only the experiencers and witnesses of achieving the first centenary goal, but also a new force in achieving the second centenary goal and building a modern and powerful socialist country. Adhering to moral education and promoting the healthy growth and all-round development of children are inevitable requirements for building a modern socialist country and realizing the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is of great strategic significance for Huozhou to strive to achieve all-round and high-quality development .

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the municipal party committee and municipal government fully implemented the principle of giving priority to children, insisted on improving the planning and implementation working mechanism of party committee leadership, government leadership, departmental division of labor and joint participation of the whole society, and included children’s development into the overall national economic and social development of the city. Plan, continuously strengthen the government’s awareness and responsibility of managing children’s development affairs, solidly promote the implementation of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Children’s Development in Huozhou City”, and provide important guarantees for the realization of children’s survival, development, protection and participation rights. Children’s health conditions continue to improve, their education levels continue to improve, their welfare levels increase steadily, their growth and development environment is further optimized, the systems and mechanisms for protecting children are further improved, and historic new achievements have been made in children’s development and children’s causes.

    At present, affected by and restricted by the level of economic and social development , the development of children’s undertakings in our city still faces problems of imbalance and inadequacy. The implementation of the principle of children first needs to be further strengthened, children’s ideological leadership needs to be further strengthened, the construction of the rule of law to protect children’s rights needs to be continuously promoted, the gaps between urban and rural areas, regions and groups in children’s development need to be further narrowed, and grassroots child protection and service mechanisms need to be further strengthened. To further improve, scientific and technological progress and lifestyle changes have brought new challenges to children’s work. The development of children’s undertakings has an arduous mission and a long way to go.

The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is the historical convergence period of our country’s “Two Centenary Goals” and the beginning of the city’s comprehensive construction of socialist modernization. It is also a strategic period for our city to comprehensively promote high-quality development . . In order to accelerate the comprehensive development of children’s undertakings in the city , according to

“Shanxi Province Minors Protection Regulations” and relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the “China Children’s Development Outline (2021-2030)”, “Shanxi Province Children’s Development ” 14th Plan”” and ” Linfen City Children’s Development ” 14th Five-Year Plan” This plan is formulated in accordance with the overall requirements of the ” Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Huozhou City and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035  ” and combined with the actual situation of children’s development in our city . Children referred to in this plan refer to minors under the age of eighteen.

Guiding ideology , basic principles and overall goals

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , unswervingly implement the new development concept, adhere to the people-centered development idea, adhere to the socialist child development path with Chinese characteristics, and adhere to the Prioritize the concept of development, conscientiously implement the “China Children’s Development Outline ( 2021-2030 )”, “Shanxi Province Children’s Development “14th Five-Year Plan”” and ” Linfen City Children’s Development ” 14th Five-Year Plan”” , and adhere to educating people for the party, To serve the country’s original mission of educating talents, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity , be a guide for children’s growth, a guardian of children’s rights, and a dream builder for children’s future, constantly optimize the children’s development environment, and ensure children’s survival, development, protection and participation rights, continue to improve the overall quality of children, promote the comprehensive development of children’s moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor, and lay a solid talent foundation for Huozhou to basically realize socialist modernization simultaneously with the country , province and city .

(2) Basic principles

  1. Uphold the party’s overall leadership. Grasp the political direction of the development of children’s causes, implement the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements on the development of children’s causes, and effectively implement the party’s leadership into the entire process and all aspects of the development of children’s causes.
  2. Insist on giving priority to children’s development. Prioritize children’s interests and development needs when formulating policies, preparing plans, and deploying work.
  3. Persist in promoting the all-round development of children. Respect children’s personal dignity, follow the characteristics and laws of children’s physical and mental development, ensure children’s physical and mental health, and promote children’s all-round development in all aspects of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor.
  4. Insist on ensuring the equal development of children. Create a fair social environment, eliminate all forms of discrimination against children, and ensure that all children enjoy equal development rights and opportunities.
  5. Keep encouraging children to participate. Respect children’s dominant status, encourage and support children to participate in family, social and cultural life, and create a social environment conducive to children’s participation.

(3) Overall goal

By 2025 , the policy system to protect children’s rights will be more complete, the working mechanism to promote children’s development will be more complete, the social trend of giving priority to children will be generally formed, and the gap between children’s development levels and developed regions will be significantly narrowed. Children’s rights in the fields of health, safety, education, welfare, family, environment, and legal protection are further realized. Children enjoy more equal and accessible basic public services, more universal and superior welfare protection, and more harmonious and friendly families. and social environment , the gap in children’s development between urban and rural areas and between regions has been significantly narrowed , and children’s all-round development has made more obvious and substantial progress .

  1. Development areas, main goals and strategic measures

(1) Children and health

main target:

  1. The children’s health service system covering urban and rural areas has become more complete, children’s medical care service capabilities have been significantly enhanced, and children’s health levels have continued to improve.
  2. Build a birth defect prevention and treatment system covering all stages of pre-marriage, pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, newborns and children. Prevent and control birth defects, control and reduce the incidence of neural tube malformations in newborns.
  3. The mortality rates of newborns, infants and children under 5 years old are controlled below 3.22 ‰ , 5.8 ‰ and 5.8 ‰ respectively, and the gap between urban and rural areas is gradually narrowed .
  4. Common childhood diseases and malignant tumors and other diseases that seriously endanger children’s health are effectively controlled .
  5. The anemia rate , growth retardation rate and underweight rate of children under 5 years old are controlled below 4.04 % , 0.34 % and 0.7% respectively, and the rising trend of overweight and obesity in children is effectively controlled.
  6. The vaccination rate of school- age children under the immunization program remains above 90 % based on townships (streets) .
  7. Promote the provision of early childhood development services and popularize early childhood development knowledge and skills.
  8. Popularize healthy lifestyle among children and improve the health literacy level of children and their caregivers. The consumption rate of qualified iodized salt continues to remain above 90% .
  9. The new-onset myopia rate in children has dropped significantly, with the myopia rate among primary school students falling below 23.69 %, the myopia rate among junior high school students falling below 50.17% , and the myopia rate among high school students falling below 51.96% . The coverage rate of eye care and vision examination for children aged 0-6 years reaches over 90% .
  10. Enhance children’s mental health service capabilities and improve children’s mental health literacy .
  11. Children of school age generally receive sex education, and the accessibility of sexual health services has been significantly improved.
  12. Enhance children’s physical fitness, and strive to increase the compliance rate of primary and secondary school students with the ” National Student Physical Health Standards ” to more than 95% , and the excellent compliance rate to more than 40 % .  

Strategic measures :

