What is the Difference Between Cystocele and Urethrocele

The key difference between cystocele and urethrocele is that cystocele is a condition that occurs when the wall of the bladder presses against and moves the wall of the vagina, while urethrocele is a condition that occurs when the urethra moves from its normal position and presses against the wall of the vagina. 

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when one or more of the organs in the pelvic region slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. Cystocele and urethrocele are two different types of pelvic organ prolapse. They are also known as bladder prolapse and urethral prolapse. These two conditions can usually occur at the same time and are normally caused by vaginal delivery.

What is Cystocele?

Cystocele is a condition that occurs when the bladder drops or sags into the vagina. It happens when the wall between the bladder and vagina weakens. Cystocele can be caused by advancing age, overweight, childbirth, heavy lifting, straining muscles during childbirth, chronic coughing, constipation, repeated straining, previous pelvic surgery, and weak muscles around the vagina caused by lack of estrogen after menopause. Moreover, the symptoms of cystocele include a feeling of pelvic heaviness, feeling bulge in the vagina, lower back pain, frequent urinary tract infections, need to urinate often, leaking urine, incomplete emptying of bladder, constipation, need to push organs back into the vagina to empty the bladder, pain during sex, problems putting tampons, and pelvic pressure that gets worse with standing, lifting or coughing.

Cystocele can be diagnosed through a pelvic examination, cystourethrogram, and MRI. Furthermore, treatment options for cystocele may include activity changes, kegel exercises, pessary, surgery, and hormone replacement therapy.

What is Urethrocele?

Urethrocele or urethral prolapse happens when the urethra pushes into the vaginal canal or when the urethra protrudes out of the urethral opening. The symptoms of this condition may include vaginal irritation, a feeling of fullness in the pelvic and vaginal region, aching discomfort in the pelvic area, urinary problems such as stress incontinence, painful sex, and organs bulging out of the vaginal or urethral opening. Urethral prolapse is caused when the muscles, tissues, and ligaments inside the body are weakened due to aging, pregnancy and childbirth, genetic muscle weakness, increased pressure on the abdomen, and previous pelvic surgery.

Urethrocele can be diagnosed through pelvic examination and maternal ultrasound. Furthermore, urethroceles can be treated by using pessaries, using topical hormones, pelvic floor exercises, lifestyle changes (reducing obesity), and surgical repair.

What are the Similarities Between Cystocele and Urethrocele?

  • Cystocele and urethrocele are two different types of pelvic organ prolapse.
  • These two conditions can usually occur at the same time and are normally caused by vaginal delivery.
  • Both conditions can be diagnosed through pelvic examination.
  • They can be treated through therapies and surgeries.

What is the Difference Between Cystocele and Urethrocele?

Cystocele is a condition that occurs when the wall of the bladder presses against and moves the wall of the vagina, while urethrocele is a condition that occurs when the urethra moves from its normal position and presses against the wall of the vagina. Thus, this is the key difference between cystocele and urethrocele. Furthermore, cystocele is caused when the wall between the bladder and the vagina weakens due to advancing age, overweight, childbirth, heavy lifting, straining muscles during childbirth, chronic coughing, constipation, repeated straining, previous pelvic surgery and weak muscles around the vagina caused by lack of estrogen after menopause. On the other hand, urethrocele occurs when the muscles, tissues, and ligaments inside the body are weakened due to aging, pregnancy and childbirth, genetic muscle weakness, increased pressure on the abdomen, and previous pelvic surgery.

The infographic below presents the differences between cystocele and urethrocele in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

What is another name for cystocele?

Anterior vaginal prolapse is another name for cystocele.

Is a cystocele anterior or posterior?

Cystocele is anterior vaginal wall prolapse.

What is a urethrocele?

Urethrocele is a pelvic organ prolapse in which the urethra moves from its normal position and presses against the front wall of the vagina.

Summary – Cystocele vs. Urethrocele

Cystocele and urethrocele are two different types of pelvic organ prolapse. cystocele occurs when the wall of the bladder presses against and moves the wall of the vagina, while urethrocele occurs when the urethra moves from its normal position and presses against the wall of the vagina. So, this summarizes the difference between cystocele and urethrocele.

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