  1. Prioritize the health of children. Integrate the concept of children’s health into policies in various fields of economic and social development, and incorporate the main indicators of children’s health into the “Healthy Huozhou” and the goals and responsibility assessment contents of each township (street) . Improve the basic medical and health system covering children, and strengthen the connection between children’s medical security policies and public health policies. Increase investment in children’s medical care and health, support the development of children’s health in mountainous rural areas , and gradually achieve equalization of basic maternal and child health services. Build a unified maternal and child health information platform, promote the interconnection and information sharing between the maternal and child health information platform and electronic health records, improve the child health statistical survey system, promote “Internet + maternal and child health” service model, strengthen information interconnection and sharing, and achieve children’s health Informatization and intelligence of full-cycle and full-process management and services. Carry out timely activities to create a “Children’s Comprehensive Development Demonstration County”.
  2. Enhance children’s health service capabilities . Implement the “Healthy Huozhou Action” to promote the integration of sports, education and medicine, and create a national pilot county for the integration of sports and medicine. Focus on maternal and child health care institutions and pediatrics in general hospitals to coordinate the planning and allocation of children’s health service resources in the region. The number of pediatric practicing (assistant) doctors per 1,000 children in maternal and child health care institutions has reached 0.89 , and the number of beds has increased to 2.9 . Establish and improve a grassroots children’s health care service network with municipal maternal and child health care institutions as the leader, township health centers and community health service centers as hubs, and village clinics as the basis. Each township health center and community health service center shall be equipped with at least one person who provides standardized child care services . A general practitioner providing basic medical services shall be equipped with at least 2 doctors specializing in children’s health care. Improve the children’s first aid system, improve the professional skills of general practitioners in pediatrics and child health care , and enhance children’s health care service capabilities.
  3. Increase the publicity and popularization of children’s health knowledge . Strengthen the concept that parents or other guardians are the first persons responsible for children’s health, rely on families, communities, schools, kindergartens, and day care institutions to increase scientific parenting, disease prevention, timely medical treatment, rational use of medication, reasonable diet, emergency avoidance, and psychological care. Strengthen the publicity and popularization of children’s health knowledge and skills such as health , and promote children to develop healthy behaviors and habits. Build an all-media health knowledge dissemination mechanism and give full play to the role of an expert database for health science popularization. Promote the standardized establishment of ” maternity schools ” and parent classes in medical institutions, and encourage medical institutions, medical staff, relevant social organizations, etc. to carry out health science popularization activities. Prevent and stop children from smoking (including e-cigarettes) and alcohol abuse, and protect children from drugs.
  4. Strengthen comprehensive prevention and treatment of birth defects. Promote and popularize knowledge about birth defects and reduce the impact of environmental factors on healthy pregnancy. Establish a multi-departmental working mechanism for the prevention and treatment of birth defects, implement three-level prevention and treatment measures for birth defects, and promote “one-stop” services such as marriage registration, pre-marital medical examination, and fertility guidance. Strive to include pre-marital medical examinations, pre-pregnancy health examinations, folic acid supplementation to prevent neural tube defects, prenatal screening, high-risk maternal prenatal diagnosis, and newborn disease screening projects into the scope of the government’s basic public service projects, and provide free services. Expand the scope of neonatal disease screening, establish an integrated service model of screening, positive case recall, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, promote early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment, and control and reduce the incidence of neural tube malformations in newborns . Provide basic medical protection for children with birth defects and reduce the burden of medical expenses for major birth defects. Improve the birth defects monitoring network. Promote scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation in the field of birth defect prevention and treatment.
  5. Ensure the safety and health of newborns. In-depth implementation of systems such as critical newborn screening and evaluation, high-risk newborn project management, critical and severe treatment, and neonatal death review. Strengthen standardized visits to newborns and increase the rate of newborn visits. Improve the standardized quality management system for obstetrics and neonatology departments in medical institutions, and strengthen the construction of neonatal health care specialists. Strengthen the protection of critical neonatal treatment, rely on existing institutions to strengthen the construction of critical neonatal treatment centers , and set up at least one critical neonatal treatment center in maternal and child health institutions or general hospitals .
  6. Strengthen child health services and management. Strengthen the standardization and standardization of children’s health clinics. Carry out health management work for children aged 0-6 years old, and improve the systematic management rate of children under 3 years old and the health management rate of children under 7 years old. Promote disability screening for children aged 0-6, focusing on five types of disabilities: vision, hearing, limbs, intelligence and autism, and improve the working mechanism that connects screening, diagnosis, rehabilitation and assistance. Strengthen the construction of children’s rehabilitation capabilities and improve the ability and level of children’s rehabilitation services. Strengthen the prevention and health care capabilities of common diseases in schools, kindergartens, and day care institutions, and equip school doctors, kindergartens, and day care institutions with health care personnel and necessary health care equipment according to standards. Strengthen the health management of key groups such as orphans , migrant children, left-behind children and children in need.
  7. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. Focusing on children’s health problems such as premature birth, low birth weight, anemia, obesity, psychological and behavioral abnormalities, pneumonia, diarrhea, etc., we will promote appropriate technologies for the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases and establish early screening, diagnosis and intervention service mechanisms. Strengthen children’s oral health care and reduce the occurrence of dental caries . Strengthen the management of major infectious diseases in children, emerging infectious diseases, and the mother-to-child prevention of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B. Improve the diagnosis and treatment system, drug supply system, and comprehensive security system for serious diseases such as childhood blood diseases and malignant tumors. Promote the application of appropriate TCM pediatric techniques.
  8. Standardize the management and vaccination of childhood immunization programs. Effectively implement the national immunization program and maintain a high level of vaccination rates under the national immunization program. Strengthen supervision and inspection of vaccine quality, cold chain storage and transportation, implementation of immunization planning systems, and vaccination activities. Improve the relevant regulations on vaccine injury compensation, and establish and improve the compensation insurance mechanism for abnormal vaccination reactions.
  9. Improve the level of early childhood development services . Establish and improve a multi-department collaborative early childhood development working mechanism, and carry out multi-dimensional early childhood development comprehensive services covering good health, adequate nutrition, responsive care, early learning, safety and security. Strengthen infant and early childhood development guidance services for families and childcare institutions. Promote early childhood development services into rural areas, communities, and families, and explore early development service models suitable for children in rural areas and children in need.
  10. Improve children’s nutritional status. Pay attention to the nutrition of children in the first 1,000 days of life, and carry out nutrition and dietary guidance before pregnancy and during pregnancy and childbirth. Implement breastfeeding promotion actions, strengthen the management of baby-friendly hospitals, strengthen the construction of maternal and infant facilities in public places and workplaces, and advocate exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months. Popularize the knowledge and skills of reasonably adding complementary foods to children over 6 months old. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of children’s growth and development, strengthen personalized nutrition guidance, and ensure children’s nutritional adequacy. Strengthen food education and education, guide scientific and balanced diet, and prevent and control overweight and obesity in children. Strengthen nutrition and health education and dietary guidance in schools, kindergartens, and daycare institutions. Increase the publicity and popularization of knowledge on the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency diseases.
  11. Effectively control and reduce children’s myopia. Strengthen eye care and vision examinations for children aged 0-6 years old, promote the establishment of electronic files of children’s vision , and increase the coverage of children’s eye care and vision examinations . Reduce students’ academic burden, guide and supervise students to do eye exercises, and correct bad reading and writing postures. Ensure that indoor lighting, lighting, desks, chairs, blackboards, etc. in schools, kindergartens, and childcare institutions meet specified standards. Guide parents to master the scientific knowledge of eye protection and guide children to use scientific eye protection. Educate children to use electronic products scientifically and rationally as needed. Encourage children to participate in outdoor activities and ensure that children are exposed to outdoor natural light for no less than 1 hour a day.
  12. Strengthen children’s mental health services. Build a public service network for children’s mental health education, consultation services, assessment and treatment, crisis intervention and psychological assistance. The proportion of mental health education teachers in primary and secondary schools with more than 1,000 students has reached more than 90% . Actively carry out life education and frustration education to cultivate children’s awareness of cherishing life and their ability to adjust their emotions. Focus on and meeting the psychological development needs of orphans, de facto unsupported children, left-behind children and children in need. Improve the ability of teachers and parents to prevent and identify children’s psychological and behavioral abnormalities . Strengthen the construction of child psychological consultation and specialist outpatient clinics in maternal and child health care institutions. Combining reality with cultivating children’s mental health service talents.
  13. Provide sex education and sexual health services to children. Guide children to establish correct gender concepts and moral concepts, and correctly understand gender relations. Strengthen education on preventing sexual assault and improve children’s self-protection awareness and ability. The education department has incorporated sex education into the basic education system and quality monitoring system, and strictly arranged class hours to enhance the educational effect. Promote close collaboration between schools and medical institutions to provide sexual health services suitable for children and protect the privacy of children undergoing treatment. Guide parents or other guardians to carry out sex education based on children’s age and development characteristics . Establish a children’s sexual health protection hotline.
  14. Enhance children’s physical fitness. Comprehensively implement the “National Student Physical Health Standards”, improve the student health examination and physical monitoring system , and establish student physical health files . Promote sunshine sports and open all physical education and health classes. Ensure that children have at least one hour of moderate and above-intensity exercise every day, and cultivate good exercise habits in children. Encourage public sports venues and facilities to be open to surrounding schools and children for free or at a discount, implement the policy of opening school sports venues and facilities to students after school and holidays, and encourage sports social organizations to provide after-school sports services to schools. Reasonably arrange children’s sleep schedule to ensure that primary school students, junior high school students, and high school students sleep for 10 hours, 9 hours, and 8 hours a day.

(2) Children and safety

main target:

  1. The physical and mental safety of children is guaranteed.
  2. Improve children’s self-protection awareness and ability.
  3. Reduce death and disability caused by child injuries. The child injury mortality rate will drop by 20% based on 2020.
  4. Investigate and eliminate hidden dangers of drowning , and the mortality rate of children from drowning continues to decrease.
  5. Promote the use of child safety seats and safety helmets , and the mortality rate of children’s road traffic injuries continues to decrease .
  6. Reduce the occurrence, disability and death of injuries such as falls , falls , burns and poisoning in children.
  7. Children’s food safety is effectively guaranteed.
  8. Improve the quality and safety level of children’s products and amusement facilities .
  9. Prevent and stop all forms of violence against children.
  10. Strengthen campus safety management, prevent, reduce and properly handle campus bullying.
  11. Effectively prevent and intervene in children’s addiction to the Internet, and actively manage problems such as bad information, privacy leaks, and cyberbullying.

Strategic measures:

  1. Promote the creation of a safe environment for children . Establish awareness that children’s injuries are preventable and controllable, and create a safe environment in families, schools, and communities that is conducive to the growth of children through publicity and education, improving the environment, strengthening law enforcement, using safe products, conducting evaluations and other strategic measures . Carry out safety self-protection education to improve the safety awareness of children and their caregivers, help them master safety knowledge and skills, and cultivate children’s safety behaviors and habits. Implement the responsibilities of safety management entities such as schools, kindergartens, and child care institutions, and carry out educational activities for children to prevent injuries, prevent violence, avoid disasters, and learn self-rescue.
  2. Improve the work system for the prevention and control of accidental injuries to children . Increase law enforcement efforts in the field of children’s accidental injury prevention and control. Establish and improve a multi-department cooperation working mechanism for the prevention and control of accidental injuries to children, and encourage social forces to participate in the prevention and control of accidental injuries to children. Formulate and implement local action plans for the prevention and control of accidental injuries to children , giving priority to the development and implementation of accidental injury prevention and control measures for migrant children, left-behind children, and children in distress.
  3. Prevent and control children from drowning. Strengthen care to ensure that children stay away from dangerous water bodies. Isolate and eliminate drowning hazards in homes and campus environments, especially strengthen the protection and isolation of relevant water bodies in rural areas , and carry out holiday safety inspections . Strengthen education on drowning prevention and emergency rescue knowledge and skills, popularize children’s swimming and water safety skills, and guide children to use safe swimming places. Strengthen safety management of open waters, boats, etc., and configure emergency rescue equipment suitable for children.
  4. Prevent and reduce children’s road traffic injuries. Improve the care capabilities of child caregivers and train children to develop good traffic behavior habits. Promote the use of child safety seats, safety helmets and reflective signs for children walking and riding non-motorized vehicles. Implement standards for children’s road safety protective equipment and strengthen supervision. Road planning and construction fully consider the age characteristics of children, improve safety facilities around campus, and strictly investigate and deal with traffic violations. Implement the ” School Bus Safety Management Regulations ” and ” Linfen City Electric Bicycle Management Regulations”.
  5. Prevent and reduce injuries such as falls , falls, burns, poisoning and other injuries to children . Effectively eliminate environmental risk factors and promote the use of window guardrails, window limiters and other protective equipment to reduce children’s falls and falls. Educate children to stay away from fire sources, guide families to separate heat sources, use household appliances safely, and promote the use of household appliances with child protection functions to prevent children from being burned and scalded. Promote the use of child-safe packaging, improve child caregivers’ ability to identify and store pesticides, drugs, daily chemicals, etc., to prevent children from being poisoned. Prevent suffocation of infants and young children and improve caregivers’ ability to effectively care for infants and young children. Standardize dog management and pet breeding to prevent animal bites. Strengthen disaster prevention and reduction education, and improve the disaster prevention and avoidance skills of children and their caregivers against earthquakes, fires, stampedes, etc.
  6. Strengthen children’s food safety supervision. Strengthen the safety supervision of infant formula foods and infant supplementary foods, and increase the random inspection and monitoring of infant formula milk powder products and the punishment of unqualified food. Seriously investigate and deal with food safety violations. Implement the main responsibilities of food safety management in schools, kindergartens, and daycare institutions, eliminate food safety hazards in all aspects of children’s collective dining , and minimize and prevent and control serious mass food poisoning incidents in schools . Strengthen food safety supervision in and around schools .
  7. Prevent and reduce children’s injuries caused by children’s products and amusement equipment . Strengthen the daily supervision of the market and the investigation of hidden dangers, carry out regular activities to protect the quality and safety of children’s products, and focus on children’s toys, student stationery, school uniforms, campus track raw materials and other products as key inspection items, strictly investigate and deal with illegal activities of producing and selling counterfeit and shoddy products, and encourage Consumers complain and report product safety issues in accordance with the law. Strengthen information monitoring, analysis, supervision and inspection of products causing harm to children, and recall of defective products. Schools, kindergartens, and society generally carry out educational activities on children’s product safety and product safe use. Put an end to “poisonous runways” and “poisonous school uniforms”, ensure the safety of game entertainment equipment and large-scale amusement facilities, and guide children to safely use escalators, revolving doors and other facilities and equipment.
  8. Prevent and control violent injuries against children. Promote and advocate the concept of zero tolerance for violence against children, enhance citizens ’ awareness of the rule of law and child protection, and enhance children’s safety awareness and self-protection capabilities. Strengthen the protection responsibilities of the government , society, schools, and families, establish a departmental cooperation working mechanism to prevent and control children’s violent injuries, improve the work platform for the protection of minors, and implement mechanisms for the detection, reporting, and intervention of children’s violent injuries. Effectively strengthen professional support, industry standards, supervision and management of preschool education institutions. Promote mandatory reporting obligations for agencies and persons who come into close contact with minors . The public is encouraged to discourage, stop, report and accuse violence against children in accordance with the law. Violent illegal and criminal acts against children shall be severely punished in accordance with the law.
  9. Strengthen comprehensive management of campus bullying. Improve the departmental cooperation working mechanism to implement comprehensive management of student bullying. Create a civilized and safe campus environment, strengthen ideological and moral education, legal education and mental health education, and cultivate students’ sound personality and social interaction skills. Strictly implement daily safety management in schools, improve working mechanisms such as early warning, mid-process handling, and post-event intervention for student bullying, and improve the ability of faculty, staff, parents, and students to prevent and deal with bullying. Investigate and handle bullying incidents in accordance with laws and regulations , and play the role of education and punishment. Strengthen the comprehensive management of campus surroundings and incorporate special management of student bullying into the comprehensive management of social security work system .
  10. Strengthen the online protection of minors. Improve and implement the network security responsibility system, build a solid network security defense line, enhance “Internet + supervision” capabilities, fully implement the protection responsibilities of the government, enterprises, schools, families, and society, provide children with a safe and healthy network environment, and ensure children’s safety in cyberspace legitimate rights and interests. Improve the Internet literacy of minors, strengthen self-protection, and use the Internet safely. Strengthen network supervision and governance, improve and implement network information monitoring, identification, reporting, and disposal systems, and punish in accordance with the law those who use the Internet to spread value-oriented bad information and engage in behaviors that endanger the physical and mental health of minors. Internet service providers such as online games, online live broadcasts, online audio and video, and online social networking should set up corresponding time management, permission management, consumption management and other functions in accordance with the law for minors to use their services, and shall not provide them for children under the age of 16. Webcast publisher account registration service. Strengthen online language civilization education and resolutely curb the spread of vulgar and violent online language. Implement national unified electronic identity authentication for online games for minors, and improve measures such as game product classification, content review, and time limits. Strengthen the protection of children’s personal information and privacy.
  11. Improve the level of emergency rescue, medical treatment, and rehabilitation services for children who suffer accidental injuries and violent injuries. Extensively publicize children’s emergency rescue knowledge and improve the emergency rescue skills of caregivers and teachers. Improve first aid facilities in public places. Improve the emergency medical rescue network, strengthen the equipment and equipment for pre-hospital first aid for children injured, and achieve an effective connection between pre-hospital first aid and in-hospital emergency care . Improve the efficiency and level of children’s medical treatment and rehabilitation services.
  12. Improve the monitoring and reporting system and mechanism. Establish and improve the monitoring system for accidental and violent injuries to children, collect child injury data through multiple channels such as medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, daycare institutions, communities, judicial agencies, etc., and promote data standardization. Establish a working mechanism for data sharing, analysis, evaluation and utilization involving multiple departments and disciplines.

(3) Children and education

main target:

  1. Comprehensively implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity and cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor.
  2. School-age children generally receive quality preschool education, and the gross enrollment rate of preschool education reaches over 98% . The proportion of children in public kindergartens remains above 55 % , and the proportion of children in public kindergartens and inclusive private kindergartens is no less than 80 % .
  3. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas, and maintain the gross enrollment rate of school -age children in compulsory education above 99% .
  4. Consolidate and improve the popularization level of high school education, with the gross enrollment rate of high school education reaching over 91% . Moderately expand the scale of secondary vocational education.
  5. The rights to education of special groups such as orphans, de facto unsupported children, disabled children, children of agricultural migrant workers, left-behind children, and children from families with financial difficulties are fundamentally protected. The enrollment rate in compulsory education for children with three types of disabilities has reached 99% , and the proportion of people receiving high school education has gradually increased.
  6. Children’s scientific quality has been comprehensively improved, and scientific interest, innovation awareness, and practical ability have been continuously improved.
  7. The education evaluation system oriented towards improving children’s comprehensive quality will be more complete.
  8. Strengthen the construction of campus culture and create a friendly, equal and respectful teacher-student and classmate relationship.
  9. The collaborative education mechanism between school, family and society has been further improved.

Strategic measures:

  1. Comprehensively implement the party’s education policy. Improve the implementation mechanism of cultivating moral character and cultivating people, implement quality education, and continuously improve the education system for comprehensive cultivation of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor. Focus on improving ideological and moral quality , guide students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, love the motherland, love the people, love the Communist Party of China, and love socialism, and cultivate and practice socialist core values. Improve the level of intellectual education, enhance students’ lifelong learning ability, promote thinking development, and stimulate innovation consciousness. Deepen the integration of physical education and education to help students hone their strong will and build a strong body. Improve aesthetic education teaching and enhance students’ aesthetic and humanistic qualities. Strengthen labor education, guide students to establish a correct outlook on labor, form good labor habits, and cultivate a labor spirit of diligence, struggle, innovation, and dedication.
  2. Comprehensively implement the education priority development strategy. Priority should be given to education in economic and social development planning, priority should be given to ensuring education in terms of financial investment, and priority should be given to education in the allocation of public resources. Implement education expenditure responsibilities in accordance with the law and improve financial subsidy policies for each education stage. Support and regulate social forces running schools.
  3. Cultivate children’s good ideological and moral qualities, legal awareness and behavioral habits. Strengthen ideal education, moral education, legal education, and labor education to develop good moral character, legal awareness and behavioral habits, and form a positive and healthy personality and good psychological quality. Gender equality education is widely carried out in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. Deepen the moral education work requirements of curriculum education, cultural education, activity education, practice education, management education, and collaborative education . Innovate the form of moral education work, enrich the content of moral education, and enhance the attractiveness, appeal and effectiveness of moral education work.
  4. Actively promote innovation in educational concepts, systems, systems , content and methods. Strictly implement curriculum plans and curriculum standards to improve teaching quality. Follow the laws of education and the laws of students’ physical and mental development, respect individual differences, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and promote heuristic, inquiry-based, participatory, and cooperative teaching. Improve the level of campus intelligence, improve the level of information-based service education, teaching and management capabilities, promote high-quality educational resources to radiate online to disadvantaged schools in rural and mountainous areas Increase efforts to promote the national common spoken and written language.
  5. Comprehensively popularize three-year preschool education. Continue to implement the preschool education action plan, continue to expand inclusive resources, and basically achieve full coverage of the preschool education public service system. Strictly implement the policy of supporting kindergartens in urban communities, encourage and support government agencies, state-owned enterprises and institutions, streets, and village collectives to organize public kindergartens , and actively support private kindergartens to provide inclusive services . Encourage qualified kindergartens to open day care classes. Improve the inclusive preschool education cost-sharing mechanism, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for public kindergarten fees, strengthen the supervision of non-profit private kindergarten fees, and curb excessive profit-seeking behavior. Establish and improve the quality , resolutely overcome and correct the tendency of “primary schooling”, and comprehensively improve the quality of care and education.
  6. Promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education. Scientifically plan and layout the construction of urban and rural schools, implement the regulations on the construction of supporting schools in new residential areas, expand the supply of academic places in urban schools in a reasonable and orderly manner, and solve the problem of large class sizes in urban areas. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of small rural schools and township boarding schools, further improve the conditions for running rural schools, strengthen the construction of rural teachers, improve the quality of rural compulsory education, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. We will improve the long-term mechanism for accurately controlling dropouts and ensuring schooling, and improve the level of consolidation of compulsory education. Ensure equal access to compulsory education for girls. Promote the full coverage of compulsory education schools without examinations and nearby admissions.
  7. Universalize high school education. Accelerate the reform of education methods in ordinary high schools, promote the diversified and characteristic development of high school schools, and meet the personalized and diversified development needs of students. Promote the coordinated development of secondary vocational education and general high school education, establish a unified enrollment platform for secondary vocational education and general high schools, and deepen the integration of vocational education and general high school. Vigorously develop secondary vocational education and build a number of excellent secondary vocational schools and high-quality majors. Improve the financial aid policy for high school students.
  8. Protect the right of special children to receive education. We will improve the special education guarantee mechanism and promote full coverage of education for school-age disabled children. Adhere to the principle of taking ordinary schools as the main body, with special education schools as the backbone, and supplementing with door-to-door education and distance education, to comprehensively promote integrated education. We will vigorously develop preschool education for children with disabilities, further improve the level of consolidation of compulsory education for children with disabilities, and accelerate the development of high school education for people with disabilities focusing on vocational education. Strengthen targeted financial aid for students from families with financial difficulties, and improve scholarship, bursary and student loan policies. Strengthen legal education, safety education and mental health education for left-behind children and children in difficulties, and give priority to meeting the boarding needs of left-behind children.
  9. Improve children’s scientific literacy. Implement actions to improve the scientific quality of minors. We will carry forward the scientific spirit throughout the entire education process, carry out pre-school science enlightenment education, improve the quality of school science education, improve curriculum standards and curriculum systems, enrich curriculum resources, stimulate students’ curiosity and imagination, cultivate children’s innovative spirit and practical ability, and encourage Personalized development of students with innovative potential. Strengthen social coordination and focus on using off -campus venues such as primary and secondary school comprehensive practice bases , study practice education bases, and museums to carry out off-campus scientific learning and practice activities. Carry out extensive community science popularization activities. Strengthen the construction of a team of full-time and part-time science teachers and science and technology counselors. Improve the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of science education and the scientific quality of minors .
  10. Establish and improve a scientific education evaluation system. Establish a scientific concept of education quality and establish and improve a scientific evaluation system oriented towards the development of quality education. Implement the evaluation standards for the quality of compulsory education, school running quality and student development quality in counties. According to the characteristics of different subjects, different school stages, and different types of education, we should improve result evaluation, strengthen process evaluation, explore value-added evaluation, improve comprehensive evaluation, and overcome the tendency of only scores and advancement. Improve the academic proficiency examination and comprehensive quality evaluation system for middle and high school students. In conjunction with the improvement of high school admissions and admissions models, we will implement the policy of allocating high-quality general high school admissions quotas to junior high schools.
  11. Strengthen the construction of the teaching team. Improve the long-term mechanism for the construction of teachers’ ethics, guide teachers to consciously practice the core socialist values, enhance professional ethics, and adhere to the responsibility of teaching and educating people. Improve the teacher qualification access system and strive to solve the structural, staged and regional shortage of teachers. Strengthen teachers’ further training and improve their basic skills and professional abilities. Promote the social custom of respecting teachers and valuing education. Cultivate a team of high-quality professional innovative teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent hearts.
  12. Carry out the construction of friendly schools that are democratic, civilized, harmonious and equal. Strengthen the construction of school spirit, teaching style and study style, carry out the creation of civilized campus, and build a teacher-student relationship that respects teachers and loves students and a united and friendly classmate relationship. Beautify the campus environment, optimize students’ learning and living conditions, promote the construction and renovation of the campus barrier-free environment, provide students with safe drinking water, hygienic toilets and height-appropriate desks and chairs, and improve school dining and student boarding conditions. Cultivate a positive, healthy and civilized campus culture.
  13. Insist on integrating school education with family education and social education. Strengthen home, home-school collaboration, and promote the institutionalization and normalization of teacher home visits. Strengthen the construction of primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, community parent schools, and parent committees, popularize family education knowledge, and promote family education experience. Coordinate social education resources such as various venues, facilities, and teams, enrich the content and forms of off-campus education, encourage children to actively participate in practical activities such as science and technology, culture, sports, art, and labor, participate in daily life labor, production labor, and service labor, and help Students have an in-depth understanding of national conditions, provincial conditions, market conditions, social conditions, and people’s conditions. Enhance the public welfare nature of off-campus education. Standardize off-campus training, effectively reduce the burden of extracurricular training on students, and strictly supervise off-campus online education and training for young children. Give full play to the educational role of organizations such as the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, Women’s Federation, Science and Technology Association, and Related Work Committees, and form a joint effort among schools, families, and society to educate people.

(4) Children and Welfare

main target:

  1. Improve the level of child welfare and basically establish a moderately inclusive child welfare system that is consistent with the level of economic and social development.
  2. The level of equalization of basic public services for children has been significantly improved, and the gap in public services for children between urban and rural areas, regions and groups has been significantly narrowed .
  3. Consolidate and improve the level of basic medical security for children and protect children’s basic medical rights.
  4. The survival, development and safety rights and interests of orphans , de facto unsupported children, disabled children, street children, children affected by AIDS, and minor children of prisoners are effectively protected.
  5. Strengthen the supervision of left-behind children, further implement educational rights, and strengthen care services. Migrant children receive more equitable and accessible services.
  6. Build a continuous and complete nutrition improvement project support . The nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students and kindergarten children has been fully implemented.
  7. Promote the early development of children in urban and rural areas, strengthen the construction of inclusive child care service institutions, and increase the number of child care centers for infants and children under 3 years old to 4.5 per 1,000 people .
  8. Increase the coverage of children’s homes in urban and rural communities and continue to improve service capabilities.
  9. The “five-in-one” grassroots child protection mechanism of monitoring and prevention, mandatory reporting, emergency response, assessment and assistance, and guardianship intervention operates effectively. Rely on the province’s 12345 government service hotline to strengthen the protection of minors.
  10. Construct a three-level at city, town (street), and village (community) levels . Accelerate the development of children’s service social organizations and children’s social work professional teams.

Strategic measures:

  1. Improve the child welfare and assistance system. Actively promote the improvement of child welfare policies and ensure increased fiscal investment in child welfare. Gradually build a moderately inclusive child welfare system that is compatible with the level of economic and social development and connected with relevant welfare systems. Improve the classified protection policy for children in need and increase the protection of children in need. Improve child welfare policies, establish a natural increase mechanism for the basic living standards of orphans and de facto unsupported children , ensure that the basic living standards of orphans and de facto unsupported children are not lower than the local average living standards, and improve the quality of children’s lives.
  2. Improve the level of public service provision for children. Improve the equalization and accessibility of basic public services, and prioritize children’s education, medical care, and welfare security into the list of basic public services. Improve the basic public service standard system for children, and promote basic public services to be tilted toward rural areas, weak links, and special groups of children. Expand the coverage of public services, fully implement preferential fare policies for children on public transportation and sightseeing, and promote implementation by prioritizing age standards and supplementing height standards .
  3. Do a good job in children’s medical protection. Strengthen the triple protection functions of basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance, and medical assistance, and consolidate and increase the coverage of children’s basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. Improve the basic medical insurance financing and benefit adjustment mechanism, improve the regular price adjustment mechanism for children’s medical services, and include relevant service items in the scope of medical insurance payment according to regulations. Implement preferential serious illness insurance policies for orphans and de facto unsupported children , and do a good job in providing medical assistance to sick children who meet the conditions for assistance . Promote the complementary connection of various types of medical insurance, support commercial insurance institutions in developing and promoting critical illness and accidental injury insurance products suitable for children of different ages, coordinate and mobilize charitable medical assistance forces, support the orderly development of medical mutual aid, and work together to reduce the medical expense burden of families with children. .
  4. Strengthen the protection of orphans and de facto unsupported children. Implement the policy to protect orphans and de facto unsupported children, clarify the protection objects, standardize the identification process, and improve the protection standards . Improve the placement channels for orphans and de facto unsupported children, and adopt methods such as relative care, family foster care, institutional care, and legal adoption for proper placement. Implement custody responsibilities for de facto unsupported children. Improve policies related to Strengthen supervision of foreign-related adoptions.
  5. Implement the rehabilitation and assistance system for disabled children. Improve the integrated working mechanism for children’s disability screening, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, and establish a disability reporting and information sharing system. Increase the coverage of rehabilitation services for disabled children and provide basic rehabilitation services such as rehabilitation medical care, rehabilitation assistive devices, and rehabilitation training to disabled children in need. Improve the standards for rehabilitation services for children with disabilities, enhance the ability to provide rehabilitation services for children with disabilities , and standardize the management of rehabilitation institutions for children with disabilities. Support relevant institutions to provide services such as alternative care, parenting education and guidance, and rehabilitation training for disabled children in society.
  6. Strengthen the rescue and protection of street children. Implement street patrols and escort and rescue responsibilities for street children, and provide street children with daily care, identity inquiries, pick-up and return services in accordance with laws and regulations. Establish mechanisms for source control and return stability, implement policies related to social security and compulsory education for street children, and educate and urge parents or other guardians of street children to fulfill their parenting obligations. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal acts of abandoning and abusing minors in accordance with the law.
  7. Provide care and assistance to children affected by AIDS and minor children of prisoners. Increase the construction of child care and protection positions in villages (communities), improve the grassroots children’s service network system, effectively play the role of minors’ rescue and protection and child welfare institutions and facilities, give full play to the role of professional social workers, volunteers, etc., improve the quality and safety of children affected by AIDS and The care service system for the minor children of prisoners ensures their rights to survival, health, safety, and educational development. Include qualified minor children of prisoners in the scope of identification of de facto unsupported children and provide timely assistance.
  8. Strengthen the care and protection of left-behind children. Further improve the care and protection system for left-behind children. Strengthen the main responsibility of family guardianship and improve guardianship capabilities. Strengthen local responsibilities and implement care and assistance policies and measures. Regularly carry out special care actions during winter and summer vacations, give full play to the role of mass organizations and social organizations, professional social workers, volunteers, etc., and strengthen guidance services for left-behind children’s psychology, emotions, behavior, and safety and self-protection. Actively advocate enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and provide support for migrant workers to strengthen contact and communication with left-behind minor children. Implement relevant policies and measures to support migrant workers returning to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship, and reduce the phenomenon of left-behind children from the source.
  9. Establish and improve the service mechanism for migrant children. Actively and steadily advance the reform of the household registration system and social security system, promote the equalization of basic public services for the urban permanent population, and ensure that migrant children have equal access to basic public services such as education, medical care, and health care. Improve the community-based management and service network for families of migrant children, enhance professional service capabilities, and promote the community integration of migrant children and their families.
  10. Promote the implementation of children’s nutrition improvement projects. Consolidate the results of child nutrition improvement projects and expand project coverage. Deeply promote the ” Rural Compulsory Education Students Nutrition Improvement Plan ” and improve the financial and family cost -sharing mechanism. Strengthen the nutrition improvement work of preschool children aged 3 to 5 years old, explore and implement nutrition improvement plans for rural children in kindergarten , and build a continuous and complete support system for children’s nutrition improvement projects from infancy to school age.
  11. Carry out multi-dimensional comprehensive early childhood services. Improve the policy system to support the early development and care services of infants and young children. Strengthen support and services for families to promote the early development of infants and young children, promote early childhood development services into communities and families, and enhance families’ scientific parenting capabilities. Explore and promote early development service models suitable for children in rural areas and children in difficulties, such as home visiting guidance. Actively develop various forms of infant and child care service institutions, and plan and build comprehensive demonstration childcare service institutions and community childcare service facilities that can assume the guidance function. Explore service models such as integrated childcare, community childcare service sites , and family mutual childcare, and provide diversified services such as full-day care, half-day care, hourly care, and temporary care. Encourage qualified employers to provide infant and child care services. Support enterprises, institutions, social organizations and other social forces to rely on communities to carry out diversified inclusive childcare services.
  12. Improve the construction, management and service levels of children’s homes. Improve the work pattern of government leadership, departmental coordination, multi-party participation, and joint construction of children’s homes, and consolidate and increase the coverage of children’s homes. Improve the construction standards, work systems and management regulations of children’s homes, equip them with full-time and part-time staff, give full play to the role of community children’s directors and women’s federation executive committee members, and improve management and use efficiency. Guarantee the service hours of children’s homes, expand service content, ensure service safety, introduce qualified social organizations through purchasing services, project cooperation, etc. to provide professional and refined services for children, and give full play to the role of children’s homes in grassroots social governance and children’s care. protection.
  13. Establish and improve grassroots child protection mechanisms. Improve the child protection mechanism at the three levels of city, town (street), and village ( community ). Urge schools, kindergartens, daycare institutions, medical institutions, child welfare institutions, minor protection institutions, village (residents) committees and other entities to strengthen their awareness of proactive reporting and fulfill their mandatory reporting obligations for children in distress and children who have been victims of violence. Relying on the 12345 government service hotline, we will promptly accept and refer complaints and reports that infringe on children’s legitimate rights and interests, explore and improve the integrated work process of receipt, evaluation, disposal, and assistance, clarify the work responsibilities and collaboration procedures of relevant departments, and form a “one-stop acceptance” , collaborative management” working mechanism.
  14. Improve the service capabilities of minors’ rescue and protection agencies, child welfare agencies and grassroots children’s work teams. Promote the optimization and quality improvement of child welfare institutions that undertake centralized parenting functions. Promote the integrated development of child welfare institutions with parenting, rehabilitation, education, medical care, and social work . Improve the professional level of serving scattered orphans, left-behind children, de facto unsupported children and other children in need. Staff of minors’ rescue and protection institutions, township (street) children’s supervisors, and village (community) children’s directors are all equipped to implement their respective work responsibilities . Increase the training of grassroots children’s workers such as child supervisors and children’s directors to improve service capabilities. Actively explore the establishment of a child director subsidy system .
  15. Support and guide social forces to participate in child protection and services. Through government entrustment, project cooperation, key promotion, incubation support, etc., we will actively cultivate social organizations and voluntary service organizations that serve children. Incorporate more eligible child protection and service matters into the government’s guidance catalog for purchasing services, and actively guide social organizations that serve children to provide services to urban and rural communities, families, and schools. Strengthen the construction of professional teams for children’s social work and improve service levels. We will guide social resources toward rural and mountainous areas and support the development of local social organizations that serve children .

(5) Children and families

main target:

  1. Give full play to the role of the family as the first school to cultivate moral integrity, educate children to actively practice the core socialist values, and cultivate children’s good thoughts, good habits, and good moral character.
  2. Respect children’s status as subjects, protect children’s rights to participate equally in their own and family affairs, and establish an equal and harmonious parent-child relationship.
  3. Educate and guide parents or other guardians to fulfill the main responsibilities of raising, educating, and protecting children, and give full play to the starting role of the family in protecting children’s rights and interests.
  4. Provide scientific parenting guidance, support and services to parents or other guardians, establish scientific parenting concepts, and master scientific parenting knowledge and methods.
  5. Educate children with the new trend of socialist family civilization, and educate and guide children to actively practice and inherit good family traditions.
  6. A family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas has been basically established, and guidance service capabilities have been further improved. 95% of urban communities and 85% of rural communities (villages) have established parent schools or family education guidance service sites.
  7. A policy system to support families in having children and raising children has been basically formed.

Strategic measures:

  1. Implement moral education into all aspects of family education and family life. Parents or other guardians should regard cultivating moral character as the primary task of family education, lead by example , influence children with healthy thoughts and good conduct education, carry out ideological and moral education subtly in daily life, guide children to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and consciously practice socialism Core values, learning and inheriting the excellent traditional culture and revolutionary traditions of the Chinese nation, and cultivating feelings of love for the party, motherland and socialism. Strengthen the awareness of the rule of law and social responsibility, develop good thoughts, good habits, and good moral character such as patriotism and love of family, honesty and trustworthiness, respecting the elderly and caring for the young, helping the disabled and the poor, thrift, unity and friendship, self-esteem and self-confidence , and buckle the first pill in life. button.
  2. Respect children’s subject status and rights. Guide parents or other guardians to put children first, respect the laws and characteristics of children’s physical and mental development, protect children’s rights to rest, exercise, leisure and entertainment, reasonably arrange children’s study and life, increase physical exercise, labor practice, rest and entertainment, social Time for practice, peer interaction, parent-child activities, etc. Respect children’s right to know and participate, and value listening to and adopting children’s reasonable opinions. Education guides children to enhance their awareness of family and social responsibilities, encourages children to make independent choices, self-management, and self-service, participate in housework within their capabilities, cultivate labor habits, and improve labor skills. Guidance helps parents or other guardians adjust the parent-child relationship, relieve parenting anxiety, and resolve parent-child conflicts. Encourage and support various education, science and technology, culture, sports, entertainment and other public welfare facilities and places, urban and rural community children’s homes, etc. to provide conditions for family parent-child activities.
  3. Enhance parents or other guardians’ awareness and ability of guardianship responsibilities. Support parents and other guardians to create a good family environment to meet the physical and mental development needs of children, cultivate children’s good behaviors and healthy lifestyles, and improve safety awareness and self-rescue and self-protection abilities. All forms of domestic violence, including beating and abuse of children, are prohibited. Strengthen support, supervision and intervention for families to implement guardianship responsibilities, and provide classified guidance and welfare guarantees for families according to different needs.
  4. Extensively carry out scientific child care services. Follow the rules of family education, understand and meet the common and diverse needs of parents or other guardians for scientific parenting, and provide parents or other guardians with scientific and appropriate family parenting guidance, support and services. Help parents or other guardians to establish scientific parenting concepts and correct concepts of success , learn scientific parenting knowledge, master scientific parenting methods, respect individual differences, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and continuously improve the scientific level of family education.
  5. Cultivate children with good family traditions. Guide parents to play a role model and demonstration role, educate children to inherit the family virtues of respecting the elderly and loving the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, diligence and thrift in housekeeping, equality between parents and children, and unity among neighbors, and practice patriotism, love for each other, love for each other, upward kindness, and joint contribution and sharing. The new trend of socialist family civilization. Extensively carry out publicity and promotion activities for good family traditions that are rich in content, novel in form, and full of educational significance, and launch a series of family tradition cultural service products. Lead children to develop civilized and healthy lifestyles and consumption patterns.
  6. Build a family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas. Rely on existing institutions to establish family education guidance service centers to coordinate family education guidance service work, and rely on parent schools, urban and rural community public service facilities, women’s homes, children’s homes, etc. to establish family education guidance service stations. Build a family education information sharing platform and open online parent schools and family education guidance courses. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should improve the work system for family education guidance services and incorporate family education guidance services into school work plans and teacher professional training. Communities (villages) support and assist family education guidance service sites in developing family education guidance services. Encourage and support public cultural service venues to carry out family education guidance activities, and use a variety of media to promote family education knowledge.
  7. Strengthen support and guarantees for family education guidance services. Promote the implementation of family education work plans, incorporate family education guidance services into the public service system, include them in the government’s guiding catalog of purchasing services, and cultivate family education service institutions. Strengthen the management of family education service agencies and practitioners, and standardize the family education service market. Strengthen self-discipline in the family education service industry, research and formulate service quality standards, and establish an industry certification system. Government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations are encouraged to provide family education guidance services to their employees. Support social work institutions, voluntary service organizations and professional workers in carrying out family education guidance services in accordance with laws and regulations.
  8. Improve policies to support family fertility and parenting education. Optimize the fertility policy, reduce the burden of childbirth and childcare on families, improve the level of prenatal and postnatal care services, implement the maternity leave system and maternity allowances, and explore the implementation of parental leave. Implement policies to promote the development of care services for infants and young children under 3 years old and reduce the burden of childbearing and childcare education. Increase the supply of high-quality universal infant and child care services, and make the support and protection of children in need and their families a priority area of ​​family support policies. Accelerate the improvement of domestic service standards and improve the intelligence and digitalization of household services. Employers are encouraged to set up maternal and child rooms and child care service facilities, and implement flexible family-friendly measures such as flexible working hours and home working.

(6) Children and the environment

main target:

  1. Incorporate the concept of children first into all aspects of public policy formulation, public facility construction, and public service provision, and a social environment that respects and cares for children is basically formed.
  2. Provide a rich variety of spiritual and cultural products that are beneficial to children’s all-round development.
  3. Cultivate children’s reading habits and guide them to read more and read good books.
  4. Improve children’s media literacy. Protect children from the influence of harmful information in all types of media.
  5. Children’s rights to participate in family, school and social affairs are fully protected. Give full play to the role of the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in promoting children’s participation.
  6. Carry out pilot projects for building child-friendly cities and build a number of model child-friendly communities based on towns ( streets ) .
  7. Increase public welfare children’s education, science and technology, culture, sports, entertainment and other off-campus activity venues to improve utilization and service quality.
  8. Reduce the impact of environmental pollution on children’s health. Ensure that the proportion of days with good air quality set by the state is achieved. The penetration rate of tap water in rural areas remains above 99% , and the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas has reached about 85% .
  9. Improve children’s awareness of ecological environment protection and develop green and low-carbon living habits.
  10. When preventing and responding to emergencies, give full consideration to children’s physical and mental characteristics and give priority to meeting children’s basic needs.

Strategic measures:

  1. Comprehensively implement the principle of giving priority to children. Establish and improve the institutional system that promotes the priority development of children, improve government departments , relevant institutions and the general public’s understanding of children’s rights, and enhance their awareness of protecting children’s rights. Prioritize the interests and needs of children when formulating policies, formulating plans, allocating resources, and deploying work. Encourage enterprises, institutions, various public service agencies and social organizations to participate in children’s development and rights protection. Provide more public facilities and activity venues suitable for children in urban and rural construction planning and urban renovation.
  2. Improve the level of public cultural services for children. Produce and disseminate books, movies, songs, games, radio and television programs, cartoons and other spiritual and cultural products that embody the core values ​​of socialism and are suitable for children. Support children to participate in the protection, inheritance and innovation of the nation’s excellent traditional culture. Explore new ways and methods to carry out children’s ideological and moral education and cultural activities in cyberspace to enhance knowledge, interest and contemporary relevance. Support children-themed works to participate in major projects such as the National Stage Art Quality Creation Support Project and important performances and festivals. Social organizations and cultural and artistic institutions are encouraged to provide professional guidance and venue support for children’s cultural and artistic activities. Pay attention to and support cultural and artistic activities for key villages and migrant left-behind children, and narrow the gap in public cultural services for urban and rural children.
  3. Actively promote youth reading and family parent-child reading. Integrate youth reading and family parent-child reading activity guidance services into the national reading promotion service system, and give full play to the positive role of youth reading promotion in social collaborative education. Public libraries have separate children’s reading areas, public libraries’ blind reading areas provide convenience for blind children to read, and community libraries have special children’s book areas. Extensively carry out “family parent-child reading activities”, actively promote the collaborative cooperation between press and publishing, cultural departments and women’s federations, and provide guidance and training for family parent-child reading.
  4. Strengthen market supervision and law enforcement in the fields of press, publishing, culture and other fields. Establish a team of inspectors, information officers and volunteers to strengthen the review, identification and disposal of children’s publications, deepen the “anti-pornography and anti-illegal” work, and remove harmful publications and information such as pornography, vulgarity, violence, terror , superstition, and pornography . Clean up the illegal sales of publications and children’s cultural supplies and toys with vulgar content around the campus. Strictly regulate online publishing and cultural market management and law enforcement, and promptly rectify the spread of harmful information that endangers the physical and mental health of minors through online games, videos, live broadcasts, social networking, and learning mobile applications. Strictly control bad information and behaviors that induce minors to pursue celebrities without a bottom line, worship money to show off their wealth, and other value-oriented issues. Strengthen law enforcement in Internet business venues and entertainment venues, and investigate and deal with violations such as illegal admission of minors, provision of tracks and games and entertainment equipment containing prohibited content. Implement the main responsibilities of Internet companies and improve governance methods in product development, content review, user management, protective measures, reporting and handling, etc.
  5. Regulate advertising and commercial activities related to children. Regulate the broadcast of advertisements for products (services) related to children. Advertisements for medical treatments, medicines, health foods, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty products, and online game advertisements that are detrimental to children’s physical and mental health are not allowed to be published on mass media aimed at children. Advertisements for infant dairy products, beverages and other foods that claim to be wholly or partially substituted for breast milk are prohibited from being published in mass media or public places. Increase efforts to investigate and deal with relevant false and illegal advertising cases. Regulate and restrict arrangements for children to participate in commercial performances. Strengthen the management of minors’ tattoos .
  6. Strengthen children’s media literacy education. Protect children’s rights to use and participate in media. Incorporate media literacy education into primary and secondary schools, kindergarten education and family education guidance services. Through various channels such as schools, kindergartens, families and society, we will improve the media literacy of children and their guardians, strengthen classified education and guidance for children of different ages in using the Internet, help children master basic knowledge and skills on the Internet, improve their ability to learn and communicate, and develop Good Internet usage habits should guide children to resist uncivilized online behaviors, enhance information identification and online self-protection capabilities, and prevent addiction to the Internet. Provide conditions for children in rural mountainous areas , children with disabilities, and children in difficult situations to safely and reasonably participate in the Internet.
  7. Protect children’s rights to participate and express. Respect children’s right to participate in their own and family affairs, and cultivate children’s awareness and ability to participate. Listen to the opinions of children in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies involving children, as well as decision-making on major matters. Integrate children’s participation into school, after-school education institutions and community work plans. Support the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers and other organizations to carry out social practice and experience activities. Strengthen the construction of school class committees and student unions, and smooth channels for students to participate in school affairs. Carry out extensive publicity, education and training activities involving children.
  8. Carry out pilot work to create child-friendly cities and child-friendly communities. Encourage the creation of child-friendly cities and child-friendly communities with Huozhou characteristics that are social concept-friendly, policy-friendly, environment-friendly, humanistic-friendly, and service-friendly . Establish a multi-departmental cooperation working mechanism, explore standard systems and construction guidelines for child-friendly cities and child-friendly communities that are suitable for market conditions , build a number of model child-friendly communities based on townships ( subdistricts ) , and gradually promote them on this basis . Actively participate in exchange activities for the construction of child-friendly cities and friendly communities .
  9. Increase the construction and management of children’s extra-curricular activities. Incorporate the construction of children’s activity venues into local economic and social development plans, strengthen the construction of various patriotism education bases, party history and national history education bases, national unity and progress education bases, popular science education bases, primary and secondary school students’ study and practice education bases, etc., and increase rural areas Provide support for the construction and operation of children’s activity venues in the region and promote the barrier-free construction and renovation of children’s activity venues. Standardize the management of children’s off-campus activity venues. All types of public welfare education, science and technology, culture, sports, and entertainment venues are open to children free of charge or at a discount, and special areas for children’s activities are opened according to conditions. Give full play to the educational advantages of off-campus activity venues and create a brand of children’s theme activities with distinctive characteristics and wide participation. Expand children’s outdoor activity space and improve children’s outdoor activity facilities.
  10. Optimize the natural environment and living environment for children’s healthy growth. Control and treat environmental pollution such as air, water, and soil, as well as industrial, domestic, and rural non-point source pollution, and strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and water quality monitoring. Strengthen the prevention, control and monitoring of heavy metal pollution such as lead. Promote the standardized construction of urban centralized drinking water sources . Strengthen the upgrading and renovation of rural water supply projects to increase the rate of centralized water supply in rural areas, the penetration rate of tap water, the water quality compliance rate and the water supply guarantee rate. We will carry out in-depth patriotic hygiene campaigns, promote the rural toilet revolution in a classified and orderly manner, and increase the penetration rate of rural sanitary toilets to about 85% by 2025.
  11. Innovate and carry out ecological civilization publicity and education activities for children. Incorporate ecological civilization education into the national education system and integrate it into classroom teaching, campus activities, social practice and other links. Promote the construction of ecological and environmental science bases and environmental education social practice bases for primary and secondary schools, and carry out a variety of children’s environmental themed activities at the “Sixth Five -Year Plan Environment Day “, ” National Low Carbon Day “, ” National Science and Technology Activity Week ” and other nodes to cultivate children’s awareness of ecological civilization, Establish the concept of cherishing resources, protecting nature, cherishing life, and living in harmony with nature, and consciously develop good living habits of health, civilization, green and low carbon, and garbage classification.
  12. Strengthen the protection of children in emergency prevention and response. The special needs of children should be taken into consideration when formulating emergency plans. Develop standards for child protective equipment, and give priority to ensuring the supply of food, medicine, and supplies for children during emergency response. Schools, kindergartens, daycare institutions, off-campus educational institutions and communities carry out various forms of safety education and emergency drills to improve the ability of faculty, staff, children and their guardians to identify disaster risks and respond to disasters . When emergencies occur in public places, priority should be given to rescuing children. During the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction stage, priority rescue and rehabilitation measures should be taken based on the characteristics of children to minimize the harm caused to children by disaster accidents.

(7) Children and legal protection

main target:

  1. Ensure the implementation of laws and policies on the protection of minors .
  2. Increase law enforcement in the field of minors protection.
  3. Improve the judicial protection system and judicial work system for minors to meet the physical and mental development needs of minors . Ensure timely and effective access to legal aid and judicial assistance for minors .
  4. The public’s awareness and ability to protect minors has increased significantly . Continuously improve minors’ legal literacy and self-protection awareness.
  5. The civil rights and interests of minors are protected .
  6. Ensure that minors receive effective guardianship.
  7. Child labor and economic exploitation of minors are prohibited. Strictly supervise the participation of minors in commercial activities.
  8. Severely punish sexual assault, abduction , abandonment and other illegal and criminal acts that infringe on the personal rights of minors in accordance with the law.
  9. All forms of violence against children, including domestic violence, are prohibited.
  10. Illegal and criminal acts that use the Internet .
  11. Effectively prevent and reduce minors’ illegal crimes. Reduce the proportion of juvenile offenders in the juvenile population.

Strategic measures:

  1. Implement local regulations on the protection of minors . Protect children’s rights to survival, development, protection, and participation. Strengthen the implementation of laws and regulations related to minors, and implement legal supervision, judicial advice and legal supervision systems. Actively carry out judicial practice and theoretical research on strengthening the protection of minors .
  2. Strict law enforcement in the field of minors protection . Comprehensively implement the main responsibility for protecting the rights and interests of minors . Strengthen administrative law enforcement and promptly discover and deal with issues such as guardianship violations, domestic violence, potential safety hazards in campus and surrounding areas, and potential food and drug safety hazards. Explore the establishment of a multi-department comprehensive law enforcement system to ensure the protection of minors, explore the establishment of a coordination system for minors’ rescue, strengthen information communication and work connection between departments, and form an effective synergy of law enforcement, protection, and services.
  3. Strengthen the judicial protection of minors . The public security organs, people’s procuratorates, people’s courts and judicial administrative departments should determine specialized agencies or designate specialized personnel to handle cases involving minors, and strengthen professional training for personnel handling minors’ cases. Improve the evaluation and assessment standards for judicial protection of minors. Strengthen the coordination and connection between professional case handling and social protection, strengthen cooperation between judicial agencies and government departments, people’s groups, social organizations, etc., jointly carry out psychological intervention, social care, education correction, community correction and other work for minors, and strengthen the treatment of orphans. , judicial protection of left-behind children in rural areas and children in need. The minors involved in the case shall be protected in accordance with the law with their privacy rights, reputation rights, right to know, right to participate and other litigation rights, implement special procedures for minor criminal cases, and implement the system of separate detention, separate management and separate education for minors involved in the case and adults.
  4. Strengthen legal aid and judicial relief for minors . Relying on the public legal service platform, we provide legal consultation and other legal aid services to minors. Promote the construction of a professional legal aid team for minors. Ensure that minors who meet the conditions for judicial assistance receive multiple comprehensive assistance such as targeted economic assistance, physical and mental rehabilitation, living arrangements, and return to school and employment.
  5. Strengthen legal publicity and education on the protection of minors. Raise the public’s awareness of the rule of law and promote the formation of a good atmosphere for protecting minors in accordance with the law. Guide the media to interview and report cases involving minors objectively, prudently and appropriately. Improve the legal education working mechanism for minors involving judicial organs, schools, families and society, and improve the legal literacy of minors. Promote the integration of rule of law education into the primary and secondary education system and improve the systematization and scientific level of rule of law education. Solidly promote the construction of youth rule of law education practice bases, rule of law resource classrooms and online platforms, and use diversified methods such as vice principals for rule of law, case interpretations, and mock courts to carry out in-depth rule of law education and rule of law practice activities.
  6. Comprehensively protect the civil rights and interests of minors . Protect the personal rights, property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of minors in accordance with the law. Effectively carry out mediation work on disputes involving the rights and interests of minors, explore measures to protect the rights and interests of minor children during their parents’ separation during marriage, and protect the rights of minor children to visit, support, educate, and protect their parents after their parents divorce in accordance with the law . The inheritance rights and inheritance rights of minors and fetuses shall be protected in accordance with the law . Protect minors’ reputation, privacy, personal information and other personality rights in accordance with the law. Improve the system for supporting prosecutions. Carry out public interest litigation against acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of minors in areas such as food and drug safety, product quality, tobacco and alcohol sales, cultural promotion, and online communication .
  7. Improve and implement the guardianship system for minors . Strengthen parents or other guardians to perform their duties of raising, educating and protecting minor children, and regulate the behavior of parents or other guardians entrusting others to take care of minor children in accordance with the law. Early marriage, early childbearing and early marriage and dropping out of school are prohibited. Strengthen the supervision, guidance and assistance of guardianship, and strengthen the supervision responsibilities of village (resident) committees over the guardianship and entrusted care of parents or other guardians . Correct and deal with guardians’ infringement of minors’ rights and interests in accordance with laws and regulations . Children who meet legal circumstances are supervised by the civil affairs department on behalf of the state. Ensure that unattended children receive temporary custody in a timely manner in emergencies.
  8. Strictly investigate and deal with illegal and criminal activities such as the use of child labor. Strengthen daily inspections and special law enforcement inspections on the use of child labor. Strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises, other operating organizations or individuals, and online platforms that recruit minors to participate in advertising shootings, commercial endorsements, performances, events, program production, online live broadcasts, etc. It is strictly prohibited to employ minors under the age of 16 to engage in super-intensive physical labor, or to engage in high-altitude or underground operations, or to engage in explosive, flammable, radioactive, toxic and other dangerous environments.
  9. Effectively prevent and severely punish illegal and criminal sexual assaults on minors in accordance with the law. Strengthen publicity and education, improve the awareness and ability of minors, families, schools, and communities to identify, prevent, and report sexual assault, and implement a mandatory reporting system. Establish an information inquiry system for persons involved in sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, violent injury and other crimes, and improve and implement the employment inquiry and employment prohibition system. Strengthen case filing and supervision, and improve case filing standards and conviction and sentencing standards. Sexual assaults committed by persons with special responsibilities against minors shall be severely punished in accordance with the law, and crimes of organizing, forcing, luring, housing, and introducing minors into prostitution shall be severely punished in accordance with the law. Explore the establishment of a “one-stop” evidence collection mechanism for minor victims to protect minor victims from “secondary harm.” Implement necessary protective measures such as psychological intervention, financial assistance, legal aid, school transfer and placement for minor victims who have been sexually assaulted or violently injured and their families.
  10. Actively prevent and severely punish illegal and criminal acts of domestic violence against minors in accordance with the law. Strengthen publicity and education to eliminate domestic violence against minors and other behaviors that are detrimental to the physical and mental health of minors. Implement a mandatory reporting system to promptly accept, investigate, file and transfer cases of domestic violence involving minors. Make full use of measures such as letters of warning, personal safety protection orders, and revocation of guardianship qualifications, strengthen education and punishment for perpetrators, pursue criminal responsibility for crimes that constitute crimes in accordance with the law, and handle major and malignant cases strictly. Protect the privacy and safety of minor victims and provide timely psychological counseling, medical treatment and temporary shelter.
  11. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as child trafficking, luring and coercing minors into drugs, gangs, and evil. We will improve the long-term mechanism for anti-trafficking work that integrates prevention, combat, rescue, resettlement, and rehabilitation, and thoroughly implement the action plan against human trafficking. Effectively prevent and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as the sale of minors in the name of adoption and the use of online platforms to carry out human trafficking, improve the identity verification mechanism for pregnant women seeking medical treatment and the issuance system of paternity test certificates and birth medical certificates, and implement the child birth registration system. Any organization or individual other than the public security organs is prohibited from collecting information such as DNA data of abducted children, parents, and persons suspected of being abducted. Implement youth drug prevention education projects and carry out special crackdowns on crimes of luring, instigating, deceiving, forcing, and accommodating children to take drugs and traffic in drugs. Behaviors that coerce, lure, or instigate children to participate in underworld organizations and engage in illegal and criminal activities shall be severely punished in accordance with the law.
  12. Strictly crack down on Internet illegal and criminal activities that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of minors. Strengthen research on illegal crimes involving minors in cyberspace, and improve the public’s awareness and ability to protect minors online by interpreting the law through cases. It is prohibited to produce, copy, publish, disseminate or possess obscene and pornographic materials and online information about minors. Illegal and criminal acts that use the Internet to sexually lure and sexually assault minors shall be severely punished in accordance with the law. It is prohibited to conduct cyberbullying behaviors such as insulting, slandering, threatening or maliciously damaging the image of minors. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as using the Internet to lure minors into participating in gambling, extortion, and financial fraud.
  13. Effectively prevent and reduce minors’ illegal crimes. Strengthen the rule of law and crime prevention education for minors. Implement a graded intervention system for minors’ illegal crimes, adopt educational and corrective measures in accordance with the law, and promptly discover, stop, and discipline minors’ bad behaviors. Promptly stop and deal with serious bad behaviors of minors and behaviors of minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility that seriously endanger others and society. Improve the admission procedures for vocational schools, student and student status management, and transfer back to regular schools. Adhere to the combination of legal punishment and targeted assistance and education for minors involved in crimes to enhance the effect of education and correction and prevent re-offending. Protect minors involved in crimes from discrimination and realize equal rights in resumption of school, further studies, and employment in accordance with the law. Strengthen the grassroots foundation for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Organization and implementation

(1) Uphold the party’s overall leadership. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the people-centered development idea, adhere to the socialist child development path with Chinese characteristics, and implement the party’s leadership throughout the entire process of planning and implementation, in all fields, in all aspects and Each link.

(2) Fulfill planning implementation responsibilities. Improve and implement the planning and implementation working mechanism of party committee leadership, government responsibility, organization and coordination of the Women and Children’s Working Committee, multi-department cooperation, and participation of the whole society. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee is responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding, and supervising work, and the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee office is responsible for specific work. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people’s organizations combine their responsibilities to undertake the implementation of planning-related goals and tasks.

(3) Strengthen the connection between children’s planning and national economic and social development planning. Implement the principle of giving priority to children in the overall economic and social development plan and related special plans, incorporate the implementation of the plan and the main goals and tasks of children’s development into the overall economic and social development plan and related special plans, and promote the implementation of the children’s plan in conjunction with the deployment requirements of the overall economic and social development plan, Achieve the same planning, deployment, promotion and implementation of children’s development and economic and social development.

(4) Formulate department implementation plans. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people’s organizations responsible for planning target tasks shall combine their responsibilities and work according to the division of tasks to formulate implementation plans and submit them to the Office of the Women and Children’s Working Committee .

(5) Improve the working system and mechanism for implementing the plan. Improve the target management responsibility system, incorporate planning implementation into the government agenda and assessment content, decompose planning goals to responsible units and incorporate them into target management and assessment content. Improve the supervision and inspection system and conduct regular inspections on the implementation of the plan. Improve the reporting system, and the responsible units will report to the Women and Children’s Working Committee on the implementation of the plan and work arrangements for the next year every year. Improve the discussion and coordination system, and regularly hold women and children work meetings, women and children working committee plenary meetings, liaison meetings, etc. to summarize communication situations, study and solve problems, and deploy work tasks. We will improve the planning and implementation demonstration system and give full play to the role of demonstration units in leading areas through point-to-point and demonstration-driven functions. Improve the commendation system and commend advanced collectives and individuals for implementing plans in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) Ensure funding for children’s development. The financial department will incorporate the funds required for the implementation of the plan into the financial budget to achieve simultaneous development of children’s undertakings and economic and social development. Increase investment in key areas of children’s development. Focus on supporting the development of children with special needs. Mobilize social forces, raise resources through multiple channels, and jointly develop children’s causes.

(7) Working methods for innovative planning implementation. Implement the new development concept, adhere to the unity of problem orientation, goal orientation, and result orientation , build and improve a policy system to promote children’s development, improve the mechanism for protecting children’s legitimate rights and interests, and implement practical projects that promote children’s development. Through classified guidance and demonstration, we summarize and promote good practices and experiences. Solve key and difficult problems by implementing projects and doing practical things for children. Strengthen investigation and research on children’s development and rights protection to provide reference for formulating and improving relevant laws and policies.

(8) Strengthen capacity building for planning implementation. Incorporate General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on children and children’s work , the principle of giving priority to children , and children-related laws, regulations and policies into the party school training curriculum , incorporate the knowledge required for the implementation of the plan into the training plan, organize multi-level and multi-form training, and strengthen relevant government departments, The sense of responsibility and ability of relevant institutions and personnel to implement the plan . Use modern information technology such as Internet big data to innovate working methods and improve work effectiveness. With political construction as the guide, we will strengthen the capacity building of the Women and Children’s Working Committee and its offices, promote the optimization and efficiency of institutional functions, provide necessary human, material and financial support for better performance of duties, and provide organizational guarantee for the implementation of the plan .

(9) Increase the publicity of the implementation plan. Vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on children and children’s work, publicize the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and arrangements for the development of children’s causes, publicize the achievements of children’s cause development under the strong leadership of the Party, publicize children’s priority and protect children’s legitimate rights and interests, and promote children’s cause development. Develop laws and policies, publicize the content of children’s planning and the experience and effectiveness of planning implementation, and strive to create a social atmosphere that cares for children and is conducive to children’s development. Promote the participation of social forces in the implementation of children’s planning through policy propaganda and government purchase of services.

Monitoring and evaluation

(1) Strengthen the construction of monitoring and evaluation system. Conduct annual monitoring, mid-term evaluation, and final evaluation of the implementation of the plan . Implement and gradually improve the statistical monitoring plan for children’s development . The statistics department takes the lead in organizing annual monitoring. Member units of the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee, relevant departments, and relevant institutions submit annual monitoring data to the statistics department, and timely collect and analyze relevant data and information reflecting the development status of children. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee organizes mid-term and final evaluations, and member units, relevant departments, and relevant institutions of the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee submit mid-term and final evaluation reports to the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee. Through evaluation, we can understand and grasp the progress of plan implementation and children’s development status, systematically analyze and evaluate the achievement of plan goals and tasks , evaluate the implementation effects of plan strategies and measures, summarize experiences and practices, identify outstanding problems, predict development trends, and propose countermeasures and suggestions. The funds required for monitoring and evaluation work shall be included in the financial budget.

(2) Strengthen the organization and leadership of monitoring and evaluation work. The Women’s and Children’s Working Committee has established a monitoring and evaluation leading group, which is composed of responsible comrades from the Women’s and Children’s Working Committee and relevant departments. It is responsible for organizing and leading monitoring and evaluation work, approving monitoring and evaluation plans, and reviewing monitoring and evaluation reports. The leading group consists of a monitoring group and an evaluation group.

The monitoring team is led by the statistics department and is attended by personnel from relevant departments responsible for statistical monitoring of planning and implementation. They are responsible for the organization, guidance and training of monitoring work, formulating monitoring plans and monitoring indicator systems, collecting and analyzing data information, and submitting it to the Women and Children’s Working Committee. Annual, mid-term and final monitoring reports, compilation and publication of annual statistics on women and children, etc. Members of the monitoring team are responsible for coordinating the department’s planning and implementation of monitoring, analysis, data reporting, and improvement of gender- and age-specific indicators.

The evaluation team is led by the Office of the Working Committee on Women and Children, and is attended by personnel responsible for planning and implementation from relevant departments. It is responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the evaluation work, formulates the evaluation plan, organizes the evaluation work, and submits mid-term and final evaluations to the Working Committee on Women and Children. Report. Members of the evaluation team are responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation of the self-evaluation work of the department, and participating in the evaluation work organized by the Women and Children’s Working Committee. Support relevant departments to conduct special investigations and evaluations on outstanding issues in child protection and development, and the results can be used as reference for mid-term and final evaluations.

(3) Strengthen statistical monitoring of children’s development. Standardize and improve the child development statistical monitoring indicator system, adjust and expand child development statistical indicators as needed, incorporate them into government and departmental regular statistics and statistical survey systems, strengthen departmental age-specific statistical work, and promote the institutionalization of child development statistical monitoring. Establish and improve the statistical monitoring database of children’s development, support the construction of statistical monitoring database of children’s development in towns (subdistricts) , and gradually realize the interconnection of data at the municipal , township and village levels . Encourage and support relevant departments to conduct special statistical surveys on missing data on children’s development.

(4) Improve the ability and level of monitoring and evaluation work. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation work training and departmental collaboration, standardize monitoring data collection channels and reporting methods, and improve data quality. Use technologies such as the Internet and big data to enrich children’s development and age-specific statistical information. Scientifically design monitoring and evaluation plans and methods, and explore third-party evaluations. Improve the scientific, standardized and professional level of monitoring and evaluation work.

(5) Effectively utilize monitoring and evaluation results. Give full play to the role of monitoring and evaluation results in serving decision-making, and regularly report monitoring and evaluation status to the municipal government Establish a mechanism for communication, feedback and release of monitoring and evaluation reports. Strengthen the research, judgment and application of monitoring and evaluation results, provide timely warnings for monitoring indicators that are expected to be difficult to complete and fluctuate greatly , provide timely countermeasures and suggestions for outstanding problems and shortcomings found in the evaluation , and timely summarize and promote good practices and experiences . Use monitoring and evaluation results to guide the implementation of the next phase of planning , and achieve regular monitoring, dynamic early warning, precise intervention, and high-quality advancement of plan implementation. 

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